
Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

author:Baboon Entertainment

In 2006, Jiang Shan and Jin Dong co-starred in "Sad Mother and Child", in which the two played a mother and son.

But Jin Dong is madly in love with the "mother" in the play, this year Jiang Shan is 39 years old, and Jin Dong is 30 years old.

Jin Dong insisted on cooking for Jiang Shan in the crew every day, and also took her up the mountain to see the stars at night.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

But this sensational sister-brother love is not optimistic about everyone, and in the end, this 5-year-long love run is still parting ways.

After this, Jiang Shan seemed to be dressed as a "brother sucking machine", and several of the people she attracted were younger brothers.

Can't help but make people think, how much is Jiang Shan?

Even Jiang Shan with her children could not stop the enthusiastic pursuit of her brothers.

Today, let's talk about the story of "popular lover" Jiang Shan.


Jiang Shan was born in Jiangsu in 1967 and is a girl from an authentic Jiangnan water town.

And her family is not an ordinary family, Jiang Shan is definitely a proper "star second generation".

Jiang Shan's father and mother met in the theater when they were young, and both of them were the hottest opera singers of that era.

Before Jiang Shan went to primary school, she followed her parents to perform in various parts of the province.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

It is also the experience of running around as a child, which also makes her realize the charm of music and the charm of dance.

So since she was a child, Jiang Shan has shown her talent for art.

At that time, she thought that when she grew up, she would become an actor like her parents.

With the transfer of Jiang Shan's father's work to Beijing to become the director of the film studio,

So the family came to Beijing to live together.

After arriving in Beijing, although Jiang Shan's parents did not want to run around before, they were still very busy.

Since she was a child, Jiang Shan has been very independent, and began to go to the hospital to see a doctor when she was six or seven years old.

Although the parents were distressed, they really couldn't take care of Jiang Shan and her brother.

Therefore, Jiang Shan grew up with the support of her brother and two brothers.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Jiang Shan not only lives independently, but also never lets her parents worry about her studies.

At that time, due to the relationship between Jiang Shan's father, both sisters and brothers were sent to a key primary school.

Just in time for English to join the primary school curriculum, Dad wanted to let both children understand English,

Every weekend, he would take the two of them to the cinema and watch English movies with their children in their offices.

And Jiang Shan did not want to be a girl at all, watching the movie and sitting for a while and running away, lively and active and loving freedom,

But even so, Jiang Shan's English scores have always been much better than her brother's.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

In order to let Jiang Shan have a stable job in the future, her parents said when she was in high school,

You have a good level of English now, you can go to college to take the foreign Chinese college,

Coming out as an English teacher or as a translator is a good choice,

But Jiang Shan's "idle" personality, how can she like to be a teacher?

So after the college entrance examination, I firmly believed in my ideals and became the same person as my parents.

Jiang Shan chose to apply for the Central Academy of Drama, but this is the choice,

Let Jiang Shan regret it in college.


In 1987, Jiang Shan was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results.

When she first entered the campus, she actually had her own aura, not only because there were only 6 girls in the 87th grade of the Chinese drama at that time.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

And everyone knows that Jiang Shan has a very aura, and her parents are working in the studio.

So after entering the school, Jiang Shan had a lot of pressure in her heart.

But in fact, Jiang Shan had no concept of what kind of drama school was in her mind at that time.

Just to realize the ideals in my childhood.

But after starting her life in the Chinese opera, Jiang Shan found that the reality was not what she imagined at all.

Since the 87-level Chinese Opera is an experimental class taught in cooperation with the Beijing People's Art Theater, the purpose is to cultivate talents for Beijing Renyi.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Naturally, compared with other professional students, there is a very strict management,

Even Hu Jun, who was in the same class as Jiang Shan at the time, later recalled that it was time in Chinese opera, and he did not want to experience it again.

This is undoubtedly a very big test for Jiang Shan, who has advocated freedom since childhood.

At that time, her class had a strict teacher, and Pu Cunxin's father was a teacher of the 87th grade Chinese drama.

At that time, Jiang Shan was easy to run away in class, and she did not understand what the sketch homework was.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

The teacher has already assigned tasks, and each person has to rehearse 4 sketches within a week.

In fact, the current Chinese opera students may only arrange four sketch assignments a month.

It is conceivable that such a task volume puts a lot of pressure on the students of the 87th grade, and also makes Jiang Shan very headache.

After that, in order to pass the exam, Jiang Shan found the most capable students in the class who could write plots.

Then she cooperated with others to perform this work together, but the front foot just promised others to perform together.

When the back foot was rehearsing, she couldn't find anyone, so Jiang Shan at that time became a "problem student" in the eyes of the teacher.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Because she didn't have any ideas for writing the script, the teacher couldn't do anything about her in the end.

But God seems to have an extreme preference for Jiang Shan, although she rarely participates in rehearsals with her classmates.

When he was on stage to perform, he was able to finish the performance without stumbling, and he also received praise from the teacher;

In contrast to some of the Hu Jun in the class at that time, in order to be able to write sketches, he often walked the streets and alleys to find materials.

Stayed up all night rehearsing the work, but the score was still not satisfactory.

It is in such an environment every day, facing the pressure of 4 skits per week,

In her junior year, Jiang Shan had the idea of dropping out of school several times.

At that time, the way back for herself was to quit school and go back to Beijing Foreign Chinese University.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

But when the family learned that Jiang Shan wanted to quit school, they were so frightened that they rushed to the school to persuade her.

Finally, under the persuasion of a family, Jiang Shan finally figured it out and strengthened her love for performance.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

At that time, although Jiang Shan was not loved by the teacher, because of her outstanding appearance, she was a bit similar to Yamaguchi Baihui,

So she became a goddess-level figure in the school, but Jiang Shan was always indifferent to the pursuit of these people.

At that time, she was very interested in one of the teaching assistant teachers in the school, that is, Wang Zhiwen.

Because Wang Zhiwen graduated from Beiying, and at that time, the youth was very handsome and stylish,

As soon as he came to the school as a teaching assistant, he gained the hearts of many girls, and of course, Jiang Shan noticed him.

But in school, the two did not have any intersection, and even only had a few faces.

But because of this fate, the two people wiped out different sparks in the future.


When Jiang Shan was facing graduation, the teachers of Beijing Renyi also began to look for children in the class who were gifted in acting in dramas.

At that time, Jiang Shan actually did not have great hopes.

She felt that the degree of completion of her homework must not meet the standards required by the teacher.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Then after the list was announced, Jiang Shan was shocked, because in addition to the outstanding students in the class, Xu Fan and Chen Xiaoyi,

She once thought that the teacher had written the wrong person, but the teacher told her that it was you.

Because at that time, Beijing Renyi wanted to rehearse a drama called "Beijinger",

And the teacher of Renyi is to see that the "Buddhist" momentum on Jiang Shan is very similar to this Beijing girl in the play.

In addition, Jiang Shan is very good in the daily sketch performance, so the final decision is to have Jiang Shan in the candidate.

Because almost all the actors of that era walked into various theaters, Jiang Shan went to Renyi with her classmates.

But the life of the theater is usually very disciplined, and what time to go to work and what time to leave work will live a life of two points and one line,

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

And Jiang Shan's personality is naturally unable to live according to the rules every day,

At that time, a record company found Jiang Shan and hoped to cooperate with her.

Jiang Shan felt that this was god helping her, so she told Xu Fan and Chen Xiaoyi that I was going to leave Renyi to sing.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

After hearing this news, the two people were naturally very shocked, because at that time, the work of Renyi was equivalent to an iron rice bowl.

So he persuaded Jiang Shan, you see that several of our classmates are also familiar with each other here, and they can take care of each other.

And at that time, the theater had a rule that it was not allowed to go abroad to participate in any performance during the contract period.

You go out alone like this, and no one will stand up for you when you are bullied.

However, at that time, Jiang Shan's soul was already attracted by this record company, so she submitted her resignation application to the theater.

In this way, Jiang Shan went to the new company with excitement, but after the boss saw Jiang Shan's name,

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

I think this name is too common, I have to give her a stage name, let Jiang Shan debut with the name of Jiang Lina,

But Jiang Shan felt that her name was very good, and did not want to debut with a messy name.

In this way, Jiang Shan and the company did not talk about this matter, and Jiang Shan chose to leave the company.

At that time, Jiang Shan's family was very opposed to her resignation from Renyi, and at this time, Jiang Shan had no face to go home and live with her parents.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

She had to start looking for opportunities in the major drama crews in Beijing, because at that time, she was a highly educated actor who rarely looked for a role alone.

So soon a crew accepted Jiang Shan, and in 1991, she starred in the first step of her life work "Love in the Rainy Season".

Although this work did not stir up a splash, Jiang Shan and this play rented a small bungalow in Beijing to settle down.

But Jiang Shan's face, which is extremely similar to "Yamaguchi Baihui", has left a deep impression on various directors.

It also left Jiang Shan with more opportunities in the future.

With this time of appearance, director Zhao Baogang noticed Jiang Shan,

In fact, before this, Zhao Baogang noticed Jiang Shan and wanted to cooperate with her on "Longing",

At that time, Jiang Shan was filming "Love in the Rainy Season" and missed it, so not long after Jiang Shan finished filming,

She received a message from director Zhao Baogang, saying that there was a play that wanted to cooperate with her.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

The male protagonist has been determined to be Wang Zhiwen, and the female protagonist has not yet determined the candidate, wanting to see if Jiang Shan is interested,

And Jiang Shan, who was tormented by the pain of real life at that time, immediately came to her spirit after hearing Wang Zhiwen's name.

Isn't this the assistant teacher I had in mind when I was in college? So he immediately went to find director Zhao Baogang,

Zhao Baogang was very satisfied with her appearance after seeing Jiang Shan, but still gave her the script first.

Let her go back and see the character first, and then decide whether to play it or not.

I have to say that Zhao Baogang is really a "star-making master", and every female artist who has starred in his works has become popular without exception.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Jiang Shan also heard a little about this, plus the male protagonist was the first heart of the senior,

So Jiang Shan stood outside director Zhao Baogang's door after getting the script and slept in the door of the director's room.

When the director went out the next day, he was shocked, but Jiang Shan immediately stood up and said to Zhao Baogang: I act!

In this way, Jiang Shan starred in the TV series "Addiction" with the assistant teacher she had in mind.

In the play, Jiang Shan plays a little girl who is crazy about love, Du Mei,

The arrogant feeling of Du Mei's body is vividly displayed.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

And the curly hair in the play has become a popular trend in those years.

Almost every girl ran to the barbershop and asked for a "Jiang Shan head" to be cut.

And the emotional drama of Jiang Shan and Wang Zhiwen in the play also became the emotional benchmark of thousands of young girls at that time.

It can be regarded as the first screen CP in China, and Jiang Shan also exploded with this drama.

Become the public lover in the minds of all Chinese boys, and be fascinated by her.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Just when everyone is feeling a good match for Jiang Shan and Wang Zhiwen, the screen love road, and wants the two to be together,

And Wang Wenzhi actually had two feelings before this, both were two actresses, and the results were all unhappy and scattered.

After this play, there are indeed rumors that the two have indeed had an affair with each other because of the play.

However, Wang Zhiwen felt that there was no passion for Jiang Shan and broke up.

Although Jiang Shan did not get Wang Zhiwen's love, her career was by leaps and bounds.

Originally, she couldn't receive any script, and suddenly there were so many scripts that she picked her eyes.

But Jiang Shan took the side of the sword, and when her acting career exploded, she chose to sign a record company.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

And released his first album "Only for Me", and the song that exploded on this album was "Dream Water Town".

In this way, Jiang Shan became an amphibious artist who could act and sing in the circle at that time.

At that time, there were already theaters looking for Jiang Shan hoping to star in dramas, and Jiang Shan felt that her parents had always wanted to let her work in the theater.

He promised the drama "Divorced, Don't Come To Me Again", and the other lead actor at the time was also a popular artist Shi Ke,

Posters of this play are plastered all over the streets,

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

The audience had high expectations when they saw that the drama starring the two popular actors was very high, and the tickets were sold out very quickly.

But just before the start of the show, I don't know who leaked the inside information,

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Because of the contradictions within the theater, the drama was not discussed and could not be performed on time.

However, this word spread to the outside world but became because Jiang Shan and Shi Ke played a big name, which made the theater and the two people break off the cooperative relationship.

In this way, Jiang Shan and Shi Ke were put on a series of titles such as "ignoring the audience, playing big cards," and so on.

Because of this incident, the reputation of the two people also fell sharply as before, and they were also told by the drama theater not to appear in dramas again.

Jiang Shan and Shi Ke became victims of this "war", and they could not say whether they were bitter or bitter.


After Jiang Shan experienced this incident, although her career was affected by some,

But Jiang Shan still has a lot of previous invitations at hand,

So he took over the TV series "I Want to Have a Home", which he signed before the drama.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Jiang Shan saw Gao Shuguang of the same crew for the first time, and she wanted to spend her life with this man.

So the two of them grew love during the acting, and when They were in the crew, Gao Shuguang often pinched Jiang Shan's feet in front of everyone.

And Jiang Shan never avoided the feelings of the two people, often holding hands and going in and out together.

After the scene was filmed, the two quickly went to get a marriage license, and the next year Jiang Shan gave birth to a lovely daughter.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

But such a love at first sight will not last long after all, with the birth of a daughter,

The contradiction between the two people is getting bigger and bigger, and at that time, Gao Dawn was on the rise,

Drama after drama, after the birth of the child, almost all of them are brought by Jiang Shan alone,

In this way, the two people gathered less and became a superficial couple, and after five years of maintenance, the marriage lasted.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

The two still chose to divorce, and because the daughter has always been raised by Jiang Shan, the child was awarded to the mother.

In this way, Jiang Shan became a single mother, in order to be able to have a better growth environment for her daughter.

Jiang Shan began to play various roles madly, and in 2003, she starred in "Never Give Up" and won the Feitian Excellent Actress.

In the same year, he cooperated with Sun Honglei in "Conquest", and Li Li, played in the play, was witty and courageous, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

However, just when her career was improving, Jiang Shan fell into the whirlpool of love.

In 2006, she starred in "Tragic Mother and Child" and fell in love with the male protagonist Jin Dong, who was 9 years younger than her at the time.

But Jin Dong is very stable and mature, personally cooking for her to eat in the play every day, and caring for Jiang Shan everywhere.

Jiang Shan soon fell into Jin Dong's tenderness, and soon the two were together,

This sister-brother relationship is not a match in any way.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

But Jiang Shan and Jin Dong loved each other fiercely, and after the drama was filmed, they moved in together.

But one of the problems that have to be considered in this relationship is that Jiang Shan still has a child,

Since the child was already ten years old at that time and had his own thoughts, Jin Dong did everything in his power, but he could not win the favor of Jiang Shan's daughter.

In the end, in order to make the child happy, Jiang Shan proposed to break up with Jin Dong, who had lived together for five years.


After this, Jiang Shan felt that such feelings were particularly sorry for the child, so she only made one work every year.

The rest of the time, he ran to the United States to accompany his daughter's study and growth.

In 2010, Jiang Shan was photographed visiting the vegetable market with actor Zhang Bo, and the action was intimate.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Bo is Ma Yili's ex-boyfriend, but the article has attracted Ma and the two people to separate.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

What Zhang Bo and Jin Dong have in common is that they are both younger than Jiang Shan, and Zhang Bo is 15 years old.

After the photo was exposed, neither of them made any response, and it was forgotten by the public over time.

In 2012, Jiang Shan's "Man to Forty" won the Huading Award, and the following year she took over the comedy "Angry Child".

At this time, Jiang Shan seemed to have no popularity that had just entered the circle at that time, but the calm brought to her by the years,

This makes Jiang Shan have her own flavor when playing each role.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

In 2016, Jiang Shan and Zhang Jiayi co-starred in "Emergency Department Doctor",

In the play, she conquered many audience friends with her meticulous thoughts and superb medical skills.

After that, Jiang Shan always smiled in the face of the emotional questions raised by reporters.

However, in 2017's "Crossover Singer King", Jiang Shan said sincerely when telling the acceptance speech,

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Thanks to my lover and daughter, so the netizen Shunten touched the melon and found this "lover" turned out to be Tian Xiaojie.

Last year was the 53rd birthday of "public lover" Jiang Shan, and Tian Xiaojie was even more generous in sending blessings to Jiang Shan on social platforms.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

What has to be mentioned is that although Tian Xiaojie looks old, she is three years younger than Jiang Shan.

Tian Xiaojie also posted a photo of herself and Jiang Shan's mother and daughter, and it can be seen that the three people are very happy.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Today's Jiang Shan is 54 years old, although there are more than half a hundred people, but the spirit is still there, and the charm is not diminished.

Married to Gao Shuguang, gave up living with Jin Dong for 5 years for the children, did Jiang Shan regret it when he returned from a midnight dream

Looking back on Jiang Shan's life, the public opinion of "sister-brother love" runs through most of her life.

But fortunately, she still found the person she loved the most and started her happy life.

She was not immersed in the original explosion of Du Mei, playing different roles at different ages,

I look forward to jiang shan can bring us more excellent works in the future.

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