
Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie
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Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

In the star-studded Chinese entertainment industry, Jiang Shan's name was once like a dazzling pearl. In 1994, she became famous in one fell swoop with "Addiction" and became the "public goddess" in the hearts of countless men.

Her charm not only attracted the audience, but also made many well-known male stars fall in love with her. Wang Zhiwen was difficult to control himself when working with her, and Jin Dong was also deeply involved in it despite the age gap.

However, what is unexpected is that this goddess, who has haunted the dreams of many stars, finally chose an ordinary actor who is not well-known as a lifelong partner.

He is Tian Xiaojie, an unknown supporting role in the entertainment industry. What kind of magic did this seemingly ordinary man use to conquer the former screen goddess? Let's unveil this sincere love that spans fame, fortune and years.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Jiang Shan's life trajectory has been closely linked to the entertainment industry from the beginning. Born in a famous film and television family in Jiangsu Province, her father was a well-known director.

Such a family background has paved a broad road for her acting career. However, the young Jiang Shan was not enthusiastic about acting from the beginning. She initially had a strong interest in foreign languages, but eventually complied with her parents' expectations and stepped into the Central Academy of Drama.

In the academy, although Jiang Shan is not a top student, she also maintains excellent grades. Her unique casual and elegant temperament attracted the attention of many students.

However, what really moved her heart was the seniors who had already made a name for themselves in the entertainment industry, especially the talented Wang Zhiwen.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

In 1994, an opportunity befell Jiang Shan. She was invited to star in director Ouyang's new work "Love in the Rainy Season", which made her name begin to be known to more people.

Immediately afterwards, she played the heroine in the TV series "Addicted" and partnered with Wang Zhiwen. This work was an instant hit, making Jiang Shan a high-profile new star overnight.

During the filming of "Addiction", the interaction between Jiang Shan and Wang Zhiwen caused many speculations. Wang Zhiwen admitted in an interview that when filming some intimate scenes, it was even difficult for him to control his physiological reactions.

Such a rare confession undoubtedly intensified the speculation about the relationship between the two by the outside world. However, Jiang Shan always maintained a mysterious smile, neither denying nor admitting it.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

With the rise of fame, Jiang Shan's career is booming. She has not only achieved great results in the field of film and television, but also released a solo music album across the border, showing her multi-faceted talent.

Her charm is like a powerful magnet, attracting the attention of countless suitors.

However, just when everyone was speculating about which well-known actor Jiang Shan would achieve a positive result with, she gave everyone an unexpected surprise. At the height of her career, she suddenly announced a major decision that not only surprised her fans, but also caused waves throughout the entertainment industry.

Jiang Shan's love life always seems to be full of accidents and drama, which makes people wonder how her emotional path will develop next.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

In 1995, just when Jiang Shan's acting career was in full swing, she suddenly announced a decision that surprised everyone - marriage. What's even more surprising is that her husband is not Wang Zhiwen or other well-known male stars as speculated by the outside world, but a little-known rookie actor Gao Shuguang.

The beginning of this marriage can be described as lightning. Jiang Shan and Gao Shuguang met while filming the TV series "I Want to Have a Home", and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

After the crew was finished, they did not hesitate to enter the palace of marriage. This decision not only shocked Jiang Shan's fans, but also caused an uproar in the entire entertainment industry.

At that time, Gao Shuguang was still an unknown newcomer, and Jiang Shan was already a hot star. In the face of doubts and incomprehension from the outside world, Jiang Shan chose to turn a deaf ear and firmly embarked on this road of marriage full of unknowns.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Her decision shows her courage and determination not to be bound by the world's vision.

Soon after marriage, Jiang Shan gave birth to a lovely daughter named Gao Yixin. This name means "love", which shows Jiang Shan's cherishment of this relationship. The life of the small family seems to be happy, Jiang Shan is comfortable between career and family, and Gao Shuguang is also gradually gaining a foothold in the entertainment industry under the halo of his wife.

In the eighth year of marriage, Jiang Shan and Gao Shuguang made a difficult decision - divorce. The news once again shocked the public. They were once regarded as a model couple, but in the end, they could not escape the test of marriage.

After the divorce, Jiang Shan fell into a trough for a while. She openly said that she had lost faith in marriage, and even said things like "I don't want to get married again". The failure of this marriage has brought her a lot of blows and made her more cautious about her relationship.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

However, life is always full of surprises. Although Jiang Shan said that she no longer longed for marriage, fate prepared a new surprise for her. In the days that follow, she will meet someone who will change her life, someone who will rekindle her hope for love.

Although this eight-year marriage ended in failure, it left Jiang Shan with the most precious gift - her daughter Gao Yixin. It is precisely because of the existence of her daughter that Jiang Shan is always extra cautious in her future emotional choices.

This experience also made her more aware of what she really needed, paving the way for her to encounter true happiness in the future.

Time flies, and the years have not worn out Jiang Shan's charm. Just when she thought she had lost hope in love, fate blinked at her again. During the filming of the TV series "Sad Mother and Son", Jiang Shan met actor Jin Dong, who was nine years younger than him.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Despite the age gap, there was an unexpected spark between the two.

Jin Dong was deeply attracted by Jiang Shan's mature and elegant temperament. In his eyes, Jiang Shan is not only an excellent actor, but also a charming woman. And Jiang Shan was also impressed by Jin Dong's talent and thoughtfulness.

They play mother and son in the play, but there is a love beyond age outside the play.

The relationship came quickly, passionately, and heartwarmingly. The two soon fell in love and even began to live together. Their relationship has sparked widespread attention and discussion from the outside world.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Many people were surprised by the lovers who crossed the ages, but more than that, it was a blessing. Jiang Shan seemed to have been reborn, and bloomed with a long-lost brilliance in the company of Jin Dong.

However, the reality is always cruel. When the relationship between the two gradually stabilized, and even had plans to get married, an unexpected obstacle appeared. Jiang Shan's daughter, Gao Yixin, expressed strong opposition to her mother's new relationship.

As a teenage girl, Gao Yixin found it difficult to accept that her mother was with a man who was not much older than herself.

Faced with her daughter's resistance, Jiang Shan fell into a dilemma. She is deeply in love with Jin Dong and longs to regain her happiness. But at the same time, her daughter's feelings also made her unable to ignore.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Jiang Shan began to hesitate and began to reflect on the future of this relationship.

After a painful struggle, Jiang Shan finally chose her daughter. She reluctantly left Jin Dong and returned to her single life again. This decision undoubtedly made it very painful for the two people who loved each other, but Jiang Shan knew that as a mother, her daughter would always be the most important person in her life.

The end of this relationship made Jiang Shan fall into the confusion of love again. She began to wonder if she could still find true happiness. However, it was this experience that made Jiang Shan more clear about the first things in her life.

She realized that her future partner would not only love her, but also be able to accept her daughter and integrate into her family.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Although this relationship ended in regret, it made Jiang Shan re-experience the sweetness of love. Her heart rekindled the expectation of love, and she was ready to meet the true destiny in the future.

Jiang Shan firmly believes that the happiness that truly belongs to her will eventually come at the right time.

The gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently. At an ordinary gathering of friends, Jiang Shan met a seemingly ordinary man - Tian Xiaojie.

This unknown actor, with his sincerity and thoughtfulness, gradually entered Jiang Shan's heart.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

Tian Xiaojie's life trajectory is very different from Jiang Shan. He came from an ordinary background, his family was not wealthy, and he even had to drop out of school at a young age for financial reasons. To make a living, he worked as an auto mechanic and also drove a truck for a food company.

However, fate always seemed to work against him, and none of these jobs allowed him to find his way in life.

It wasn't until she was 28 years old that Tian Xiaojie decided to regain her acting dream. Regardless of his age, he resolutely came to Beijing and studied hard in a simple basement.

In the end, at the age of 29, he got his wish and was admitted to the acting college class of the Central Academy of Drama.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

After meeting Jiang Shan, Tian Xiaojie showed a unique gentleness and thoughtfulness. He knew Jiang Shan's past and knew the important position of his daughter in her heart. In order to win Jiang Shan's heart, he spared no effort to care for Jiang Shan's mother and daughter.

He often cooks for them in his spare time, and impresses Jiang Shan and her daughter with his sincere actions.

Tian Xiaojie's carefulness and patience finally melted Jiang Shan's heart defense. Their feelings flow slowly like a stream, without vigorous passion, but full of warmth and security.

This relationship allowed Jiang Shan to regain her inner peace and happiness.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

In the process of getting along with Tian Xiaojie, Jiang Shan gradually found inner peace. This ordinary and sincere man not only won Jiang Shan's heart, but also successfully won Gao Yixin's love.

He proved his sincerity with practical actions and became an indispensable member of the family.

An accident strengthened Jiang Shan's determination. When her father suddenly became seriously ill and needed to be taken care of, Tian Xiaojie did not hesitate to step forward. He took care of his father-in-law, whom he had never met, and showed an extraordinary sense of responsibility and responsibility.

This move deeply touched Jiang Shan and made her see the depth of this man's character and love.

Jiang Shan, who Wang Zhiwen and Jin Dong didn't marry, why did she finally marry the ordinary Tian Xiaojie

In the end, Jiang Shan made a decision that surprised everyone - she chose to spend the rest of her life with Tian Xiaojie. This decision may puzzle many people, but for Jiang Shan, it is the happiest choice in her life.

In this relationship, Jiang Shan found true peace and happiness. She no longer pursues vigorous love, but chooses ordinary but sincere companionship. Their union is like a calm lake, without stormy waves, but with deep warmth.

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