
Does not like to socialize and are particularly sensitive to the evaluation of others, is there a psychological problem?

Does not like to socialize and are particularly sensitive to the evaluation of others, is there a psychological problem?

Some friends do not like to socialize, are particularly sensitive to the evaluation of others, and are troubled and even doubt whether they have psychological problems.

Go to a psychiatrist, and there is some resistance in your heart; go online and search or do some test scales... Good guys, if you are not careful to be "diagnosed", one of the situations you may encounter is "avoidant personality disorder".

In fact, it is difficult to generalize whether there are psychological problems or related diseases in such situations; there may also be errors in online self-examination or self-testing, which requires professionals to analyze and identify specifically, and then come up with targeted improvement methods.

Today, we will first introduce one of the psychological problems that is often misunderstood to sit in the right place - "avoidant personality disorder", hoping that you can reduce unnecessary trouble after reading it.

If you really suspect that you have a related problem, please put aside your hesitation and seek medical attention in time.

Does avoidant personality disorder just not like to socialize?


In fact, people with avoidant personality disorder are eager to participate in social interactions and to be accepted by others. However, they think they are socially inferior; at the same time, they think that others will criticize and reject them, so they develop social avoidance behavior.

Avoidant personality disorder is not a dislike of socializing, but a contradictory state of mind that is both eager and afraid.

On the other hand, some people don't like to socialize simply because they like to be alone, not because they are afraid of being criticized or rejected by others, and this situation is not avoidant personality disorder.

So what is avoidant personality disorder? What are the specific manifestations?

Avoidant personality disorder is a type of personality disorder. It has the basic characteristics of a personality disorder, such as:

Have some persistent, rigid psychological experience or behavioral manifestations;

Usually manifested from adolescence or early adulthood;

It can cause psychological pain to the patient or have a serious impact on life.

In addition to having these basic features, its most obvious features are:

Very shy;

Insufficient ability to feel self;

Very sensitive to rejection and bad evaluations from others.

Does not like to socialize and are particularly sensitive to the evaluation of others, is there a psychological problem?

Image source: Figureworm Creative

Manifestations of avoidant personality disorder include:

Have a strong inferiority complex, low self-evaluation, insufficient confidence in their own strengths, and excessive frustration with their weaknesses;

Oversensitive to rejection, criticism, snubs, rejection, etc. of others;

Appears to be weak and timid in social aspects, easily feels nervous and anxious, and rarely participates in social activities;

I want to be recognized and accepted by others, but I am afraid of rejection, and my inner conflict is uneasy.

Note: True "avoidant personality disorder" has certain diagnostic criteria. If you suspect that you have such a condition and are deeply troubled, it is recommended to seek medical help in time.

The author of the entry

Sun Limin, Master of Science, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University

Audit specialists

Shulin Chen, Professor, Department of Behavior and Science, Zhejiang University, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Psychiatry

Planning and production

Curated by: Monkey Pigeon | Executive Producer: BruceLi

Typography: Yu Kai

Image source: Doctor Lilac Content Team

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