
The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

Wen | Jingma

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

Jingjing's cousin Linlin is a beautiful and cute little girl, but it is regrettable that she is deaf and mute!

Linlin's family has 5 brothers and sisters, she is the second child in the family, because there are more children in the family, the economic conditions are not very good, so the child was born at home when he was born, and he did not do hearing screening in time.

And parents did not find out in time for the abnormalities in their children's growth, resulting in the fact that when the children could not speak at the age of two, parents took their children to the hospital for examination.

The doctor found that the child could not hear, so he could not speak, but it was too late.

The doctor said that if the child comes to check in a few months, he can also install a cochlear implant to make the child deaf and not dumb, but it is too late to come again!

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

And such regrets actually happen every year.

The "Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention in Newborns and Infants" points out that the incidence of permanent hearing impairment in newborns is 1‰ to 3 ‰, and more than 10 million newborns are born in the mainland every year, and at least 20,000 newborns with hearing loss will be added every year!

So now the child born in the hospital will be routinely screened for hearing, that is, to check whether the child can hear something, if the screening is not passed, it will be screened again.

After several screenings, if the child's hearing impairment is found, it will be recommended to go to a special otolaryngology department for examination.

If the child really has a hearing abnormality, it will be dealt with in time, such as a cochlear implant to help the child in the critical period of language learning, be able to hear the voice, and be able to learn to speak.

In addition to the child's hearing screening at birth, parents should also learn to observe whether the child has hearing problems.

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

Before the age of two, the child's hearing development control table is out, parents please check it yourself

★ Full Moon: When a sound is heard, the child blinks or stops moving

Many parents will find that their children who have just turned the moon, if they open the door and go in when they are sleeping, or close the door louder, the child will involuntarily jump up all over the body, which is actually a good thing, indicating that the child can hear the sound.

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

★2 months: There will be a reaction when you hear a sudden sound

For example, when the child is sleeping, the mother's mobile phone on the desktop suddenly rings, and the child may be awakened.

Or the child is playing happily, babbling, and when he hears his mother talking on the phone next to him, he will be quiet, as if he is listening to his mother, although he can't understand what his mother says, but he hears the voice.

★3 to 4 months: Start to learn to chase the source of sound

At this time, when the mother is shaking with a rattle in her hand, from the baby's left ear to the baby's right ear, the baby will involuntarily turn his head to find the source of the sound, because he can hear the sound, and his eyes have learned to track objects.

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

★4 to 6 months: Respond to your name

It is recommended that parents give the child a nickname as soon as the child is born, usually call the child, you will find that you often call the child, and suddenly one day the child seems to understand that he is calling him.

Let's say he's talking and he stops talking and looks at you when you tell him, or you call her at the door, and she turns her head in bed to find your voice.

The child can understand his own name, which actually means that he has begun to understand the content of the voice slowly, and it also shows that his hearing and discrimination ability is no problem.

★6 to 8 months: can understand some instructions

For example, when the child wants to touch the knife, the mother says no, the child will be stunned, and then dare not touch, or obviously the mother said no, she also secretly touched, she will have such a reaction.

When the mother takes the child out to play, when she encounters other children to say goodbye separately, when she shakes her hand, the child will also learn to shake her hand with her mother, which shows that he can understand the instructions.

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

★9 to 12 months: will call Mom and Dad

When children are 9 to 12 months old, some of them will unconsciously call "Dad" or "Mom", but this kind of call is unconscious at the beginning.

It is recommended that parents seize this opportunity when the child is unconscious, and when he calls Dad, they can point to Dad and say that this is Dad, and when he calls Mom, they can point to Mom and say that this is Mom.

Let the child combine the sounds he makes with the objects and slowly learn to speak.

The child's hearing development control table is out, and parents carefully control it to detect it early and protect the baby's hearing

★1 to 2 years old: Understand the instructions and take action

When the mother says that it is time to eat, he will run to the dining stool, and the mother will say that when he goes to play, the child will find clothes for himself, or even wear clothes and shoes with clumsy movements.

Parents should pay attention to observing the children's reactions to the parents' voice and language at different ages, if it is lagging or slow, it is recommended that mothers take their children to a special hospital for examination.

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