
Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence

author:Day a row David

Construction Sands Construction Sand

2022/02/07 ICL Construction Sand Overseas Market Dynamics

【Price Information】

Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence

Imported river sand

1. Philippine river sand, the domestic Spring Festival has been locally supplied

2. There are no export plans for The Malaysian River Sands, Pahang and Perak

3. The Baltic Sea Index (BDI) was 1423 as of February 7, up 3.05% from the previous week

3.1: BSI to 1594, down 0.19% from last week

3.2: BHSI to 990, down 2.09% from last week

4. The onshore RMB-USD exchange rate appreciated slightly, and as of press time, the onshore RMB-USD exchange rate was quoted at 6.3556

, an appreciation of 56 basis points from the previous trading day's closing price of 6.3612

5. Trading sentiment this week: decreased

Overseas dredging and reclamation projects:

1. Oman: Dredging of The port of Duqm was completed and the official opening ceremony was held yesterday

2. France: Secondary dredging of the Port of Brest to support the growing offshore wind industry

3. United States: $142.5 million for Project 11, Section 3 of the Port of Houston Waterway Expansion Project

Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence
Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence
Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence

Clinker cement clinker

2022/02/07 Overseas clinker intelligence

1. Indonesia: Quote FOB USD38-39/ton, high transportation costs

2. Vietnam: Quotation FOB USD42-43/ton, tight supply

3. Pakistan: Container quote CIF Shanghai USD53/ton

4. Bangladesh: Lafarge Holly Bangladesh sold $243 million for the full year 2021, up 27% year-over-year

5. India: Shree Cement's consolidated revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2022 was $430 million, down 2.8% year-over-year

6. Pakistan: Lucky Cement's independent sales for the first half of fiscal 2022 increased by 20% year-on-year

Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence

Cement cement

In 2021, cement prices continued to run at a high level before the Spring Festival, the post-holiday market started early, manufacturers for promotional volume, the price fell rapidly. In 2022, it is expected that the national cement price will maintain a downward trend, but the decline is limited, on the one hand, the price of cement and clinker before the holiday has fallen sharply, and the price drop space in some areas is limited, on the other hand, some regional cement companies implement staggered peak production, cement supply is tight, and it is planned to rise immediately after the start of construction, specifically:

1. East China: Before the holiday, enterprises implement staggered peak production, the operation rate of the clinker kiln line in East China fell to less than 40%, the clinker storage capacity ratio was about 60%, and the pressure on the supply side was not large; During the Spring Festival, some projects continued to be constructed, the downstream recovery was faster, and the demand side was good. On the other hand, the prices of cement and clinker before the holiday have dropped sharply, and the decline in the later period is limited, and it is expected that the stable and weak operation after the holiday will be stable, and there is still room for decline in some areas.

2. South China: Before the holiday, the overall operation of the south China kiln line declined, the kiln line operation rate and the storage capacity ratio were about 60%, of which Guangxi cement enterprises implemented staggered peak production, Guangdong operation rate remained high, market demand during the Spring Festival was almost stagnant, clinker inventory continued to rise during the Spring Festival, the supply side pressure was larger, and it is expected to be weak after the holiday.

3. Central China: Before the festival, Hunan, Hubei and Henan all implemented staggered peak production, the kiln line operation rate dropped to 40%, the clinker storage capacity ratio was about 60%, the market demand during the Spring Festival was stagnant, the market basically did not ship, and the market after the holiday was stable and weak.

4. Southwest: Before the holiday, enterprises began to strictly implement staggered peak production, the kiln line operation rate was less than 30%, the clinker inventory of some enterprises in Chongqing and Guizhou was tight, some enterprises pushed up before the holiday, and the market after the holiday was shocked.

5. Northeast, Northwest, North China: The northern region is affected by weather and environmental protection, the project start time has been delayed, the demand for cement in the short term is difficult, the supply side, cement companies to implement staggered peak production, is expected to open kilns after March, the market after the holiday to maintain a stable transition.

In summary, the price of cement in East China, Central China and South China still has room to fall, while some parts of the southwest strictly implement staggered peak production, cement supply is tight, and some enterprises have taken the lead in pushing up before the holiday; northeast, northwest, north China and other places are affected by severe cold weather, the market starts late, and the transition is stable in the short term after the holiday.

Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence
Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence

Silica Sand silica sand

The leading enterprise photovoltaic glass production capacity has been expanded in an orderly manner, and the spring of super white quartz sand has come


On March 29, Follett issued an announcement on the expansion of production, which showed that the 37th meeting of the fifth board of directors of Follett and the annual board of directors of Follett in 2020 deliberated and passed the "Proposal on Investing in the Construction of 6 Photovoltaic Module Glass Projects with a Daily Melting Capacity of 1200 Tons", and agreed that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Anhui Follett Photovoltaic Glass Co., Ltd. invested a total of about RMB 5.8 billion to build 6 photovoltaic module glass projects with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons.

Follett said that the investment in the six photovoltaic module glass projects with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons is divided into two projects, the first project is invested by the company in Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City to build two photovoltaic module glass production lines with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons and supporting processing lines; the second is invested by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Anhui Follett to build four photovoltaic module glass and supporting processing production lines with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons in Fengyang County, Chuzhou City.

Follett said that this foreign investment is the company's response to the market demand for large size of photovoltaic modules and provide capacity guarantee for the market penetration of double glass modules; at the same time, it is also beneficial for the company to seize the development opportunities of the photovoltaic glass market with the help of the cost advantages of large kilns and differentiated product positioning, and further improve the market share of photovoltaic glass, which is in line with the company's strategic development plan.


According to the announcement on September 9, CSG A intends to invest in the construction of CSG Group's Guangxi Beihai Photovoltaic Green Energy Industrial Park project in Beihai Tieshan Donggang Industrial Park, Longgang New Area, Guangxi, with an estimated total investment of about 5 billion yuan in the first phase of the project, with its own funds and external financing. The construction period of each production line is 2 years after obtaining relevant approvals. According to the plan, the first phase of the project plans to build two 1200t/d one-kiln five-line photovoltaic rolled glass production lines and supporting photovoltaic glass processing production lines, as well as supporting research and development centers, as well as 2.5GW photovoltaic module production lines, a 700 t/d one-kiln two-line electronic glass and photoelectric glass production line, supporting quartz placer ore and silica sand purification processing line.

It is understood that CSG has carried out large-scale expansion of photovoltaic glass production since last year, building 4 photovoltaic glass production lines and supporting processing lines with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons in Fengyang, Anhui, building a total of three new photovoltaic glass processing lines in Wujiang base and Dongguan base, and building a new photovoltaic glass production line with a daily melting capacity of 1200 tons and supporting processing lines in Xianning base. In addition, the company also supports the production base of ultra-white quartz sand in Fengyang, Anhui. With the increase in production capacity and the layout of ultra-white quartz placer mines, the company's costs fell, and the net profit of photovoltaic glass in the first half of the year increased by 80% year-on-year, exceeding the revenue growth.

Jinjing Technology

Driven by the expansion of demand and the support of policies, Jinjing Technology actively expands the production capacity of photovoltaic glass. Jinjing Technology's photovoltaic glass products are operated by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Jinjing Technology and a holding subsidiary, Ningxia Jinjing Technology Co., Ltd. Among them, Malaysia Jinjing Technology is located in Kulin Science and Technology Park, Kedah, Malaysia, the first phase of the construction of a 500t/ d backplane glass production line, supporting the wiring tempering deep processing, the annual output of 2.2mm tempered glass 25.2182 million square meters, as a thin film photovoltaic module backplane glass; the second phase of the construction of a 500t/d front panel glass production line, the annual output of 2.5mm TCO front plate glass original sheet 24.82 million square meters. Five deep processing production lines supporting the tempering of the joint line have been officially put into operation on July 1, and the relevant main lines are expected to start igniting in the fourth quarter of this year.

Ningxia Jinjing Technology Co., Ltd., another subsidiary of photovoltaic glass, is located in Shizuishan, Ningxia, and its main production line is the 600t/d "one kiln three-line" photovoltaic lightweight panel production line, which was ignited on August 30. The normal annual output is 28.495 million square meters (measured at 2.5mm), and the main products are positioned as the main accessories of large-size, ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar photovoltaic modules.

In order to seize the broad market prospects of the photovoltaic industry under the background of carbon neutrality, the company intends to further build two ultra-white rolled photovoltaic glass production lines of Ningxia Jinjing 1000t/d and Malaysia Jinjing 1000t/d to increase production capacity. In addition, the company will also iteratively upgrade the existing production line to increase the layout of the photovoltaic glass business.


As a leading enterprise in the field of deep processing of photovoltaic glass in China, Amarton has a low gross profit margin of its products due to the lack of supply capacity of original glass sheets, the lack of advantages in the purchase price of original sheets, and the unstable supply of raw sheets before 2020. Since 2021, the company has continued to accelerate the expansion of glass raw sheet and deep processing capacity.

It is reported that the company's controlling shareholder Changzhou Yamaton Technology Group Co., Ltd. invested in the construction of three original piece kilns in Fengyang, Anhui Province, respectively, in April, May and September this year, respectively, the new original film production capacity (3 * 650 tons / day melting capacity) and the company's fixed increase in Fengyang glass deep processing capacity (about 120 million - 150 million square meters) matching, will meet the company's 80% of the deep processing capacity needs.

"The original intention of building a kiln in Fengyang was to solve the bottleneck of limited procurement of original glass by listed companies for many years. In addition to purchasing the original glass from the related party Fengyang Silicon Valley, the company also purchased the gap part from other manufacturers. Liu Qin, secretary of the board of directors of Almaden, said that at present, three kilns have been completed and put into operation, and the company will choose the opportunity to acquire Fengyang Silicon Valley through the issuance of shares, reduce related party transactions, and the company will also focus on the main business and become integrated production.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the three kilns that have been built, the production capacity of Almaden original film is expected to increase again. Liu Qin told reporters: "The parent company also has four new kiln indicators that can be built, this time it is four 1,000 tons / day melting furnaces, and the follow-up should be gradually built." At the same time, the layout of the upstream extension is already being implemented. ”


On April 30, Kibing Group issued two announcements, the main content of which is the establishment of photovoltaic glass production lines and supporting facilities. One of the announcements said that it will raise 1.335 billion yuan to invest in the construction of a new 1200t/d photovoltaic glass substrate and deep processing production line in Dongshan County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, and purchase land. The main investor of the project is Zhangzhou Kibing Photovoltaic New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., according to the enterprise investigation, Zhangzhou Photovoltaic is a wholly-owned grandson company of Kibing Group.

Another announcement said that it will raise 2.989 billion yuan to establish two 1200t/d photovoltaic glass substrate production lines, deep processing production lines and supporting wharf projects in ninghai county, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, in the Ninghai South Coastal Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. The main investor of the project is Ningbo Kibing Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd., and like Zhangzhou Photovoltaic, Ningbo Photovoltaic is also a wholly-owned grandson company of Kibing Group.

Both are wholly owned by Chenzhou Kibing Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Glass Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kibing Group. It is reported that this is not kibing Group's first foray into the photovoltaic glass industry. In September and October 2020, Kibing Group has issued announcements, saying that it will establish a 1200t photovoltaic module high-permeability substrate material production line project and a 1200tt photovoltaic high-permeability backplate material and deep processing project.

Luoyang glass

On October 8, Luoyang Glass issued an announcement on the proposed establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary and investment in the construction of solar photovoltaic cell packaging materials project, the company intends to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary Officiated China National Building Materials (Luoyang) New Energy Co., Ltd. (tentative name, the final result of the approval of the local administrative department for industry and commerce) and invest in the construction of solar photovoltaic cell packaging materials project as the main body, the total investment amount is expected to be RMB 2.294 billion.

According to the announcement, the investment and construction content includes the construction of two 1200t/d solar photovoltaic cell packaging material substrate production lines and supporting 12 deep processing production lines, as well as air pressure stations, circulating water systems, substations, waste heat power stations, flue gas treatment, rooftop power generation and other supporting facilities and office and living facilities such as dormitories, office buildings and canteens. The total construction period of the project is expected to be 30 months, which will be built in two phases. The first-line project of the project is planned to start construction from January 2022, and it is planned to reach the standard of trial production by the end of June 2023; the second-line project of the project is scheduled to start construction in July 2023 and is scheduled to reach the production standard by the end of June 2024. The announcement also shows that after the project is completed and put into operation, it will further enhance the overall strength and market competitiveness of the company's photovoltaic glass business, improve the company's profitability, and enhance the company's competitiveness and sustainable development ability in the industry.

Deli shares

On April 21, a person from the securities department of Deli Co., Ltd. told the Financial Associated Press that the photovoltaic glass project plans to ignite the kiln at the end of this year, and the daily production capacity is expected to be 1,000 tons, and the daily production capacity of the project will reach 2,000 tons at the end of next year. According to the announcement, Deli co., Ltd. signed the "Long-term Purchase Agreement for Photovoltaic Glass" with 10 wholly-owned subsidiaries of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to reach a cooperation intention on the sale of photovoltaic glass. The contract performance period is from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026, with a cooperation volume of not less than 250 million square meters, and the total estimated contract amount is about 5.531 billion yuan, accounting for 706% of the company's audited main business income of 783.32 million yuan in 2020.

CLP Rainbow

On the morning of December 28, 2020, CLP Rainbow's photovoltaic glass project with a total investment of 10.6 billion yuan was signed in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. According to public information, the project will be divided into three phases to build 10 photovoltaic glass kilns and supporting processing production lines, all of which can achieve 75GW/year of photovoltaic glass

(Source: China Powder Network)

Nickel ore

On February 7, the price of LATERITE nickel ore FOB and CIF was temporarily stable, the first working day after the end of the Spring Festival holiday, the nickel price opened red to boost the confidence of the upstream price, and the philippine nickel mine in a new round of March ship bidding, it is expected that the FOB price will be high and firm. After the pre-holiday procurement of downstream nickel iron plants, the load reduction production state was maintained during the Spring Festival, and there was no clear bargaining on the first day after the holiday. It is expected that in the short term, under the support of downstream nickel and iron prices and supply shortages, nickel ore prices have room to rise.

This week philippine laterite nickel ore prices as well as Indonesian nickel iron prices

Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence
Week 6// Overseas Materials Trading Intelligence