
In 2021, the Zhang Li family, the "most beautiful patriotic supporting family" in Taiyuan City: patriotic support for the army has been passed down from generation to generation

author:Taiyuan Daily
In 2021, the Zhang Li family, the "most beautiful patriotic supporting family" in Taiyuan City: patriotic support for the army has been passed down from generation to generation

(Photo courtesy of Zhang Li)

Three generations of grandchildren have loved and supported the soldiers, regarded the soldiers as the most lovely people, and served the soldiers with enthusiasm. Recently, citizen Zhang Li's family was awarded the "Most Beautiful Patriotic Army Family" in Taiyuan City in 2021.

Zhang Li, 46, works at the municipal medical insurance center. "Although I am not a soldier, my family has had a deep affection for the military for generations." Zhang Li said that her grandfather Zhang Ugly and her grandmother Zhang Erni were both veteran Communist Party members who joined the party in 1946. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Grandpa was a secret communicator of the Eighth Route Army, responsible for transmitting letters to the Eighth Route Army. During a delivery of a letter, Grandpa was blown off his leg by a landmine. Grandma is the director of the Women's Rescue Association. She actively collected grain for the Eighth Route Army and sent shoes and clothes. One night, late at night, my sleeping grandmother was awakened by a burst of gunfire, hurried out to check, and ran in front of 3 Eighth Route Army soldiers, followed by Japanese soldiers who were in hot pursuit. Grandma hurriedly hid 3 Eighth Route Army soldiers in the cellar and deceived the Japanese soldiers. Because of her resourceful rescue of eighth route army soldiers, Grandma was rewarded with 150 kilograms of millet by the government of Luyang County (now Lu County in Yangquan City and Yangqu County in Taiyuan City). "Today, although my grandfather and grandmother have passed away, their revolutionary spirit and tradition of supporting the army and loving the army have been passed down from generation to generation."

Zhang Li's father, Zhang Chunliang, although he is too old to be old, is in good health and in good spirits. Talking about his 18-year military career, the old man has a lot of thoughts and feelings. "I joined the army in 1969 and joined the party in 1970. At first, he worked as a soldier in Inner Mongolia, and because he loved to write articles, he was assigned to serve as an officer in the political department of the army. At that time, some of the press releases I had written on the basis of the life of the troops were repeatedly published by the "People's Liberation Army Daily" and the Central People's Radio. Later, I was transferred to the Victory Newspaper of the Political Department of the Urumqi Military Region, where I served as an editor and reporter, engaged in military propaganda and reporting, and later became responsible for editing the Xinjiang Militia Daily. ”

Zhang Chunliang worked and lived in the Urumqi Military Region for more than ten years, and his lover and two daughters joined the army. "That good time in the barracks is forever engraved in my heart. At that time, our family was the 'happy home' that comrades-in-arms liked to go to the most. Come to the house to eat and chat, the comrades-in-arms are willing to tell me anything, and my lover and I will try our best to help the comrades solve various problems. ”

In 1987, Zhang Chunliang returned to Taiyuan to work. His home is still a frequent place for active and returning soldiers. As long as the Shanxi soldiers are demobilized and return, Zhang Chunliang's home will be stationed in and treated as a guest house and office, managing food and housing, helping to find jobs and find objects... Over the years, with the joint efforts of Zhang Chunliang's entire family, more than a dozen demobilized soldiers have found satisfactory jobs and formed happy families.

Today, Zhang Chunliang has long retired, but the door of his family is still open to the military. Taking over the baton of serving the military in the hands of their parents, Zhang Chunliang's two daughters continue to provide various help and services to the most adorable people.

"My sister and I grew up listening to the military trumpets in the army compound, and we have a different affection for the green barracks and the 'olive green'." Zhang Li said the main targets of her work include veterans, returnees and disabled soldiers. She strictly adheres to the principle of "military first". Any demobilized soldier in Taiyuan's jurisdiction who has a disability and needs to be identified, she will understand everyone's situation in detail and make sure that she has a good idea. If there is a need for hospitalization, Zhang Li will help them contact the best hospitals and the best doctors. If there is a need for assistance, Zhang Li will help them go through the relevant procedures in accordance with the policy provisions. I'd rather suffer myself, and Zhang Li would never let them run more errands.

"Soldiers are the great wall of steel of the country, the guardians of the motherland, and the people's dependence." We rightly love and support soldiers. Zhang Chunliang and Zhang Li said affectionately, "We do our best to send warmth and love to the soldiers, and their satisfied smiles are the greatest honor and happiness of our whole family." "Reporter Hao Xiaowei

Source: Taiyuan Evening News

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