
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector

author:Original agricultural classics
  • In order to balance the food and development of China's 1.4 billion people, the state has formulated the world's most stringent system of farmland protection, incorporating "cherishing and rationally using every inch of land and effectively protecting cultivated land" into the basic national policy, and writing basic farmland (now called permanent basic farmland) and the balance of occupation and compensation into the land management law. Despite this, arable land has been greatly reduced, driven by economic interests, directly affecting the feeding problem of 1.4 billion people.
  • To this end, the state established a land national supervision system in 2006, and sent land inspection agencies to Key Areas of China such as Shanghai, Chengdu, and Wuhan to supervise, investigate and hold accountable local land violations and violations. The establishment of the land inspection system has a major deterrent effect on slowing down the illegal conversion of cultivated land, the indiscriminate approval of land, and the violation of land violations, because the land inspection agency is only responsible for the state land chief inspector and reports directly to the state chief inspector.
  • The new Land Management Law summarizes the advanced nature of land supervision institutions and systems in various localities over the past 15 years, and directly writes land inspectors into the Land Management Law. This greatly enhances the legal status of the land inspectorate system and is one of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law.
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector
The eighth of the greatest provisions of the new land administration law: the land inspector