
Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices

author:Daofa Natural Qz

Article Author: Taoist Nature

If we all do what we can, we will really surprise ourselves.

Why some people succeed, some people fail, it is undeniable that everyone's luck and starting point are not the same!

But in the final analysis, we must work hard no matter what, be the best of ourselves, work hard, no matter what fate ends, we will have a life without self-blame and regret, after all, everything is still in our own hands, no matter what the end, we can ensure peace of mind.

Ushinsky once said, "If you succeed in choosing labor and instilling all your spirit in it, then happiness itself will find you." ”

Success or failure: it's all the result of your own choices!

Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices

1, what kind of behavior you choose, will lead to what kind of life

Life is not an opportunity, but a choice!

You can choose to be a good person yourself or a bad person yourself, but you have to pay for your choices.

If you choose to be lazy, don't complain about being fat;

If you choose to splurge, don't complain about poverty;

If you choose to procrastinate and escape, don't complain that the difficulties will get bigger and bigger;

You choose hypocrisy, don't complain that others are far away from you, and you can't make sincere friends;

If you choose to die for face, don't blame yourself for not achieving anything;

You choose to be vulnerable, and no one will be strong for you.

All plants and trees have the freedom to choose their own state of existence. —— Wu Youjian

Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices

2, if your life is a mess, face up to the wrong choices, immediately correct yourself

If a person is not a sage, who can be blameless?

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and good deeds can be great.

All good successes are established on the basis of mistakes, through repeated summaries and timely corrections. It doesn't matter if you choose a mistake for a while, what is important is to recognize the mistake, immediately examine yourself, and correct the chaos. Get yourself back on the right path in life right away.

Once Wuxia Amun, Shibetsu three days, when the eyes were impressed

Lü Meng in the Three Kingdoms period was a general of Eastern Wu, with excellent martial arts and outstanding military achievements. However, when he was a child, because his family was poor, he could not afford to go to school, and he could not read, and he was once jokingly called "Wuxia Amon, a martial artist." But Lu Meng never thought so.

When Lü Mengzhen was guarding the border pass, an important military plane wanted to report to Sun Quan, but it just so happened that the person who had been responsible for writing the recital took leave to go home to mourn, and Lü Meng had no way to personally report to Sun Quan on horseback.

Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices

At that time, there was no major incident, and the generals who guarded the border pass in general would not leave their posts without permission, sun Quan was surprised to see Lü Meng, and after listening to Lü Meng's explanation of the reason, he cried and laughed. He admonished Lü Meng: "Your reading, literacy, you are in such a high position, illiterate is inevitable to be tongued by everyone, I want to promote you again, I am afraid that others will privately disobey!" ”

Sun Quan also gave many examples to encourage Lü Meng, and finally touched Lü Meng. Since then, Lü Meng has changed a person, pushed away all the meaningless liquor bureaus, and concentrated on studying books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Liu Tao", "Chinese" and other books at home, and slowly Lü Mengtao's strategy and insights, even some old Confucian students could not catch up.

Lü Meng's official position has also become higher and higher since then.

When Lu Su was discussing with Lü Meng once, he listened to Lü Meng's opinion and couldn't help but be surprised, lamenting that Lü Meng's insight was extraordinary, and even he couldn't catch up.

He said from the bottom of his heart: "For three days, look at each other with astonishment." ”

Choose the right path in life, make yourself better, and it's never too late!

Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices

3, lower your eyes, abandon face, your surroundings are all wealth

Li Ka-shing said a very classic quote about face:

"When you put down your face and make money, it means that you understand things; when you use money to earn back face, it means that you have succeeded; when you can make money with face, it means that you are already a character."

And when you have been staying there drinking, bragging, sleeping lazily, still not knowing how to pretend to understand, and only loving the so-called face, it means that you can only do this in this life. ”

How many pounds of face is there? The harsh reality tells us that in life, a penny is not worth it, and it will only make you destitute and achieve nothing.

When an adult is still for the sake of face, not to earn the so-called small money, resulting in their parents, children's life is tight, it can be said that this person is the most faceless, the most irresponsible, the most failed person.

Once the president of a bank, resigned to do business with friends, due to investment failure, the loss of more than two million yuan borrowed, after painful thinking, resolutely went to deliver takeaway.

He ran a single number of championships for three consecutive months, and in the fourth month, he was promoted to webmaster and received praise from everyone.

There is no so-called face in life, only the courage and dashing of strong struggle!

Success or failure: It is actually the result of one's own choices


Hegel said: "People tend to call willfulness also freedom, but willfulness is only irrational freedom, and human choice and self-determination are not out of the rational will, but out of accidental motives and the dependence of this motive on the perceptual external world." ”

Dear friends, the right choice is too important for our whole life. Don't choose from comfortable, inertial psychology, but with reason, willpower, and wisdom.

Choose the right values; choose the right lifestyle; choose the right career; choose a sincere and kind friend; choose a good partner...

Success in life lies in the right choice!


Taoist Nature - Carry forward the essence of traditional culture and spread the classic wisdom of sinology.

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