
What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

author:Cheese-flavored civet cat

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? How do I learn to draw? Presumably, these are the problems that beginners in painting often think about, that is, they don't know how to learn to draw well, and then draw what they want to draw

So today's Spirit Cat Class has collected and sorted out some basic methods about beginners drawing eyes on the Internet! The tutorial is very simple, let's take a look at it

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

Determine the position of the eyes based on the contours of the face

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

When drawing eyes, it is important to determine the position of the eyes based on the contours of the face.

First, draw a vertical line that determines the contour of the face and the orientation of the face. Then, while observing the left-right balance relative to the vertical line, determine the position of the eye.

It is also important to note that the position of the eye is in a recess at the base of the nasal bone. If this position changes, it will appear unbalanced and unnatural.

Be aware of the line of sight to determine the angle of the eye

Once you have decided on the position of your eyes, pay attention to your line of sight and decide the angle of your eyes.

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

When deciding on the angle of the eye, the black eye is the focus. If you want to draw prone eyes, put the black eyes down, if you want to draw the eyes up, put the black eyes up.

In fact, when drawing dark circles and white circles, if you use the "vertical line" to outline the angle of the dark circles in advance, the left and right eyes will be easier to align, and you can draw very symmetrically.

Decide the shape of the eye to draw the upper and lower eyelids

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

Once you've decided on the angle of your eyes, decide that the shape of your eyes fits your personality, such as the long eyes of a boy and the round eyes of a girl. Once you have determined the shape of your eyes, draw upper and lower eyelid lines based on the predetermined eye position.

The upper and lower eyelids are important parts that affect the impression of the character, such as squinting eyes, drooping, etc. By drawing a darker line on the upper eyelid, the impression of the eye will be stronger.

In addition, the width of the left and right eyes will vary depending on the orientation of the character's face. For oblique faces, draw the eye width on the back slightly narrower than the eye width on the front.

When drawing the upper and lower eyelids, make sure the left and right eyelids are tilted the same.

Draw eye contours and pupils

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

Draw the outline of the eye between the upper and lower eyelids and the pupil within the eye contour. Since the contours of the inner and outer corners of the eyes are drawn according to the shape of the eyes, there is no need to connect them to the upper and lower eyelids.

The pupil draws a circle around the "vertical line" drawn when determining the angle of the eye. When drawing the pupil, make sure the left and right are in the same shape.

Painting a large pupil gives people an impression of youth, and drawing a small pupil gives people a feeling of adulthood.

Apply color and erase highlights

What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

After drawing the dark circles part, paint it with a pencil, then erase the identified highlights with an eraser.

Due to the structure of the human body, there are dents around the eyes. In order to give the eyes a three-dimensional effect, it is important to paint the upper part of the black eye deeper and the lower part brighter.

The position of the highlights also depends on the direction the character knows. If you put the highlight in the upper left corner, you can make the upper left corner conscious, and if you put the highlight in the top right, you can make it look like you are in the top right.

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What do beginners need to pay attention to when drawing eyes? The basic way for beginners to draw eyes

The above is the tutorial that the spirit cat class for everyone to share from the Internet, mainly to teach everyone the basic method of drawing eyes! The tutorial is very simple, I believe this tutorial will definitely be helpful to everyone, hurry up to see the ding~

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