
Take a look! Did you notice this when driving on a rainy day?!

author:Chengdu Huaxing Simon Volkswagen

Take a look! Did you notice this when driving on a rainy day?!

On a February day, the doll's face, said to change, changed

This rain yesterday,

Take a look! Did you notice this when driving on a rainy day?!
Take a look! Did you notice this when driving on a rainy day?!
Take a look! Did you notice this when driving on a rainy day?!

It's hot,

It's spicy and serious.

The next 2 days will still be rain and rain

Are you scared?

Whenever this time comes

Traffic police Shu Can be busy and broken

Add warning signs

Be on duty on dangerous roads

Guide vehicles and pedestrians to pass smoothly


Everything the Shu do is for the sake of

Minimize the impact of heavy rain on road traffic


What are the precautions for driving in a rainstorm?

Driving on a rainy day is safe


Confirm the traffic conditions

When encountering water stains on unfamiliar roads, the owner should not blindly move forward, but should first stop to check whether the road section can be passed. If the water has reached half of the bumper or tire, do not force it through and try to detour.


Tips for driving in a rainstorm

➡ Before driving in a rainstorm, the owner of the car confirms that the engine is running normally and the steering and braking mechanisms are sensitive;

➡ Hang the low-speed gear to drive smoothly into the water to avoid throttle or slam, to prevent water splashing into the engine and turning off;

➡ When driving in the water, stabilize the throttle, slowly pass through the water, and try to avoid changing gears or sharp turns;

➡ The owner of the car tries to look at the fixed target in the distance, holds the steering wheel with both hands and goes straight forward, and must not look at the current or wave, so as not to distort the line of sight to produce illusions, so that the vehicle deviates from the normal route and accidents occur;

➡ If there is a car wading in front of the water, zui should not follow it to prevent the front car from stopping due to malfunction and forcing itself into a dilemma in the water. If the owner has to drive on a waterlogged road or bridge deck with unknown circumstances, it is necessary to first find out whether the road section has formed a collapse or gap, otherwise it is very easy to cause overturning.


What happens when the vehicle is turned off?

If you accidentally cause the vehicle to stop, remember not to force the second fire. Forced start-up is likely to cause the deformation of important components such as engine crankshafts and connecting rods, bring damage to systems such as valves and piston linkages, and if serious, lead to direct scrapping of the engine. In this case, the insurance company does not process the claim. The right thing to do is to wait for rescue in situ.

Safety check steps after wading

After wading through the water, the owner should pay attention to the safety inspection of the vehicle.

➡ Empty a few feet on the brakes to test the sensitivity of the brakes after wading. Zui choose a wide and safe place to park, check whether the engine ignition system is immersed in water, and wipe its damp electrical parts with a dry cloth to prevent failures such as short circuits or broken circuits.

➡ The owner should carefully check whether there is drifting blockage between the radiator pieces of the water tank, whether the tires are damaged, whether there is water grass entanglement under the chassis, etc., and clean up the vehicle in time. The engine is then started, idled for a few minutes, and then dried the water and moisture on the engine.

➡ After confirming that the car is in good condition, the owner can drive at a low speed for a distance and consciously tap the brake pedal several times to allow the brake shoe to contact and rub with the brake hub to generate heat energy to dry and evaporate the residual moisture in the brake and restore the performance of the brake system.

Check the steps after the rain

After a rainy day, it is important to check the drains of the vehicle, which are:

➡ Lower door panel drain

➡ Tank drain

➡ Cabin drains

➡ Engine intake

Do not let debris falling from the wind and rain block the drain and affect the discharge of stagnant water inside the vehicle.

Tips for pedestrians on rainy days

➡ Be careful with "cannibalistic" manhole covers to prevent falling into potholes

Do not go to places where the water depth cannot see the bottom, beware of deep pits such as waterways and sewage wells. Walking in the stagnant water should pay attention to observation, if you find that the road surface has whirlpools, springs to go far around; also pay attention to observe whether there are special signs on the road surface, perhaps well-wishers remind passers-by because of the dangerous situation.

➡ Keep an eye out for wires around to avoid electric shock

If the water is soaked on a rainy day, please stay away from the street lamp pole to prevent leakage after the circuit is soaked. If you find that the wire is broken and falls in the water, do not deal with it yourself, you should immediately mark the surrounding area, and call the police in time to call the police.

➡ Stay away from unstable walls and old buildings

Heavy rains can make some of the slopes and buildings soaked by the rain for several days unstable, resulting in landslide accidents, do not hide from large objects, especially old building objects, away from the temporary walls of construction sites, and do not stand next to unstable temporary buildings, such as billboards. Residents should also put away the debris on the balcony, including the flower pots.

The article is excerpted from the Chengdu Traffic Police

Active time

From February 17, 2022 to February 24, 2022

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