
Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

author:Layton said

I have to say that the lucky star after the upgrade of the treasure chest this time is really top, and in the past, if you were lucky enough to open the treasure chest, you will have some rare costume fragments, and now the lucky star can directly open a new dress for you. My first lucky star today came out of the top tiara, if you open an ordinary box before, green and purple quality I don't know how many to open to spell out an ornament.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

On the other hand, after the Lucky Star came out, the original treasure chest system seemed to have been removed, and the event and pass and the treasure chest that had been hoarded before could still be opened, but after the opening, no new treasure chest was obtained at the end of the game. If you didn't encounter a bug, you would have been removed from the drop pool at the end of the match, and you can still get trophies and cookies as well as 3 upgraded chests per day for Lucky Stars.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

As for those who are worried about getting up to 3 lucky stars a day, will the rewards be reduced...... Let's just put it this way, this is a reward for a purple box, the number of cookies is not as good as the lucky star, and the good things given are all fragments, and it takes time to open the box, and it takes chicken legs to speed up, and I have so many chicken legs, isn't it fragrant for me to change my identity directly?

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

Take a screenshot of the little friend who hasn't experienced the one who is full of clothing fragments, purple clothing costs 120 fragments, I have a total of 6 in my hand, and these 6 are not 1 box for me, just make up 120 really, I conservatively estimate that no krypton gold will definitely not be able to make up for a month or two.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

Now the lucky star can open more cookies in seconds, and you can directly burst out of the complete decoration, which is much stronger than the treasure chest in the past, if you don't believe it, you will play the game to upgrade the pass, after level 80, you can get a purple box for every 5 levels, and see if the goods can be compared with the lucky star when you open it.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

Moreover, the previous box was full of 4, and no matter how much the game played, it would not continue to stuff the box for you, and it would take 8 hours to get a good box, and it would be a loss to accelerate the chicken legs, and if you don't accelerate for 24 hours, you won't sleep for 1 day, and you will open 3 big boxes, and the shipment is not as lucky as the stars, how do you think it's all good luck stars, boxes? I'm not familiar with it.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

Before July 14th, you can directly get a lucky star for free on the event page, and if you don't open enough, you can get one to continue to live a good time, I estimate that after a while, there will be lucky star-related activities in space killing, and there should be more than 3 lucky stars that can be opened in a day.

Say goodbye to the shards! Space Kill New Treasure Chest System "Lucky Star" allows you to get the full decoration straight away

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