
In the workplace, whether there are real friends or not

author:Next door Lao Wang emotional self-media

Text/Lao Wang next door

When it comes to true friends, we must think about what is a true friend, whether it is a two-rib knife, or can you support you with unconditional actions (lack of money to give money, lack of strategy to give strategy), or dew love of friendship?

In other words, in the busy first- and second-tier cities. Every young person who deserves respect has far more free time in the office to spend with his colleagues than he or she can spend with his family.

With colleagues, eating together, drinking together, lunch break, overtime are all together, as little as 9 hours, more than 10 hours. And it's all waking time.

So will there be one or two true friends in the workplace?

In the workplace, whether there are real friends or not

Look at things, we can't kill with a stick. So there are still points to the situation, but in general, in the workplace, there is no "real friend" is the truth, and some are more "allies".

Why do you say this: True friends, one or two people in life are enough, and most of these two people are cultivated during your schooling, even after graduation, they run different things and have different developments. When there is happiness to share with each other, pain to share, boredom to share, and difficulties, we will definitely help after helping.

The friends encountered in the workplace are basically profit-seeking friends, and even if they are mixed together every day, they cannot communicate with each other. But except for the time of relevant interests, two or more friends may be twisted into a rope, and the feelings of that time, needless to say, must be ferromagnetic, more magnetic than iron absorbing stones. But if there is an event with a conflict of interest, the good situation may turn into a porcelain rooster and exist separately from each other. In case the benefits can only be enjoyed by one party, the two absorbent stones are likely to turn over.

In the workplace, whether there are real friends or not

So do you really want to make friends in the workplace?

The answer is still yes: it must be paid. After all, as we said earlier, I spend more time with my colleagues than with my family. Why not make one or two friends and face your time together?

Good friend and true friend are two concepts. Therefore, good friends still have to have, you can face some emergencies in the workplace, and even eat and drink together to provide yourself with a good office mood.

In the workplace, whether there are real friends or not

Written in the end, Lao Wang hopes that everyone who has just entered the workplace, or the elderly in the workplace, can sincerely treat others, if the other party can not understand your good immediately, please give him some time to let him digest and understand you more deeply.