
Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

author:Trembling giant pandas

Oguri's wife takes her daughter to take a faceless person advertisement A somewhat shocking photo is confusing

The protagonist is Oguri's wife, Yu Yamada (37), who was used as a promotional model for GAP this fall, and the commercial film that caused a stir.

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

On September 14, a promotional photo was released online, and in addition to Yu Yamada, there were kabuki actor Ichikawa Sarinosuke (45 years old), beautician IKKO (59 years old) and other models and several others.

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

Among the most concerned are Yu Yamada and her daughter. As we all know, Yamada Yu's husband is the actor Oguri Shun, if his children appear, the society will naturally waver, but his way of expression has aroused heated discussion on the Internet. (News site editor)

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

There are several photos of Yamada's mother and daughter. If you look closely, every photo of Yamada is facing the front with a smile on his face. But the daughter only has a back shadow and a hair-covered side face, making it impossible to see her face. Even if it is facing the front, the eyes are covered by Yamada's fingers, and the one that is looking at the camera is also blocked by the hand, and the face is not clear.

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

"Yamada has three children, the eldest daughter of the first child is in the lower grade of elementary school, and has not yet debuted in the show business circle, which is an ordinary person." In order not to let others know what their children look like, it is natural to take care of them, but the Internet passively believes that 'it is better not to accept the job than to hide unnaturally'. (Sports Newspaper Entertainment is responsible)

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

Indeed, there are many harsh voices commenting: "Even if the daughter wants to do it, it is better to refuse as a parent than to hide her face."

"There are also many comments criticizing her daughter's hair color. In the photo, the child's long hair has added a lot of blond dyeing, 'from a young age to dye hair', 'children with this hair color generally do not exist, and the collocation is not worth reference', etc., there are many harsh evaluations. (Entertainment Writer Yamashita Midsummer)

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

However, it doesn't seem like a good point in time to be attacked, as Oguri's TBS Sunday Theater "Japan Sinks – Man of Hope" will begin airing in October.

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

"The acting skills in Oguri's first hollywood film "Godzilla vs. King Kong" can not be said to be positive, and "Sunken Japan" had many negative opinions before it was broadcast, such as 'I don't want to see dark TV dramas in this era'. At this point, the heated discussion caused by Yamada's mother and daughter is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. Don't make strange criticisms of Oguri and "The Sinking of Japan"..." (Yamashita Summer)

Is this set of faceless people ads taken by Oguri's wife and daughter beautiful? Or horror?

That being said, this wave of buzz can also bring attention to "The Sinking of Japan". It's hard to say now, so let's wait until October 10th.

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