
The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

author:Coffee History C

Friends, have you ever heard of Gong Baotian, the "last master of the Qing Dynasty"? Just look at the name and know that he is a very low-key person, but his martial arts are home! This guy has been able to endure hardships since he was a child, and later he was caught by a martial arts master, worshiped his disciples, and learned the martial arts of his family to the point of perfection. Later, his skills were so strong that even the emperor and the queen mother of the dynasty favored him, and he was given a gold medal and a horse coat or something, you can imagine how lofty his status was.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

You say that a person who has been very poor since he was a child can reach the pinnacle of life with his outstanding martial arts, isn't this the live-action version of "Hero Huo Yuanjia"? Later, during the Republic of China, this master was regarded as a personal bodyguard by the warlords, and repeatedly blocked assassinations for them, which can be said to have made great contributions! Do you want to learn about the wonderful legendary life of the last martial arts giant of the Qing Dynasty?

Gong Baotian has been a very hard-working person since he was a child. He was born in a very poor family, and his parents didn't know how to raise him when they saw him so thin. However, Gong Baotian has been very sensible since he was a child, and when he was a teenager, he went to the rice store as a buddy to help his parents share the burden of the family. Once, when he went to the palace to help deliver rice, he was favored by the people in charge and often asked him to do some chores.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

In this way, Gong Baotian gradually became acquainted. Although he is thin, his eyes are always very bright, which makes people feel that he has a tenacity in his bones that does not admit defeat. Yin Fu, a martial arts master, noticed him and found that his bones were particularly suitable for martial arts, so he accepted him as a closed disciple.

Since then, Gong Baotian has wholeheartedly followed his master to practice martial arts. He overcame many difficulties, practiced his martial arts day and night, and sweated all over his body every day. By the time he was 23 years old, he was already a great martial arts master, and he was known as the "Palace Monkey". Later, he was also recommended to the Qing court and became the head of the royal guard.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

However, the era of warlord melee is coming, and the fall of the Qing Dynasty is inevitable. Gong Baotian saw through this, and he decided to live a hermit-like life in seclusion for a while.

However, fate always plays tricks on people. The handsome Zhang Zuolin learned of Gong Baotian's name and personally sent someone to invite him out of his home, hoping to accept him as a confidant bodyguard. At first, Zhang Zuolin was still disdainful of the skinny Gong Baotian, and it was not until he saw his skills that Zhang Zuolin was shocked and regarded him as a superior person. Since then, Gong Baotian has become Zhang Zuolin's personal bodyguard, and even stood up when Zhang Zuolin was assassinated, and did not hesitate to save him with his life. This righteous and awe-inspiring move made Gong Baotian famous in the army, and it was not until Zhang Zuolin's death that he returned to his hometown and founded a martial arts class.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

God didn't let Gong Baotian go. The martial arts class he founded soon attracted the attention of Xu Shiyou, a famous anti-Japanese general. This famous general personally came to the door to ask for martial arts secrets, and changed his reasoning, hoping that Gong Baotian could cultivate a group of good young people to resist Japan. Gong Baotian listened to Xu Shiyou's motto of "strength is born from the heart" and was deeply touched. So, he took his proud apprentice Wang Zhuangfei and promised the appointment of Shiyou to open a two-year anti-Japanese martial arts training course in Jiaodong. Until the Japanese army swept in 1943, Gong Baotian, who was in his old age, had to go home to recuperate. Soon after, the legendary martial arts master passed away.

However, although Gong Baotian has passed away, his martial arts spirit has been continued and carried forward in future generations. His protégé Wang Zhuangfei has been committed to teaching the master's skills to the younger generation. Relying on the authentic Bagua palm skills, Wang Zhuangfei also made many military exploits during the Anti-Japanese War, once broke into the enemy alone and rescued dozens of captured compatriots, and later served as a martial arts instructor in the Jiaodong Military Region, cultivating a large number of martial arts talents for the country.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

Gong Baotian has experienced ups and downs in his life, but he has always had a pure heart of patriotism and love for the people. When he was a child, his family was poor, but he never gave up the pursuit of progressive ideals; Although he enjoyed a high status after becoming famous at a young age, he saw through the decay and decline of the Qing Dynasty; During the Republic of China, he resolutely devoted himself to the great cause of resisting Japan and saving the country. The last generation of martial arts masters of the Qing Dynasty used his life to interpret what is called "there will be no EVT, and there will be no way out".

More than 70 years have passed since his death, but his legacy is still widely revered today. In the current era of pursuing peace and yearning for freedom, Mr. Gong Baotian's heroic spirit of being upright and treating death as if he were at home has become an eternal spiritual monument in people's hearts. Let's always remember the immortal exploits of this martial arts predecessor with a pious heart!

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

In general, Gong Baotian has experienced a legend in his life, but he is not in vain. He fought his way out of poverty and learned superior martial arts; He served the emperor, but he saw the illusion of power; He personally threw himself into the struggle to save the enemy and resist the enemy, regardless of personal gains and losses. Such a martial arts predecessor used his life to interpret the patriotic feelings of "serving the country and revitalizing China". His spirit and deeds will forever be engraved in the hearts of the sons and daughters of China, and will become an eternal example and idol for future generations. Let's cheer for this last martial arts master of the Qing Dynasty!

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

Gong Baotian had a bumpy life, but he never gave up his persistent pursuit of martial arts. Even in his later years, this martial arts senior is still active on the road of cultivating post-learning. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he picked up the sword again for the peace of the motherland, established a martial arts training class in the Jiaodong area, and personally taught his apprentices to pass on the arts.

As we all know, World War II was the darkest years of the Chinese land. However, it was in that turbulent era that Gong Baotian interpreted the patriotic feelings of a generation of warriors without regrets with his actions. Despite his advanced age, he still generously went to the battlefield, incarnated as a wise and brave hero, and opened the way for his comrades to charge into battle many times. Once, Master Gong infiltrated the enemy camp single-handedly and rescued dozens of captured soldiers from the tiger's den, and since then he has been famous in the army.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

Having said that, Mr. Gong is not only strong in martial arts, but also humble and virtuous. He often said to his students the motto "Martial arts are self-cultivation, not hurting others", cultivating their chic and optimistic attitude. The good student Wang Zhuangfei is Mr. Gong's most proud protégé, not only learning the martial arts of the Gong family, but also having an upright style and noble character, which is enough to pass on the ancestry.

Although the war is raging and the environment is harsh, Gong Baotian and Wang Zhuangfei and other proud protégés still persevere, and work hard to run schools in Jiaodong. In the past two years, they have cultivated tens of thousands of martial arts students, contributing their own strength to protect their families and defend the country. The Japanese army had seen Mr. Gong's skills, and there was no way to deal with the martial arts class he ran, so they could only be afraid. It was not until the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War that Mr. Gong and his disciples returned home with a smile.

The last master of the Qing Dynasty, how strong is his martial arts? Don't believe it

After becoming famous, Gong Baotian did not retire, but continued to diligently run the school and teach apprentices. However, there were unforeseen circumstances, and in 1943, the Japanese puppets were swept away, and Mr. Gong was very old and had to temporarily recuperate in seclusion. Soon after, this martial arts master passed away, leaving countless mournings and remembrances.

Gong Baotian has experienced ups and downs in his life, but he has not fallen, and he has set a heroic model for future generations. The ancients said that "if life is only as first seen", he used his life to interpret the true meaning of this sentence. From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, it witnessed the decline of old China; From royalism to anti-Japanese, he was always loyal to the motherland and the people. The spirit of such a self-cultivation warrior is always worth remembering and praising us! #头条首发大赛#

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