
Live up to the green mountains and live up to the people - Shanxi Ecological Environmental Protection handed over the 2021 answer sheet

author:Shanxi ecological environment
Live up to the green mountains and live up to the people - Shanxi Ecological Environmental Protection handed over the 2021 answer sheet

Green is the color of ecology, the color of happiness, and the inexhaustible driving force for achieving sustainable and high-level development.

From "eating enough" to "living a good life", from "seeking survival" to "seeking ecology", the construction of ecological civilization has been the consensus of the whole society.

The mountains have changed from desolate and desolate to green, the rivers have once again become home for fish and birds to play, and the once-gray haze has reappeared in the blue sky... More than 30 million sons and daughters of the Three Jin Dynasty have painted a beautiful picture of beautiful mountains and rivers on this hot land with hard work and sweat. A beautiful Shanxi with blue sky, green earth and clear water is gradually approaching.

In 2021, the whole province will work together to launch a strong attack on pollution prevention and control, be brave and resolute in "governing mountains and waters, controlling gas and governing the city", and strive for "ecological protection and restoration";

In 2021, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 dropped to 39 micrograms per cubic meter, entering "30+" for the first time, down 15.2% year-on-year, the largest improvement since the "13th Five-Year Plan";

In 2021, the proportion of good days reached 72.1%, an increase of 1.1 percentage points year-on-year, a new high;

In 2021, the proportion of heavily polluted days will drop to 0.5%, entering the centile for the first time, and taking a solid step towards the basic elimination of heavily polluted weather;

In 2021, the proportion of excellent water quality in the province's surface water national examination section reached 72.3%, an increase of 2.1 percentage points year-on-year, hitting the best level in history.

"A flood of clear water into the Yellow River", General Secretary Xi Jinping's goal of "abundant water quantity, better water quality, and beautiful scenery" is being accelerated.

Green mountains and green water three Jin good scenery

A lake of good water heron prophets. Although it is the middle of winter, Jincheng Danhe National Wetland Park is still full of life, and a group of egrets in the river stand leisurely in the water, playing in the water, and more and more tourists and photography enthusiasts come to visit. They sighed: "The road of green development is right, and we must make this beautiful scenery eternal." "The water quality has improved, which is a microcosm of the improvement of the ecological environment in Shanxi Province in 2021."

In 2021, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shanxi Province will comprehensively build a planning system, systematically plan the "14th Five-Year Plan" ecological environmental protection planning system of our province, issue the "14th Five-Year Plan" and "Two Mountains and Seven Rivers and One River Basin" ecological protection and ecological civilization construction and ecological economic development planning and "Ecological Province Construction Planning Outline (2021-2030)", compile and complete the "14th Five-Year" Ecological Environmental Protection Planning" and "Yellow River Basin Ecological Environmental Protection Planning" and air quality improvement in our province. A series of plans for the protection of water ecological environment in key river basins, as well as soil, groundwater, and rural ecological environmental protection, form a timetable, road map, and construction drawings for systematically solving prominent ecological and environmental problems. Implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, organize the investigation and rectification of environmental risks in the sewage outlets and tailings reservoirs of the Yellow River Basin, implement the "waste removal action" in the Yellow River Basin, solidly promote the rectification of the ecological environment warning film problem in the Yellow River Basin, and promote the establishment of the Yellow River Laboratory and the construction of the Hejin Pilot Zone.

The water quality improves, and the blue waves are happy. In 2021, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will implement the action of consolidating and improving the quality of the water environment. Adhere to the "one section, one plan", strengthen 10 control measures, accelerate the construction of 93 provincial-level water pollution prevention and control key projects, carry out special supervision of spring irrigation irrigation pollution prevention and control and special actions for water quality stability during the flood season, effectively ensure that the water quality of the section is stable and up to standard, and the national examination sections of Changzhi and Shuozhou cities have all reached excellent. The province has newly designated 50 centralized drinking water source protection areas, newly started construction of 636 rural domestic sewage treatment facilities, completed the remediation of 45 rural black and odorous water bodies, and exceeded the tasks issued by the state. The quality of the water environment continued to be stable, and the proportion of excellent water quality in the national examination section of surface water in the province reached 72.3%, an increase of 2.1 percentage points year-on-year, hitting the best level in history, and the proportion of inferior V. section exceeded the target tasks issued by the state. On the basis of the complete withdrawal of inferior V. water quality in the first half of 2020, the water quality of the Fenhe River Basin national examination section will be upgraded to above class IV water quality in 2021, truly realizing "water clear sand shallow and naïve". The clear water conserves the ecology and benefits the people.

The air is excellent and solves the "pain of breathing". Since 2021, the air quality of our province has been continuously improved, and blue sky and white clouds have become standard. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has further promoted the in-depth governance of key industries, and completed the ultra-low emission transformation of 22 steel joint enterprises, 14 coking enterprises and 10 cement enterprises. Focusing on the three cities in northern Jinbei, we will support and guide the cities to carry out clean heating transformation according to local conditions, complete the treatment of 993,100 households of loose coal, and complete the three-year task of Datong City in one year。 In line with the phase-out of China III and below emission standards, 26,900 diesel trucks were operated. The implementation of the summer ozone peak shaving action, the implementation of volatile organic compounds navigation inspection and comprehensive treatment of key industries, the rise in ozone concentration has been effectively curbed, and the "summer offensive" organized by Yuncheng City has achieved obvious results. Carry out in-depth comprehensive management of air pollution in autumn and winter, and achieve peak shaving and frequency reduction in heavily polluted weather. Carry out the "one city, one policy" stationed tracking research on air pollution prevention and control in 11 cities, and strengthen refined control measures in Lvliang and other cities to effectively improve the scientificity and accuracy of the coordinated treatment of PM2.5 and ozone pollution.

All the binding ecological and environmental indicators in the province have been exceeded. The annual average concentration of PM2.5 dropped to 39 μg/m3, entering "30+" for the first time, down 15.2% year-on-year, the largest improvement since the "13th Five-Year Plan"; the proportion of excellent days reached 72.1%, an increase of 1.1 percentage points year-on-year, a new high; the proportion of heavily polluted days dropped to 0.5%, entering the centile for the first time, taking a solid step towards the basic elimination of heavily polluted weather; the average annual concentration of SO2 dropped to 15 μg/m3, maintaining an improvement of more than 20% for four consecutive years. The annual average concentration of NO2 in 11 cities reached the full standard for the first time.

The quality of the soil environment is safe and controllable, and the soil becomes safer and cleaner. In 2021, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will strengthen the safe utilization of polluted arable land and strict management of construction project access, simultaneously carry out terminal remediation and source prevention, promote the stability and improvement of soil environmental quality, and make every effort to ensure that the masses "eat and live at ease". Solidly promote the pilot demonstration construction of ecological civilization leading rural revitalization, and complete the environmental improvement of 611 administrative villages. Carry out investigation and assessment of the groundwater environmental status of 23 chemical parks, and steadily promote the national groundwater pollution prevention and control pilot project. Jincheng City was successfully selected as a national groundwater pollution prevention and control pilot zone.

Looking at the environmental protection work in 2021, the vitality is constantly gathering, there are new changes at all times, and new atmosphere is displayed everywhere.

Environmental protection work in the keywords

Controlling pollution, improving the environment, and transforming the mode of development have become fundamental ways.

We can use a few keywords to see the practical results achieved by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment in promoting environmental protection work since 2021.

【Carbon Emission Trading】On December 31, 2021, at the end of the first performance cycle of the national carbon emission trading market, Shanxi Province successfully completed the clearance and performance of carbon emission rights, and handed over the "big test" results: the province was included in the first performance cycle of the national carbon market, and 107 key emitters were included in the first performance cycle of the national carbon market, and the performance rate was 99.68%, slightly higher than the national average of 99.5%.

Behind the successful completion of the implementation of the carbon emission right is the continuous transformation and upgrading of Shanxi Province, which promotes the establishment of a green development model with low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions. The cadres and workers of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shanxi Province are well aware of their "role" in this great change, and actively introduce policies to guide enterprises to implement environmental protection standard upgrading and transformation, and promote relevant industrial enterprises to move towards the goal of green development and high-quality development.

In 2021, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shanxi Province will actively complete the list of key emitters included in the national carbon market in the 2019 and 2020 annual quota management, organize enterprises to complete carbon emission reporting, registration and trading system account opening, enterprise carbon emission verification and carbon emission quota verification, etc. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the national carbon market, a total of 60 thermal power enterprises participated in the first performance cycle of Shanxi Province, with a cumulative purchase volume of 12.3938 million tons of carbon emission quotas and a turnover of 548 million yuan; the cumulative sales volume of 14.8271 million tons, with a turnover of 628 million yuan。

On June 28, 2021, the Jinzhong Municipal People's Government issued the Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the "Three Lines and One Single" Ecological Environment Zoning Control Implementation Plan, becoming the first company in the province to release municipal results. "Three lines and one single" refers to the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, the line of resource utilization, and the list of ecological environment access, which will be used as an important basis for various development and construction activities such as industrial layout, structural adjustment, resource development, urban construction, and site selection of major projects, which will help accelerate the transformation of development mode, optimize economic structure, transform growth momentum, and accelerate the formation of a benign pattern of ecological environment to promote and lead high-quality development.

【Reform of "Decentralization and Service Effectiveness"】Focusing on the implementation of the multiplication project of market entities, helping the province to create a "three noes" and "three can" business environment, formulating and issuing more than 20 policy systems such as the "Implementation Plan for the Guarantee of Multiplication of Environmental Energy Consumption Elements of Market Entities", "Not Included in the List of Approval and Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of The Implementation of Regional Environmental Impact Assessment Reform Opinions"; canceling 3 administrative examination and approval items, decentralization 2 items, and reducing the time limit for handling 11 provincial-level reserved matters to half of the statutory; implementing the commitment system approval reform, More than 700 construction projects in the province enjoy the reform dividend; obtain the authority of the planning and environmental impact assessment review of the national development zone, complete the approval of a number of planning and project environmental impact assessment in 26 provincial development zones and the Jidayuan Railway and Shuozhou Airport, and effectively serve the construction of the development zone and the landing of the project; formulate the "Measures for the Management of the Positive List of Ecological Environment Supervision and Law Enforcement (Trial)", promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the positive list management, implement differentiated law enforcement supervision, and achieve accurate investigation of violations of the law and compliance with the law without disturbing anything.

【Curbing the "Two Highs" Projects】Formulate and issue the "Notice on Strict Environmental Management of High-Energy-Consuming and High-Emission Projects" and the "Key Points and Approval Principles for the Acceptance and Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the "Two Highs" Projects, organize a comprehensive investigation and arrangement of the procedures for the environmental impact assessment of the "Two Highs" projects in the province, establish a working account, carry out classified disposal in accordance with laws and regulations, resolutely investigate and deal with the unapproved construction, and strictly control the ecological environment access.

Such practice is too much in the work records of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment. They implemented the task of energy supply assurance, completed the environmental impact assessment and approval of 22 coal mines with extraordinary measures, released 34.7 million tons of advanced coal production capacity per year; implemented the deployment of Taixin's integrated economic development, centered on the positioning of the demonstration area for the construction of ecological civilization, set up a leading group and a special work class at the first time, formulated an implementation plan for strengthening the co-construction and co-governance of the ecological environment in the Taixin Economic Zone, planned to introduce a package of ecological and environmental policies and measures for the integrated development of services; successfully held the Taiyuan Energy Low-Carbon Development Forum Climate, Environment Sub-forum and Roundtable Interview, Received praise from all parties.

The promotion of environmental protection work in Shanxi Province is far from being expressed by these words, which is the accumulation of results in Shanxi Province to build a beautiful Shanxi Province, overcome difficulties and work for a long time.

The numbers look at the bottom line of ecological security

In 2021, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shanxi Province will take scientific precautions and respond effectively, and continue to firmly adhere to the bottom line of ecological and environmental safety.

Let's see what the numbers for these various initiatives represent.

2833 questions: Carry out biodiversity survey and assessment, cooperate with the optimization of ecological protection redline assessment, organize and carry out special actions to strengthen supervision of "Green Shield 2021" nature reserves, and promote the completion of 2833 problems in 46 nature reserves.

53,800 fixed pollution sources: Strengthen the "one-certificate" management of sewage permits, include 53,800 fixed pollution sources in the scope of management, comprehensively carry out the "double hundred" work of reviewing the quality of sewage permits and implementation reports, and carry out pilot projects for the management of industrial solid wastes in Datong City.

142 restoration cases: Deepening the reform of the ecological environment damage compensation system, completing 142 restoration cases, Yangquan City cases were selected as typical cases of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

2.34 billion yuan: Promote the construction of the country's first provincial environmental pollution liability insurance Internet service platform, with 584 insured enterprises and an insured amount of 2.34 billion yuan.

3563 illegal cases: Deeply carry out the special action of "slashing pollution with a sword", promote special rectification in key areas such as open-pit coal mines and coking industries, severely crack down on environmental violations such as excessive discharge, illegal discharge, monitoring and fraud, investigate and deal with 3563 illegal cases, impose a penalty of 502 million yuan, transfer 99 cases to the public security organs, and detain 285 people, forming a high-pressure situation and a strong deterrent.

13 automatic monitoring stations for water quality of state-controlled sections: Carry out the capacity building of fine particulate matter and ozone collaborative control monitoring network and carbon monitoring and assessment pilots, improve the setting of soil, groundwater and rural environmental monitoring points in the province, optimize and adjust the provincial control monitoring section of surface water, newly build 13 automatic monitoring stations for water quality of state-controlled sections, and accelerate the formation of a "one network" for ecological environment monitoring in the province.

7.864 billion yuan: 7.864 billion yuan of various types of funds from the central and provincial governments, the largest in the past years.

Take a peek and see the whole leopard. The promotion of environmental protection work in Shanxi Province is far from being expressed by these figures. Since 2021, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has compiled an emergency response manual for major and sensitive environmental emergencies, a risk assessment guide for environmental emergencies in industrial parks, etc., standardized and improved the level of emergency response work, and properly handled 25 environmental emergencies. Carry out in-depth three-year actions for special rectification of hazardous wastes, organize the implementation of "100-day attacks", and strengthen environmental supervision of "one waste, one library and one product". Carry out nuclear and radiation safety hazard investigation, nuclear and radiation monitoring and emergency self-assessment, improve the emergency response plan for radiation accidents, strengthen emergency drills, complete the safe transfer and storage of waste radioactive sources and radioactive waste, and ensure the safety of the nuclear and radiation environment in the province.

In the handling of response incidents, the ability of ecological environment governance is also steadily improving. Yangcheng County, Anze County and Pingshun County were selected as national ecological civilization construction demonstration areas, and Qinshui County and Pu County were selected as "green water and green mountains are Golden Mountains and Silver Mountains" practice and innovation bases, and the number of selected counts has made a historic breakthrough. Promote the establishment of a think tank of academicians and experts of the Provincial Eco-environmental Protection Committee, and sign a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Shanxi Branch of the Bank of China. Innovative investment models promote the construction of projects such as comprehensive improvement of the ecological environment along the Shitai high-speed railway (Shanxi section), and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of ecological environmental governance.

"When the multiplier is also powerful, he who must not be lost." In grasping the "time" and "potential" to open up new roads, in carrying "glory" and "responsibility" to smooth out the bumps, the new phase of the province's environmental protection work "answer sheet" is calmly unfolding on the land of Shanxi, a beautiful Shanxi with green mountains always present, green water flowing, and new air is coming to us.


Content source: Ecological Shanxi

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