
Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st

author:The style of western Anhui

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry out the study and education of party discipline in a solid manner, and guide the party members and cadres of the whole hospital to consciously arm their minds with the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, guide practice, and promote work. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, the party branch of Qingshan Township Health Center went to the Red Army Square in Jinzhai County on June 23 to carry out the study and education of party history, party spirit and party discipline.

Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st

The comrades came to the Red Army Square in Jinzhai County, walked through the relief carving that implies the eternal spirit of the Red Army, and stepped on the 59 steps that represented the red land of Jinzhai and walked out of the 59 founding generals.

Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st
Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st

Everyone carefully watched the exhibition in the museum, and relived the eventful years of the revolutionary war through precious cultural relics, documents and pictures. Revolutionary cultural relics, precious historical materials, and red stories reproduce the glorious history of "every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood, and every hot land and soul".

Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st
Qingshan Township Health Center: Loyal and responsible, heart to the party, forge ahead to welcome July 1st

The trip to Jinzhai County to carry out party history, party spirit and party discipline education activities is a trip of revolutionary education and firm belief, and a profound party history and party discipline education, which has played a positive role in improving the political quality, party spirit cultivation and style ability of all party members. Everyone has expressed that they will take the outstanding representatives of the Chinese Communists as an example, continue the fine traditions of the revolutionary ancestors, inherit the red gene, further keep in mind the purpose of the party, enhance the sense of party spirit, actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and unswervingly dedicate their strength to the medical cause under the guidance of the red spirit.

Source: Qingshan Township Health Center Xie Ruifeng

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