
Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

author:Frozen history

In the history of the mainland revolution, there is such a person, he was born extraordinary, known as "the world's highest rank strategic undercover." He was a student of Chairman Mao, who slept with the chairman, and then at the age of 25, he was promoted to lieutenant general of the Kuomintang, and he was the object of great efforts by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

He was once placed undercover by Chiang Kai-shek under Wang Jingwei, and what is even more amazing is that this man not only worked as a secret agent himself, but also trained his wife, a movie star who can only act, to become a secret agent. The couple sang and harmonized, cooperated seamlessly, and made no small contribution to protecting the anti-Japanese forces.

So, who is this legendary man? What kind of story does he have?

In 1949, due to Tang Shengzhi's electrification uprising, Hunan was peacefully liberated, but what is less known is that there was another person who "electrified the uprising" with Tang Shengzhi, and he was Tang Shengzhi's younger brother, Tang Shengming.

Compared with the famous Tang Shengzhi, the name Tang Shengming may not be familiar to many people. However, Tang Shengming's resume is not worse than his brother's, and many well-known and big figures in modern history have had very close contact with him.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Tang Shengming

In 1906, Tang Shengming was born in Hunan. To say that Tang Shengming will also reincarnate, he became the younger son of Tang Chengxu, the director of the Hunan Salt Bureau, and the younger brother of Tang Shengzhi, the governor of Hunan Province and commander of the Xiang Army.

Because Tang Shengming was born prominently, had no worries about food and clothing, and had everything at his fingertips, he developed the character of a rich man who was naughty and active, did not listen to discipline, and was debauched.

Such a personality made Tang Shengming not obey discipline at all, and when he was studying, he often did not study seriously, and if Mr. Tang disciplined him slightly, he would immediately tease Mr. Private School. As a result, Mr. Private School will "sue" Tang Shengming's father.

However, even if Tang Chengxu "went out of the mountain", he could not control Tang Shengming at all, whether he was beating or scolding, Tang Shengming looked like "what do you want me to do". In desperation, Father Tang had no choice but to let Tang Shengzhi think of a way. Therefore, Tang Shengzhi inquired about the famous teacher everywhere.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Chairman Mao in his youth

When Tang Shengzhi inquired about this, he inquired about Chairman Mao. At that time, Chairman Mao was invited to be the head of the Hunan First Normal School. Chairman Mao's teaching methods, educational philosophy and talent can be said to be famous near the school. Therefore, Tang Shengzhi sent Tang Shengming to the Hunan First Normal School, briefed Chairman Mao on Tang Shengming's situation, and asked the chairman for help in more discipline.

Chairman Mao did not shirk this, and teaching and educating people to make them reborn is exactly what the chairman had in mind. After Tang Shengming entered the attached primary school, Chairman Mao taught him by example and abandoned the educational method of either beating or scolding like other gentlemen.

Not only that, in order to better educate Tang Shengming, Chairman Mao also ate and lived with Tang Shengming and slept together. Under Chairman Mao's Dun Dun teachings, Tang Shengming was "subdued" and obedient, not to mention playing pranks, not even talking back, and became very well-behaved.

Tang Shengming's change surprised the Tang family. In Tang Shengming's heart, he had already regarded Chairman Mao as a benefactor!

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

After that, Tang Shengming entered the Whampoa Military Academy. During this period, Tang Shengming forged deep friendships with three Communists, namely Premier Zhou, Chen Geng and Lin Biao. And the friendship of several people came in handy later.

In October 1926, Tang Shengming graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. After graduation, Tang Shengming came to work in the guard regiment of the General Headquarters of the Fourth Army, and he was appointed as the head of the second guard regiment.

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's ambitions became increasingly prominent, and in April of that year, he launched the "April 12" coup d'état. Although Tang Shengming was a "playboy," he could still distinguish clearly between right and wrong, and he vigorously opposed Chiang Kai-shek's approach.

The devastated Communists, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, organized the Autumn Harvest Uprising. However, the rebel army lacked ammunition, and chairman Mao, Chen Geng and others thought of Tang Shengming.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Tang Shengzhi

When Tang Shengming heard the news, he immediately extracted more than 300 guns and nearly 10,000 rounds of ammunition in the name of his brother Tang Shengzhi, and with a guard company, took a train from Hankou to Liuyang Wenjia City overnight, and personally handed over the weapons to his mentor and friends.

Tang Shengming had a good relationship with the Communists and a good relationship with the Kuomintang, which was due to Tang Shengzhi and his long-sleeved and dancing personality. Just after Tang Shengzhi sent guns to the rebel troops, Chiang Kai-shek invited him to attend his wedding to Soong Mei-ling.

Thanks to Tang Shengming's long-sleeved and dancing personality and Tang Shengzhi's promotion, he was very open in the official arena, and at the age of 25, he was appointed by the old Chiang Kai-shek as a lieutenant general in the Military Senate.

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tang Shengming was appointed deputy commander of the Changsha Garrison Command. However, Tang Shengming did not work long in Changsha, because at that time, the commander of the Changde garrison, Feng Wei, wanted to reconcile with Tang Shengming.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent


Tang Shengming was a relatively lazy person, and at the same time did not like trouble, so soon after Feng Ti made a request, Tang Shengming agreed, and in this way, he became the commander of the Changde garrison.

During Tang Shengming's tenure in Changde, a major event occurred - Wang Jingwei was overwhelmed by the obscenity of the Japanese Kou and became a traitor, and established a puppet national government in Nanjing to do things for the Japanese. When Tang Shengming knew about it, he felt very angry.

In 1940, Tang Shengming received a telegram from Dai Kasa. Dai Kasa sent a telegram asking Tang Shengming to go to Chongqing as soon as possible and talk about important matters. Tang Shengming also had a good relationship with Dai Kasa and Dai Kasa, so after receiving his telegram, he immediately rushed to Chongqing.

After Tang Shengming arrived in Chongqing, before he could reminisce about the past, he was taken to Chiang Kai-shek by Dai Kasa. Chiang Kai-shek told Tang Shengming in person the reason for his rush to find him this time. It turned out that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to take advantage of the very familiar relationship between Tang Shengming and Wang's pseudo-traitors, and sent him to Wang Jingwei to go undercover and steal Japanese and fake intelligence.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Xu Lai

Tang Shengming was already very disgusted by Wang Jingwei's traitorous behavior, so even if the task was dangerous, he accepted it. In addition to the favorable factor of having a good relationship with Wang Jingwei, Tang Shengming also has a favorable condition, that is, he also has a well-known movie star wife.

Tang Shengming's wife was named Xu Lai, born in Shanghai in 1909, and his original name was Xiaomei. Xu Lai went out to work when he was very young, and because he was very interested in film and television song and dance, he was admitted to the Chinese Song and Dance College after saving some money.

After graduation, Xu Lai joined the Mingyue Song and Dance Troupe. Due to his bright and beautiful appearance and excellent acting skills, Xu Lai was gradually discovered, and then relied on the naked bath shot in the movie "Residual Spring", which became a hit. Then, Xu Lai starred in many films, and her agile acting skills were appreciated by many people.

However, Xu Lai stayed in the flashy showbiz circle for a long time, and gradually felt powerless, and later was involved in the public opinion storm and was attacked, Xu Lai decided to quit the show business circle. After coming out of the show business circle, Xu Lai met Tang Shengming. The two fell in love at first sight and soon became married.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Tang Shengming and Xu Lai

After marrying Tang Shengming, Xu Lai's life trajectory has also changed, from the previous movie star who can only act, to a person who understands the major affairs of her family and country.

After accepting the task, Tang Shengming explained the matter to Xu Lai, who very much agreed with her husband's approach and expressed his willingness to help him. Tang Shengming listened to Xu Lai's words and immediately began to train Xu Lai with the method of training agents with Dai Kasa.

A qualified agent is to be able to act, and it just so happens that Xu Lai is best at acting, her understanding is very high, after Tang Shengming's training, she quickly became a secret agent.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Chiang Kai-shek

At the same time, in order to reassure the Wang puppet government, the old Jiang asked Dai To publicly issue a statement in the name of Tang Shengzhi to sever ties with Tang Shengming. Subsequently, in the name of the Chongqing government, Lao Jiang issued a warrant for Tang Shengming's arrest.

Although this move can dispel the doubts of the Wang puppet government, it is also equivalent to cutting off Tang Shengming's back road. However, Tang Shengming did not show meaning, and everything was for the purpose of resisting Japan. Therefore, after the deployment of the Chongqing side, Tang Shengming arrived in Nanjing with his wife Xu Lai and his assistant Zhang Suzhen.

If Wang Jingwei received the most precious treasure, he greeted Tang Shengming with a warm greeting, personally placed Tang Shengming and his wife in a bungalow, and appointed Tang Shengming as a member of the Wang Puppet Military Commission and a lieutenant general.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Wang Jingwei

Tang Shengming, who had gained the trust of the traitors of all sizes and sizes, immediately used his communication skills, which could be described as a fish in the Wang puppet government. And Xu Lai also relied on the identity of the former movie star and superb card skills, and soon became acquainted with the wives and lovers of the big and small traitors in the Wang puppet government. The husband and wife tacitly cooperated and obtained a lot of important information.

At the end of 1941, Li Shiqun, a member of the Wang puppet government, carefully planned the kidnapping of the Zhonghua Hotel, and on the same night, all 6 cadres in charge of the anti-Japanese struggle in the occupied areas of Jiangsu were arrested. And these 6 cadres, except for Ma Yuanfang and Zhang Beisheng, the rest of them all published a statement of surrender in Wang's fake "China Daily".

This incident caused a very bad impact at that time, so Dai Kasa sent an urgent telegram asking the military commander to be stationed at the Shanghai workstation and quickly find out the truth. But they never found out, or Xu Lai was at the card table, through Zhou Fohai's wife Yang Shuhui to find out everything.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Through Yang Shuhui, Xu Lai learned that a month before the kidnapping, Zhang Beisheng had been arrested by the Wang puppet government, and he could not bear the severe torture, so he defected to the Wang puppet government.

Xu Lai immediately told Tang Shengming everything. Tang Shengming, who had received the information, immediately tried to convey it to the military command. As a result, the connection with the Wang pseudo-undercover was cut off in time and the anti-Japanese forces were protected.

In 1942, Tang Shengming attended an important high-level meeting of Wang Pseudo. Through the meeting, Tang Shengming learned that the Japanese army would conduct a surprise sweep of the Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese army and the New Fourth Army.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

Wang puppet government

The situation was urgent, and as soon as Tang Shengming left the meeting, he wanted to pass on the news, but at that time, the military intelligence network in Nanjing was severely damaged by the Wang puppet government, and it was difficult to spread the news.

Tang Shengming thought twice and decided to let Xu Lai venture to Shanghai to pass on information. At this time, nanjing and Shanghai were full of dangers and great pressure, but Xu Lai, focusing on the cause of anti-Japanese resistance, decided to go to Shanghai. Sure enough, as soon as Xu Lai got on the train, he found himself being followed by Wang Fake Agent.

Xu Lai tried his best to maintain stability, and after some effort, he finally got rid of the agent and passed on the information in time. Due to the accuracy and timeliness of the intelligence, the Anti-Japanese Forces in the Soviet Union and China reduced a lot of losses.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

In 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression finally ended, and Tang Shengming and his wife did not have to continue to go undercover, just when the husband and wife thought that peace had ushered in peace, the old Chiang Kai-shek launched a civil war. And this made Tang Shengming and his wife, who were clearly distinguished between right and wrong, feel very disappointed.

As a result, Tang Shengming and his wife began to change their thinking, advocating the ideology of the Communist Party and actively participating in the action of plotting against high-ranking Kuomintang officials. Chairman Mao was very happy about this, and he said that he would actively strive for Tang Shengming to participate in the uprising.

Chairman Mao's "high disciple", promoted to lieutenant general of the Nationalist Army at the age of 25, personally trained the movie star's wife as a secret agent

In 1949, Tang Shengming also, as Chairman Mao thought, electrified tang Shengzhi in an uprising, sided with the Communist Party, and contributed to the peaceful liberation of Hunan.

After the founding of New China, Tang Shengming was re-elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth CPPCC National Committees, and in his later years, he often traveled around for the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. On October 24, 1987, the legendary Tang Shengming died in Beijing at the age of 82.