
Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

author:Wangu River

"Hello, is it Li Zhonghua's family?" We found li zhonghua's remains and hope you will come to Lop Nur to claim it. ”

On November 28, 2016, the daughter of Li Zhonghua, a second-class hero of the Volunteer Army, suddenly received a contact number from the police, and after hanging up the phone, Li Zhonghua's daughter burst into tears.

Her father had been missing for more than 50 years, and she had no idea she would ever hear from him.

But what made her feel strange was that their family had lived in Bazhong, Sichuan for generations, so how could her father have arrived in Lop Nur thousands of miles away?

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

The dry corpse of Lop Nur

Lop Po is known as the "Sea of Death", where yellow sand is rolled and there is little life, but this is a feature that gives it a veil of mystery that many explorers like to come to.

In late 2016, an expedition team arrived in Lop Nur and they were fully equipped and confident about the next expedition.

But as soon as they entered Lop Nur they were surrounded by fierce wind and sand.

The captain reminded everyone: "Everyone be careful! ”

After a while, the wind and sand stopped, and the expedition wanted to continue on its way, when they noticed what appeared to be a man lying in the distance.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

The expedition team thought it was other adventurers, so they immediately rushed over, and when they looked closer, they found that it was a dry corpse, and all the items around him had been corroded by yellow sand due to the years of wind and sand.

The captain bowed to the skeleton and said regretfully, "Maybe he was also a great adventurer when he was alive!" ”

One of the team members also said, "Yes! Maybe his family is still looking for him! ”

After that, the expedition team walked out of Lop Nur and told the local police about the incident, hoping to make the "adventurer" return to his hometown.

The police followed the clues provided by the expedition to find the skeleton and went through some of the relics around them, including items such as cotton clothes and goggles.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons


The police first consulted the most valuable letters, because of the perennial erosion of yellow sand, many contents are not clear, can only barely recognize the words "Sichuan Bazhong", "father", "work", the police judged that these surnames of the deceased have been in Sichuan Bazhong a family letter.

Based on some of the relics on the deceased's body, the police judged that the deceased died between September 1960 and April 1961, and with these clues, the police retrieved the list of missing persons in Sichuan Bazhong, one of whom was named Li Zhonghua, who was the most qualified.

So the police asked Li Zhonghua's family for information about Li Zhonghua, and Li Zhonghua's relatives were very excited when they heard the news, and asked: "Comrade policeman, did you find Li Zhonghua?" Is he alive? ”

The police had to tell them: "It is very unfortunate that we may have found the remains of Li Zhonghua, but this requires further identification." ”

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Li Zhonghua's family

Li Zhonghua's younger brother, who was in tears, provided some clues to the police: "Whether my brother is alive or dead, as long as I can take him home, I was only 13 years old that year, my brother suddenly disappeared, he was a soldier, he also made meritorious contributions in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, because he was shot in the lower leg before returning home, how can it be like this..."

The old man was so emotional that he couldn't say anything, and the police asked Li Zhonghua's wife, Deng Guangming, who wiped his tears and said, "That morning he went out early in the morning, I thought he was working in the dyeing and spinning factory as usual, and I didn't ask, so I went outside to cut the pig grass, but after making dinner, I couldn't wait for him to go home, and the people in the dyeing workshop also said that they hadn't seen him." ”

In order to ensure that the remains of Lop Nur were found to be Li Zhonghua, the police sent the items used by Li Zhonghua to the DNA identification center to compare with the regrettable DNA and confirmed that the owner of the remains was Li Zhonghua himself.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

However, what puzzled the police was that according to their investigation of Li Zhonghua, Li Zhonghua had been a volunteer in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after returning to his hometown, he worked in the dyeing factory in order to support his family, although he did not earn much, but the family's life was very happy.

The mystery of Li Zhonghua's disappearance

In order to investigate the reason for Li Zhonghua's disappearance, the police continued to investigate Li Zhonghua's relics, and a newspaper in the pocket of Li Zhonghua's famous doctor attracted the attention of the police.

It was a Luoyang newspaper, a local publication in Luoyang, Henan, and was generally only distributed locally, which only showed that Li Zhonghua had been to Luoyang.

Before li zhonghua died, he went to Guizhou to build a railway and then to Xinjiang to work, and it is said that it is reasonable for him to work in Luoyang, but why did he come from Luoyang to Lop Nur?

Regarding these issues, the police are unable to explain.

However, a policeman moved his gaze to another direction, saying: "Among Li Zhonghua's relics are a goggle and a flashlight, which are the professional supplies of the geological exploration team. ”

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Goggles in relics

This conjecture was unanimously agreed by the police as soon as it was proposed, because the geological work of surveying Lop Nur was likely to need to be kept secret, which may also explain why Li Zhonghua did not say goodbye.

So the police went to the Luoyang Shizhi Office, and with the help of the staff, they consulted the 1960 survey institutions and survey projects.

The information detailed the work of the Luoyang survey team, which stated that the detection team had been to Qinghai and Xinjiang, and the police were overjoyed, thinking that the truth was about to come out.

Who knows, there is no information about Li Zhonghua in the data of the geological survey team in Luoyang, and the clues are once again interrupted.

However, the police did not give up, and after careful analysis and comparison of the belongings on Li Zhonghua's body, they found that Li Zhonghua's goggles and flashlights were basically the same as the military goggle flashlights issued in the army.

At that time, the Xinjiang Construction Corps distributed such supplies, so the police speculated that Li Zhonghua was likely to join the Xinjiang Construction Corps, but strangely, why didn't he tell his family when he joined the Xinjiang Construction Corps?

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

The police thought that Li Zhonghua was probably assigned by the troops to carry out special tasks, "60s", "Lop Nur", "special mission".

These words are linked, and there is only one possibility, and that is the Lop Nur nuclear test. These words are linked, and there is only one possibility, and that is the Lop Nur nuclear test.

After the founding of New China, it was hostile to the Western countries headed by the United States, especially during the Korean War, the United States often threatened us with nuclear weapons.

Because the task of studying nuclear weapons is a state secret, all scientific researchers must be strictly confidential, and even their families cannot tell them, such as the wives of scientists Deng Jiaxian, Yu Min and others who do not know where their husbands are and what they are doing.

In addition to scientists, some of the warriors who work at the base are the same. Li Zhonghua's body was wearing military uniforms, and the relics included goggles, military canvas bags and other items, which can be guessed that Li Zhonghua was one of these soldiers.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Canvas bag

More importantly, the place where Li Zhonghua died is very close to the Maran nuclear test base. He may have been one of these fighters, and he died very close to the Maran nuclear test site.

In order to confirm this speculation, the police found an old man who had worked at the Maran base, the old man was too old to cooperate with the police. The old man recalled: "At that time, when we arrived in Lop Nur in Xinjiang, we left from the door of the Luoyang Daily newspaper. ”

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

The police were very surprised, and this happened to be the copy of the Luoyang Daily in Li Zhonghua's cotton clothes, so they asked: "Is there a Sichuan Bazhong person named Li Zhonghua in your team?" ”

The old man shook his head and said, "Our team is full of Natives of Henan!" But I heard that there were Sichuan fighters in the qinghai nuclear test base. ”

Secretly joined the nuclear testing force

The police also contacted the local police in Sichuan to investigate the list of personnel from Sichuan to the Qinghai nuclear test base that year, but because of the long age, coupled with the fact that the nuclear test was a state secret and the lack of information, the police could only reluctantly speculate that Li Zhonghua might have participated in the nuclear test blasting work.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Li Zhonghua

In 1958, Li Zhonghua was notified by the local armed forces and waited until the end of his work in the spinning and dyeing factory to come to the armed department.

The Armed Forces Department was crowded with veterans like him, Li Zhonghua did not know what was happening, and after asking a veteran around him, he learned that the country needed them to carry out a secret mission, Li Zhonghua was concerned about the motherland, and immediately said to the veteran: "Then I want to be the first to sign up!" "Say squeeze forward."

Li Zhonghua's calf was injured, and his movements were not very agile, and when the veteran found out, he pulled him aside and asked, "Comrade, your leg has been injured!" ”

Li Zhonghua replied proudly, "Yes! This is the injury I suffered during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and because of this incident, I have won second-class merit? ”

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

The veteran said worriedly: "But this mission, your legs will not be affected?" ”

Li Zhonghua patted him on the shoulder and said, "Rest assured! I'm sure I won't cause you any trouble. ”

In this way, Li Zhonghua joined the ranks of the nuclear test, and his superiors told Li Zhonghua and other veterans: "Comrades, our mission this time is an important secret of the state, and we are not allowed to ask where to go, nor are we allowed to ask what we are going to do, let alone tell our families about this matter." ”

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Li Zhonghua and the others shouted firmly, "Yes! ”

After returning home, Li Zhonghua had dinner with his family as usual, and the harmonious atmosphere at the dinner table made Li Zhonghua's eyes red, and he was afraid that he would never see such a scene again.

However, he was a soldier, as long as the country needed, he should stand up, Li Zhonghua silently said goodbye to his family in his heart, and when the family was all asleep at night, he quietly got up and simply packed some luggage, and took away a few family letters to his father as a souvenir.

At dawn, Li Zhonghua left home, followed the troops, and when he passed through Henan, he bought a copy of the "Luoyang Newspaper" and put it in the pocket of his cotton coat; when the troops rested in the middle of the day, Li Zhonghua opened the newspaper, and when he saw the words "Chairman Mao receives President Dur" and "The situation of the African national independence movement is very good," he couldn't help but smile.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

Soon, the troops came to the Lop Nur area in Qinghai, where the wind and sand were full of wind and sand, and the instructor of the troops reminded: "The environment here is harsh, everyone must be careful and follow the team." ”

As soon as the cadres' voices fell, a fierce sandstorm blew up nearby, and Li Zhonghua quickly covered his eyes with his hands, and his body was uncontrollably pushed out by the wind and sand for a long distance.

After a while, Li Zhonghua felt that the wind and sand had gradually stopped, so he patted the sand on his body and prepared to continue to advance with the troops, but when he looked up, he found that the yellow sand was all over the place, and there was no one there, Li Zhonghua panicked instantly, and he shouted loudly: "Instructor! Instructor! ”

After shouting several times in a row, he did not receive any response, and Li Zhonghua thought that he must have been separated from the large troops, so he intuitively walked in one direction, but he did not find the troops until dark.

Lop Nur had a large temperature difference, the heat was unbearable during the day, and at night, people were shivering with cold, and Li Zhonghua wrapped his cotton clothes tightly and spent a night in the desert.

The next day Li Zhonghua continued to search in the desert, but still found nothing, he did not have much supplies, and by the third day, Li Zhonghua fell in the desert.

Veterans "disappeared" from their homes, and 50 years later the remains were found in Lop Nur for tearful reasons

However, this is all police speculation, there is not enough evidence, after many years, most of the veterans who participated in the nuclear test have passed away, and the truth of the incident may never be known to the world.

But in any case, Li Zhonghua's death in Lop Nur is conclusive, and his identity as a second-class meritorious hero of the volunteer army is also a certain fact.

Until the 1980s, the local government still informed Li Zhonghua's family to let Li Zhonghua himself go to receive the government's allowance for disabled soldiers, but because he could not find him, he had to deposit all the money in the local government's financial account, and now all of it has been distributed to Li Zhonghua's family.

After the identity of the remains was determined, Li Zhonghua's daughter Li Xiulan went to Qinghai to prepare to cremate her father's remains and take them home and let him be buried.

When she saw Li Zhonghua's remains, Li Xiulan couldn't help but kneel on the ground and cry, in her memory, her father had always been the image of a loving middle-aged man, but now there was only a white bone left, and she would never see the figure in her memory again.

Li Zhonghua's story is touching, in fact, there are many people like Li Zhonghua, they are all people worthy of our admiration!

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