
Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

author:Yuncheng Public Welfare Network

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A few days ago, the reporter learned from the video work conference of the Civil Affairs Department of Shanxi Province that in 2021, the charity industry in Shanxi Province will continue to develop healthily, the social work and volunteer service system and mechanism will be more sound, and the welfare lottery sales management will be standardized and orderly. Charitable activities, volunteer services and social work have been actively integrated into the province's development strategy, highlighting the role of social forces and professional forces in rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, flood prevention and disaster relief. It has successfully completed the various tasks assigned by the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and achieved a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan".

Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

The meeting proposed that in the new development stage, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation of the center, further strengthen the forward-looking work, focus on key tasks, strengthen the supervision of charitable activities, promote the institutionalization of volunteer service, promote the professional development of social work, and actively develop philanthropy.

In 2021, the Shanxi civil affairs department will simultaneously raise the two subsidy standards for the extremely poor and the disabled, and allocate 5.285 billion yuan of central and provincial relief subsidies for the needy people throughout the year, so that 1.57 million people in need and 620,000 disabled people can receive assistance.

Benchmarking the overall goal of the development of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for old-age services, it is proposed to implement the "431" project and the "1251" project, invest 30 million yuan, and successfully complete the people's livelihood practical tasks of the provincial government's "new 30 urban community pension happiness project".

The province's 11 cities and 117 counties have established a coordination mechanism for uninsured work headed by the main responsible person of the government, 270 townships and towns have built uninsured workstations, and civil affairs departments at all levels in the province have carried out in-depth special actions to crack down on illegal social organizations, taking the lead in establishing two mechanisms for joint law enforcement and fund supervision of social organizations in the country, mobilizing and guiding more than 1,300 social organizations, investing 198 million yuan to help rural revitalization, and social organizations in the province actively participating in the market doubling plan.

Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

In October last year, Shanxi suffered the strongest autumn flood, the civil affairs department had the courage to take action, actively mobilized social forces to intervene effectively, and the province received a total of 1.739 billion yuan in donations and materials, effectively ensuring the post-disaster reconstruction of the people in need. During the Spring Festival, 53.3 million yuan was raised to comfort the needy groups and the disaster victims, of which 6.3 million yuan was specially used to help the disaster victims return to their homes, move into new homes, and return home for the New Year.

Philanthropy is an important part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the main method of the third distribution, and an important means to narrow the income gap and promote common prosperity.

Shanxi Civil Affairs attaches great importance to giving play to the important role of charity in the third distribution, guiding charitable organizations and charitable forces to actively participate in rural revitalization, serving social assistance, old-age services, child welfare, welfare for the disabled and community governance and other people's livelihood undertakings. Promote transparent management of the whole process of charitable organizations and charitable information platforms, and build sunshine charity.

On July 1, 2021, the Regulations on the Promotion of Philanthropy in Shanxi Province were officially implemented, bringing Shanxi Province's charity legislation to a new level and walking in the forefront of the country. Every year on September 5, the week where "China Charity Day" is set as "Shanxi Charity Publicity Week", and with the theme of "Gathering Charity Forces and Helping Rural Revitalization", a week-long all-media publicity was carried out, creating a good social atmosphere of "everyone is good, everyone is good".

At present, Shanxi Civil Affairs is actively organizing and preparing for the selection and commendation of the first "Shanxi Charity Award".

Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

Vigorously promote the development of social work

Promote the establishment of the "Shanxi Provincial Social Work Federation" to promote the development of social work and the construction of social work talent teams in the province.

In 2021, a total of 12,160 people in the province signed up for the national social worker professional level examination, an increase of 32.84% year-on-year.

Shanxi civil affairs actively integrate resources, focusing on the goal of "standardized system, perfect facilities, diverse functions, and professional services", do a good job in expanding the construction of township (street) social work stations in the province, achieve full coverage of no less than 40% of county (city, district) township (street) social work stations, give play to the role of social work stations, and open up the "last meter" of serving the people.

Start the construction of township (street) social work service stations, and the pilot work will progress well in 2021, with 237 township (street) social work stations established and 3 county-level central stations simultaneously completed, with 467 staff.

Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

Do a solid job in volunteer service

The number of registered volunteers in Shanxi Province reached 4.118 million, an increase of more than 60,000 year-on-year, reaching the goal of more than 13 community workers per 10,000 urban permanent residents. There are 41,000 volunteer service teams, 64,000 service projects, and the total service hours are as long as 20.98 million hours.

At the same time, we will thoroughly implement the "Volunteer Service Regulations" and the "Shanxi Provincial Volunteer Service Regulations", and widely promote the use of the "National Volunteer Service Information System". Organize the provincial, municipal, and county levels to simultaneously carry out comprehensive mapping and identification of volunteer service organizations. Strengthen the management of the issuance of volunteer service records and certificates, promote the institutionalization and standardization of volunteer service, promote relevant policy support such as volunteer service incentives and commendations, and continuously stimulate the potential of society to participate in volunteer service.

Bigger and stronger philanthropy and promote the development of social work

Promote the sustained and healthy development of the welfare lottery industry

Firmly establish the concept of great security, solidly promote innovative business, and enhance the endogenous power of the welfare lottery cause. Pay attention to scientific marketing and overall layout, improve technical services and management, and tap the development potential of the lucky lottery market. Optimize the lottery buying environment, carry forward the positive energy of the lottery, strengthen supervision and assessment, and promote the healthy, orderly and rapid development of the welfare lottery.

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, more than 700,000 volunteers in Shanxi Province have participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic. Innovate and explore new ways of cross-industry sales, achieve 2.5 billion yuan of welfare lottery sales throughout the year, and raise about 800 million yuan of public welfare funds.

The meeting requested that in 2022, the province's civil affairs system should closely focus on the goal of creating a "quality improvement year, policy implementation year, project landing year, and problem solving year" of Shanxi civil affairs, fully complete various key tasks, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of civil affairs work.

Source: Shanxi Civil Affairs

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