
Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

author:Entertain Orange Cat

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

Maha Vajiralongkorn really does not care about the reader's opinion of the harem grace, the New Year celebration has just passed half a month, the plot of the palace fight has not been completely calmed, it has been helping twenty-two concubines to appear on camera, this matter has only been two days, fresh spots have appeared repeatedly, and the positive photos of the beauty group lineup have caused fans to watch.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

As we all know, Maha, the king of Matei, has an increasing number of concubines, including the old concubines who accompanied the monarch earlier, and there are also new concubines who accompanied the monarch in the recent period, due to the development of the times, the new favor no longer chooses to be patient like the old pet, but dares to appear in the camera to compete for favors, and the energetic personality does not know how to humble the predecessors.

Royal researcher Andrew brought the latest news, of course, this also stems from the frequency of the Thai King Maha making the palace struggle wind jealous, as if during this time, King Maha brought the reader a sense of self-release, no longer blindly hiding, showing the love of the practice is a bit too straightforward, so readers who love royal entertainment can spy on the true face.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

Andrew said bluntly in response to King Maha's overly dashing self-love: King Maha is really not embarrassed, the appearance of the new favorite is really difficult to say, there is no queen Suthida's dignified and decent, not like Srinina's charming, and there is also no former crown princess Concubine Sirami's prosperous appearance, giving people a feeling of earthiness.

In fact, as early as not long ago, Andrew had a detailed description, believing that King Maha's aesthetic standards had declined, but due to the reason why King Maha looked up to Princess Siruifan's girlfriend some time ago, and the reason for the appearance of folk lovers, such a statement was once again overturned, but the appearance of this pet concubine once again proved that Andrew was right.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

King Maha has always been "Israeli waiter" inclined to appearance, but with the increase of age, it seems that the appearance is no longer excessively obsessed, but biased towards the young and immature vitality, the first three harem princesses are the most intuitive answer, and even under the visual senses of high-definition close photos, the beard of the harem pet concubine can be clearly seen.

In the past, we saw the harem beauty, the appearance of the stunning appearance is the peak, the facial features are exquisite, the temperament is outstanding, the elegance and dignity are outstanding, and now what we see is the style of the neutral tomboy, which also fully confirms that the aesthetic standards of the Thai king Maha have indeed changed, and even to a certain extent, some of the changes are difficult to accept.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

Although the harem beauties who appeared on the camera this time look very young, full of collagen childishness, but this is difficult to see the delicate appearance that should be possessed on the whole, even if the face is harmless to people and animals, but compared with the five princesses before the harem, the temperament of the village girl who has changed drastically is highlighted.

Andrew, due to the reason for posting the beautiful photos, told his own opinion, and now than the feeling that the old pet princess brought to Maha, the king of Thailand obviously prefers to awaken his second spring, and the successive appearances of new pets are the best proof, Srinina is currently thirty-seven years old, Suthida is forty-four years old, and Crown Princess Silamy is more than half a hundred years old.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

In the face of the Thai king Maha who lacks nothing, at this time, the youth and immaturity of the beautiful women can bring Maha the most important sense of freshness, and the original twenty-two beauties in the harem have been difficult to give Maha such a feeling, and it seems reasonable to grace the new concubine, after all, what Maha chose to want is a comfortable and elegant life, rather than the companionship of the beauty.

Thai King Xinhuan 'moustache' appeared on camera, childishly did not take off his wig, and his face was full of pimples, which was particularly obvious

King Maha of Thailand overthrew the monogamous system set by King Bhumibol, that is, he hoped that he could expand the three palaces and six houses, and the emergence of new favors was actually strange in the eyes of fans, as for who can really gain a foothold in the harem, this depends on their ability to compete for favors and Maha's own mood, as for who can be favored in the future, it remains to be seen.

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