
An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

author:Bayu Scenic Line 01

Some people say that marriage was originally the product of the feelings of two people who were in love, and they formed a new family to live together.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

Some people say that marriage is a graveyard of love, and a marriage ends a love drama. However, not all marriages are related to love, at least many marriages are entangled in too many things.

At a particularly eye-catching wedding held in the rural countryside of Anhui Province a few days ago, the wedding attracted much attention because the age difference between the bride and groom was too large. And this wedding is not favored by the guests who watched the ceremony, their expressions are really intriguing.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

On February 16, 2022, some Anhui netizens uploaded a wedding video on their personal social platform, which showed a wedding held in rural Anhui.

According to people familiar with the matter in the video, the groom of the couple is a 20-year-old young man, the bride is a 40-year-old lady, and both of them are holding a wedding for the first time.

As can be seen from the short video, it seems that the age gap does not affect the feelings between a couple in the slightest. The groom was satisfied with his bride, and he did not show any unhappiness because his bride was twice her age.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

On the contrary, the young lad's expression was quite excited. He went out with the welcoming party and married his bride, greeting the people of the village warmly. When someone blessed him, he also loudly thanked others for their blessings.

Arriving at the kissing scene of the bride's home, the groom stood in front of his bride very intimately, smiling and wearing a red flower on her chest.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

The groom's expression did not seem the slightest impatience. And the newly married two people seem to be very close, not at all swayed by their larger age.

The older bride also watched her groom's every move with a gentle face from beginning to end. The bride at this time, her eyes full of her groom, no one else.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

When the groom wears a red flower for his bride, the two people can't help but hug each other and kiss each other.

As can be seen from the video, the young groom, the childishness on his face has not faded. On the other hand, the bride next to the young groom has already carved the vicissitudes of the past on her face. To be reasonable, the festive occasion of this wedding banquet should have been blessed by the guests on the spot.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

The wedding banquet of the two came to a lot of relatives and friends, and although they sent blessings to this relationship on the surface, they were secretly talking about it in private. But I don't know why, the guests who came to the wedding around them, their expressions for this wedding banquet, their expressions are more intriguing.

There is a saying in China that "female junior, holding gold bricks", in layman's terms, in fact, the so-called "female junior, holding gold bricks" is the current sister-brother love. The bride is older and the groom, and in the later married life, the woman will often play a positive role in the husband's family.

An unproductive wedding in Anhui: the bridegroom is 20 years old and the bride is 40 years old, and the expressions of the guests are intriguing

Love is such a thing as a mysterious and mysterious thing. Once the two people without queuing up look at each other correctly, it is not impossible to break the traditional age limit. But once the age difference between the bride and groom exceeds a certain range, it is often too much to be criticized.

Just as the bride is twice the age of the groom, their marriage may really be mutually pleasing, but their marriage is still not favored. I just don't know if their future married life will be happy?

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