
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

The pleasant winter vacation life is coming to an end

It also snowed in Xi'an in early spring

Snow falls on the west

The campus was wrapped in silver overnight

All things are beautiful in the heart

Please check today's portion

The most beautiful snow scene in Xidian ~

Snowflakes drift gently

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you



Fluttering and falling from the sky

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

After the winter plum blooms, a hundred flowers compete to be the first

The cold wind is cold, and the silence of all things is pure white

As cold as winter, welcome Meng Chun lingers

Mist white light, tree Qiong Yao

Spring snow

Dressed as flying flowers everywhere

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

Loose curtain red sun to make the morning sun

Little snow and sand do not make mud

Raise your eyebrows, day by day

The vast and tragic wind cannot be sealed

Xue Jihong returned to the sun, and the letter was thousands of miles away

The original intention has not changed

Yingxue is proud of the bone

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

Snow falls in all directions, and the new one is greeted with dryness

Heaven and earth, Chan Juan thousands of miles

The Tao is clear, but the heart has feelings

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

The steps are white, and the snow is falling

Flying a little, falling between the black and white bells

Solemnly follow the wind, the mountain outline is fully displayed

The smoke is hazy, and the sky is dark

Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you
Today's Western Electric, leave blank for you

Time series flow, distant acacia

Xidian and Juntong are drenched in snow

Meet each other as we approach

Look forward to the melting of snow and ice in spring

All are gone

Copywriter: Zhu Junhang

Editor: Guo Nannan

Editor-in-Charge: Wang Ge

Producer: Media Center, Xidian University

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