
If you are accidentally swallowed by a whale, is there a way to save yourself? Look at what the dying man did

author:Entrepreneur Ju Wenhao

71% of the earth's area is ocean, and the sea is also very much, of which the world's largest animal is also in the ocean, the overlord of the ocean is the whale, whale is roughly divided into two kinds, one is a baleen whale, one is a tooth whale, the difference between them is that baleen whales have no teeth, while toothed whales have sharp teeth.

Toothed whales with teeth, eating is naturally to chew, so food into its mouth, will be chewed into a filling by sharp teeth, so if you are accidentally swallowed by toothed whales, there is basically no chance of survival, you can not even escape the teeth of that level, even if some large toothed whales may let you escape the teeth of this pass, but the tooth whale throat muscles are very developed, food will be forcefully squeezed when passing, the general flesh can not withstand at all.

If you are accidentally swallowed by a whale, is there a way to save yourself? Look at what the dying man did

The only ones who can be swallowed by whales to survive are baleen whales, these whales have no teeth, they are all raw food, if you are swallowed, it will go directly into the stomach, if you are lucky, you may be spit out by the whale, there is a small chance of survival. Of course, there is no oxygen in the whale's stomach, you will face the threat of suffocation and death after you go in, and there is stomach acid in the stomach that will gradually break down your body, and the only chance of survival is that the whale will feel uncomfortable eating food, and will vomit out the contents of your stomach, so that you may be spit out.

If you are swallowed by a baleen whale with equipment, if you want to survive, you must find a way to make the whale spit you out, and if you want the whale to spit you out, you must stimulate the whale's stomach with something sharp, so that if you are lucky, the whale will feel that the stomach will not be used, and it may not be able to bear to spit you out.

There is a foreign extreme challenger ready to do the challenge of escaping from the belly of the whale, he first selected a special material made of diving suit, this wetsuit material can not only resist the whale's stomach corrosive digestive juices, but also the whale teeth can not scratch it, but also to bring a close-fitting oxygen bag.

With all this preparation, he set off on a boat with the action team, they set off for the Pacific Ocean, and a few years later they arrived at the blue whale's active area and found a blue whale, why did he choose the blue whale for this experiment and challenge? Because the blue whale is the largest whale in the ocean and the largest animal on the earth, and it is a baleen whale, it has no teeth, and only by choosing a huge blue whale for experiments, the safety and success rate are the highest.

If you are accidentally swallowed by a whale, is there a way to save yourself? Look at what the dying man did

We know that the blue whale is very docile, will not take the initiative to attack humans and ships, so it takes a lot of effort to successfully let the blue whale swallow the challenger into the stomach, the challenger deliberately drives the speedboat to pick it up, the constant harassment finally annoys the blue whale, when it opens its huge mouth, the challenger jumps into the sea with lightning speed, and swims into the whale's mouth with the seawater.

After the challenger enters the mouth of the blue whale, he feels that his eyes are black, and then along the throat wall of the whale waiting for the blue whale to swallow the seawater again, the challenger successfully enters the whale's stomach, this time he feels that he is tightly clamped, the body can only move back and forth, the challenger stayed in the blue whale stomach for a while and then because of the sweltering heat and dehydration can not stand, fortunately with oxygen, safety is not a problem for the time being.

The challenger felt that he was going to prepare an escape plan, if he continued to stay in the stomach, even if there was oxygen, he might faint, he took out the sharp object he carried with him to stimulate the whale's stomach, but the whale did not seem to react strongly, wanted to let the whale spit itself out, it seemed to think of other ways, that is, at the last moment, the challenger thought of another way, that is, to release the oxygen in the oxygen band he carried.

We sometimes feel bloating, very uncomfortable to eat things will spit out, this is actually our stomach into the cold air caused, the challenger also thought of this method, he released oxygen, so that the whale stomach into the cold air, the blue whale immediately felt the stomach swelling is very uncomfortable, the whale belly as if overturning the river, grunting.

If you are accidentally swallowed by a whale, is there a way to save yourself? Look at what the dying man did

At this time, the blue whale also rolled up and down in the sea because of the extreme discomfort in the fishy, and finally, it could not stand it, and vomited out the food in its belly along with the challenger. This experiment and challenge is full of thrills, although the final success, but also let the challenger feel afraid, this is still in their own fully armed situation almost buried in the belly of the whale, if there is no armed ordinary personnel once accidentally swallowed by the blue whale, the probability of successful escape is probably lower than the probability of buying the first prize in the lottery, unless it is a big outbreak of luck, the whale just swallowed it and felt uncomfortable vomiting, otherwise there is no possibility of life and death.