
The universe originated from the Singularity Big Bang, so where did this Singularity come from?

author:Entrepreneur Ju Wenhao

Since exploring the universe, human beings have been thinking about a question: How did the universe come about? The current mainstream view of the origin of the universe is the Singularity Big Bang. This theory holds that the universe was an infinitesimal, infinitely dense singularity 13.7 billion years ago, and then this singularity exploded, giving birth to the universe, and after the birth of the universe, it began to expand, and finally formed what we are today.

The Big Bang theory was formally proposed by the American astrophysicist Gamov and others in the 20s of the last world, and later scientists found some strong evidence to confirm the correctness of the Big Bang, so most people now support the Big Bang theory.

Later, the great physicist Hawking further studied and discussed the origin of the universe, Hawking believes that the origin of the universe, initially smaller than the atom, and then the singularity of the big bang, through the energy of the big bang to form some elementary particles, under the action of the energy of these particles, gradually formed a variety of matter in the universe.

The universe originated from the Singularity Big Bang, so where did this Singularity come from?

There is also a black hole theory that the initial starting point of the universe is actually a black hole, the matter in this black hole continues to shrink, the volume is getting smaller and smaller, the density is getting larger and larger, and finally shrinks to a critical point and then rebounds suddenly, rapidly expanding outward, the universe was born, and the science that supports the universe was once a black hole is also quite a lot, because this theory can also explain some cosmic rules and phenomena.

Whatever theory, the original form of the universe was a singularity of infinitely small size and infinite density, but here a new question arises: where did this singularity come from? In fact, few people have thought about this problem, everyone is concerned about the Big Bang and the expansion theory, and there are very few people who really study the origin of the singularity, and the reason why few people study it is because it is too difficult.

For this singularity of the original form of the universe, there are nothing more than two possibilities, one is natural and the other is artificial. First of all, we think of a question, 13.7 billion ago singularity is a very small substance, so what kind of existence is the space outside this singularity? Then the big bang occurred at the singularity, our universe formed, and then continued to expand, slowly forming the universe today, so where did the space where the singularity was at that time? Could it be that our current universe is expanding outwards and is actually in that vast space?

The universe originated from the Singularity Big Bang, so where did this Singularity come from?

We compare the universe to a balloon, this balloon wants to continue to expand and become larger, the premise is that the outer space should be enough to accommodate it, if the outer space is limited, the balloon wants to expand infinitely is impossible, reaching the limit of external space will not continue to expand.

In the same way, the reason why our universe can expand so infinitely after the big bang is that there is a broader space outside our universe, we can call this space a big space, how big this big space is, no one knows, maybe our universe is just a grain of dust in this big space.

Our universe has countless planets, each of which is a grain of dust relative to the entire universe. In the same way, if we compare the big space to our universe, and our universe to every planet, then our universe is just a grain of dust, then there may be countless universes in this big space, and our universe is only one of them. This is the concept of the multiverse proposed by modern science.

It is not impossible that there is a sky outside the sky, and there is a universe outside the universe, so let's return to the question just now: the origin of the singularity. Some people will think that this singularity is naturally formed in large space, and finally explodes and expands to form a universe, and other universes in large space may also be formed in this way.

The universe originated from the Singularity Big Bang, so where did this Singularity come from?

There is also a view that the singularity is created by the advanced civilization in the large space, perhaps just an experimental product, many people may think that this is a bit ridiculous, can the universe still be artificially created? In fact, this is entirely possible, how powerful the end of science and technology is, we do not know, like the ancient times of the earth people will think that now there are planes, spaceships, atomic bombs? So the same reason, we can't imagine the extent to which human science and technology will develop in tens of thousands of years, and will human beings also have the ability to create the universe at that time?

If the multiverse exists, the time of birth of the various universes in the large space will not be the same, some universes may be very old, these ancient universes in the advanced civilization, their civilization may have developed for hundreds of millions of years, billions of years or even tens of billions of years, the ability of such civilizations we can not imagine, perhaps in the eyes of these ancient advanced civilizations, it is also very easy to create a universe in the large space.

The original morphological singularity of this universe may have been the work of these advanced civilizations, who put the seed of the singularity in the large space and then let it explode, and the inside of this singularity is a universe in itself, but the advanced civilizations use their advanced technology to compress it, which may be a powerful space technology. After the Singularity Explosion, the space inside is released and then expands continuously.

The universe originated from the Singularity Big Bang, so where did this Singularity come from?

If so, then the universe must not expand indefinitely, it must have a limit, and scientists have observed that our universe is still expanding, indicating that our universe has not yet reached its limit. The above are just some speculations, the real origin of the universe in the end, or the need for human beings to develop science and technology, only when human beings really have the ability to freely gallop the universe, can reach the edge of the universe, that may not be far from the real, the final mystery of the future universe may be unexpected by many people.