
World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

League of Legends S12 season, LPL Spring Season 2 matches continue to fight! The February 18 Super Weekend match consisted of RA challenging LGD, UP vs. WBG and EDG vs. FPX.

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

In the first two games, RA let one chase two difficult victories over LGD, not only jumped out of the ranks of the "Dark Four Heavenly Kings", but also could even look at the playoffs; the second WBG game against UP, was to play two typical man-machine games, UP was not only taught a lesson, but also into the ranks of the "Dark Four Heavenly Kings". The battle between the two world championships of FPX and EDG embodies an "electrocardiogram", which makes people's blood boil!

FPX: The dragon ruined his life, regret it!

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

The LPL division, since IG won the S Championship in the S8 season, has opened its own way to winning the championship. In the three years that followed, LPL won the World Championship twice, FPX and EDG. Therefore, the competition between EDG and FPX can be seen as a contest between two world champions.

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

In the first game, the EDG blue side disabled Jace, Gallio, Ryds, The Crown Prince, Kennan, and the Flandre Gwen, Jiejie Centaur, Scout Clockwork, Viper Moon, Meiko Riona; FPX Red Fang, disabled Zelly, Policewoman, Card, Vigus, Titan; FPX Red Square, using Xiaolaohu Jax, Clid Blind Monk, Gori Aircraft, Lwx Jinx, Hang Hammerstone.

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

The first game of the two sides, EDG and FPX played more cautiously and anxiously at first, about 6 minutes, FPX's xiaolaohu and Clid were too deep, although Jax took the head of the Scout clockwork, but then Jax and the blind monk, were also killed by EDG, and then the two sides entered the "peaceful development" stage; 21 minutes or so, the two sides assembled at the dragon, Gori released the explosive pack, Jiejie centaurs rushed into the dragon pit to grab the dragon unsuccessfully, But Meiko's Riona took the double kill, and then EDG took the big dragon; about 30 minutes, EDG drove first to take down the big dragon, clid blind monk kicked back the Scout clockwork, the clockwork opened the gold body to protect itself, and then the EDG double C operation was full, after killing the FPX three people, pushing off the middle road highland to take down the big dragon, and then a wave ended the game, first the next city!

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

In the second round, the FPX Blue Square, disabling Cards, Centaur, Kalmar, Titans, and Riona, Xiaolaohu Jace, Clid Trolls, Gori Serras, Lwx Moon, Hang Hammerstone, EDG Red Square, disabling Zelly, Ritz, Policewoman, Clockwork, Blind Monk, Flandre StoneMan, Jiejie Bear, Scout Plane, Viper Jinx, Meiko Tam.

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

The second game of the two sides can be described as an "electrocardiogram". From the beginning, the two sides used the traditional artistic ability of LPL, and the opening game entered the big brawl mode. However, through fighting, the two sides constantly invade and counter-invade resources. The two sides played extremely anxiously in the first, middle and back three phases, and the economic and head numbers alternated to lead. But no one can turn an advantage into a win. The turning point appeared in about 35 minutes, when the FPX economy was about 2K ahead, and mastered the initiative on the field, EDG in the small dragon team battle, let go of a fight to kill the FPX two, successfully took down the water dragon soul, opened the road against the sky; then 38 minutes, EDG middle road again desperately fight, personal operation pull full, smooth turnover! 2-0, clean sheet FPX, win the championship battle!

World Championship Battle: Dragon Destroys a Lifetime, EDG Clean Sheet FPX! FPX is operational and does not fight

After EDG won the FPX, Guodian returned to TOP3. And as the King of 囧 Has said before, after IG is not willing to be the background board for the UZI comeback, the LPL's standings have become a mess: in addition to the undefeated LNG, WBG, EDG, V5 and RNG teams. All the other teams have only 1-4 wins, which means that, in theory, as of February 18, all the LPL teams still have playoff hopes (theoretically).

The LPL of this S12 Spring Race is also too rolled, right?

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