
Selected poems| Si Di duo to worry about the country's guests, a hug to who in front

Selected poems| Si Di duo to worry about the country's guests, a hug to who in front

"Drunken Spring Breeze Writing Acacia with a Stroke of the Lamp"

Text/Cold Rose

Emerald autumn is intense. Breeze incense mist cage.

The green shirt gradually dyed wild maple red, a total. common. common.

Hongyan passed on the book, and the white clouds floated. Hagi flower dreams.

Whisper warblers. Bright moon smoke waves.

Write acacia and recite with a stroke of the lamp. chant. chant.

Offstage hibiscus, bamboo hedge chrysanthemum, this love is deeply planted.

Rainy Night

Text/East Side

The moon stars are half hidden in the clouds, and the night rain is basho old song.

The dream breaks the three more cold, and the lone lamp is shadowing Lang Jun.

"Double Verse Chant"

Text/Spring and Autumn

Yellow flowers in August, Mid-Autumn Festival National Day.

Red flag Huaxia is everywhere, Yugui Jiuzhou is the same.

《Mid-Autumn Festival》


In the middle of the night, the wind comes to flower the remaining bones, and the yellow chrysanthemum in front of the window is incense for whom.

The copper coin stinked of three dreams, and the full moon was injured twice.

Partridge Sky Autumn Sorrow

Geese pack their bags and autumn again. The Nanshan yellow chrysanthemum color is thick.

The clouds and shadows in the long sky are beautiful, and the courtyard Danzhi is a little shy.

The stars are like the sea, and the moon is like a hook. Leaning on a few people with a fence.

Raise a glass to the drunk tonight, and the soul in the dream will be whiteheaded.

"Jiangnan Writing Autumn Map"

Wen/Chuanba idler

The smoke bridge moored Gu Su, drunken eyes maple forest overflowing.

The sunset shines on the mountains and the mountains are colorful, and the cinnamon birds whisper to the lagoon.

Seven Laws of Stone City

Text/Tianya is a tired guest

After the dream of the Red Chamber, Sangtian wanted to innovate into the orchestra.

The Cao generation was ignorant and the sky was broken.

The songs and dances of the Six Dynasties followed the rain, and the walls of the City extinguished the smoke.

Stedore came to worry about the country's guests, and embraced who was in front of him.

"Five Laws: Reading vegetable roots"

The heart is light and undisturbed, and the mountain air birds are self-pottery.

The flower head is partial to the grass, and the color is hanging from the knife.

Everything is three meals, And Chihiro is one step higher.

The rivers are not wasted, and a few waves are recognized.

"Zhaojun Grievances : Autumn End"

Text/Lee Ka Wing

Yang Liu knows the most about hate, and Ye Qiusi is difficult to exhaust.

Twilight fills the courtroom, causing sorrow.

Look back at Pepsi on Earth and win the long night.

Sycamores hit the window ledge, the moon is clear.

"Happy Migration Warbler: Parting for a Long Time"

Parting for a long time, thinking hard. There is nowhere to complain.

Five more people in the small cloister. The mood is almost wandering.

The dawn is slight, and the west wind is thin. Gaunt curved pool of dead willows.

A curtain of stars and shadows with remnants. Alone pillow desolate.

"Seven Absolute Mountain Sisters"

Text/Jiang Bo (Sichuan)

The mountain brow phoenix girl shines on the pool ice, and the moon dew is born with rain lamps.

Yan with neon clothes flying mirror night, from the teaching of Gui Yu dark incense condensation.

"Seven Absolutes : Crossing the Maple Bridge"

Listen to the noise of the autumn waves, and the grass of the creek bridge catches the maple sky.

The beautiful jade girl blushed cheeks, and the drunken boat did not remember the year.

"Seven Absolute Mans"

Fengzi's dream is a granary, and the hat farmland is harvested with green mulberries.

Candle shadow curtain curtain is urgent, and flowers are full of sideburns.

"Seven Absolute Jasmine"

My generation he heart jasmine, met in the community wearing silver yarn.

From his Shu land immortal state, a dream of a thousand delicate and splendid morning glow.

"Seven Absolutes and Young People's Journey"

There is a dream boy lang in the end of the world, and Nian Yuan opens his arms to get off the horse farm.

Want to abandon the prestige of the body, fluttering jinser invigorating the fragrance.

"Seven Laws of Red Locust Flower"

Bao Bun Moth eyebrows skillfully paint makeup, frequent color phoenix is common.

Yiyi pink Dai Qiong crisp color, veins red face snow frankincense.

Jasmine flying flowers compete for splendid embroidery, and cherries bring rain to want to dress.

Talk about the popularity of the proud bone spirit, and be proud of the original heart as a groom.

"Seven Absolute Lan Ting Has Poetry And Drama Gifts"

Intentionally Lanting water illuminates the eaves, throwing heart to the sea rain curtain.

Attentive Cui Dai high and low, Mo Dao Jiang Lang endowed with sweet rhymes.

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems". The poets work tirelessly, the poetry club forges ahead, constantly innovates, recommends excellent poems, produces high-quality poetry collections, recites excellent works, recommends poets' works in various forms, lets more people read excellent works, appreciates poetry culture, we are on the move!

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