
The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

In February 2022, Bad Guy 5 has aired 6 episodes. Until the entire 5th season was halfway through, the male protagonist Li Xingyun was officially debuted, and the first 5 episodes basically became "Ji Ruxue's biography", but even in this case, "Bad Guy 5" still got 9.3 points of praise on a certain platform, and basically no one complained about the 5th season. In comparison, the previous "Change of World Protégé" produced by Ruosen was a bit sad, and the live broadcast of 2 seasons has been criticized as "all over the body", and at the same time, only 7.3 points of evaluation was given on a certain platform. Also produced by Ruosen, why is the gap between these 2 works so large?

The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

"Bad Guys" aired a total of 5 seasons, and the male protagonist Li Xingyun has been criticized, but he has not affected the praise of the work. Li Xingyun was originally a descendant of the Tang Dynasty and could inherit the throne of the Son of Heaven, but due to the decline of the Tang Dynasty, he could only be mixed with the people. However, Yuan Tiangang, the ceiling of the entire work, chose to do his best to help Li Xingyun to the throne. This Yuan Tiangang's comprehensive ability ranks first in the work, and at the same time, there are still a huge force of bad people under his command, but such a "king" can't move the "rusty iron" Li Xingyun. In the 3rd season, Li Xingyun directly pit the bad handsome.

The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

This Yuan Tiangang is like Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Li Xingyun seems to be inferior to Liu Bei, and many people have complained that Yuan Tiangang should not die, and fans even "swear" that the marshal will not watch "Bad Man" when he dies. It can be said that these cute little friends still went into the pit without paying attention to the 5th season. Until now, Li Xingyun has just appeared, and the friends are as excited as seeing Yuan Tiangang, and everyone has left a message in the comment area.

The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

But "The Protégé of the Replacement" is a bit of a pull. It is also produced by Ruosen, and the story tells the plot of Nian Yang Owl's adventure to the Easy Realm for the sake of his lover's ethereal wisdom. This work is similar to "Bad Guys" in many places, such as emotional lines, there are also wonderful martial arts pictures, and the storyline is also ups and downs. It is reasonable to say that these 2 anime are produced by the same company, plus the characteristics are very similar, they should have been praised, why have they been criticized so badly?

The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

The quality of anime works needs to be comprehensively analyzed, such as plot, music, characters and other aspects. The character modeling of "The Protégé" is not a big problem, and the music is OK, but the logical rigor of the story and some of the settings are confused. For example, the character changes too much in seasons 1 and season 2, which makes people suddenly difficult to accept, and at the same time, it does not conform to the law of the development of things. A drop of water directly changed from a beautiful and kind little sister to a selfish green tea, and Nian Yang Owl became "Xiao Bai" in seconds after losing his memory. At the same time, the combat effectiveness of these 2 bits can be said to be as insoluble as the opening and hanging. All this makes the work lose its rationality, so it has been criticized.

The same is whether it is produced by Jossen, a bad person and a protégé of the reincarnation, why is the gap so large?

In contrast, the Bad Guys series is different. In the first 3 seasons of the work, Li Xingyun belonged to the growth period. Although he was a bit ruined, the bad handsome supported the whole work. By the next 2 seasons, Li Xingyun has grown a little and gradually learned to be independent. In addition, each person's skill level is also clearly set. Both the plot and the human settings are very rigorous, and Ji Ruxue and Li Xingyun are also growing step by step, not only in line with the logic of the law but also very inspirational, plus their emotional lines are also very clear, so these are very attractive. On the whole, it is precisely because the control of the two works in some settings and details is not the same, so it has caused a huge gap in the works, which is reasonable.

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