
Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

Is the CC the most beautiful Volkswagen car? There is no doubt that the original CC deserves its name, and the current new CC estimate is not much controversial, but I believe that only a very small number of consumers will agree with the "second generation" CC that will undergo a mid-term redesign in 12 years. After all, CC was originally a niche sports car that won the favor of consumers with its appearance, but the second-generation CC actually chose a "family-style" matryoshka face, which obviously became a decisive factor in the decline in sales. And now once known as the small CC Of Lingdu will also usher in a generation, the market response is mixed, then in the end Lingdu L this choice, is not correct?

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

Before making a judgment, let's first look at how Lingdu L has changed compared to the past Lingdu. First of all, Lingdu has made changes from the naming, officially adding "L", the full car size is 4784× 1831× 1469mm, wheelbase 2731mm, this extended body will become one of its major selling points. On the other hand, the production platform of Lingdu has been promoted to the MQB EVO platform, and according to past experience, the active and passive safety of models upgraded to the MQB EVO platform will be greatly improved, and on the other hand, there is no doubt that it will also be seen from the digital interior. But according to current news, the engine will still be paired with a 280TSI 1.4T high-power engine.

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

Of course, in fact, compared with the size and upgrading of the production platform, I personally believe that the consumers who buy Lingdu are actually more similar to the consumer mentality of buying CC, and pay more attention to personalization and appearance. After all, the Volkswagen system A-class car is originally very much, there are Polaris, Langyi, Sagitar L and a more affordable cousin Octavia PRO, do not get some characteristics out, it is really difficult to persuade people not to buy the above several of their own veteran powerhouses, right? Therefore, the replacement of Hu Lingdu this time can be said to be a real makeover, and it can even be said that no Volkswagen has become so thorough when it has been replaced.

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

Somewhat similar to the second-generation CC, the replacement of The Lingdu L uses Volkswagen's latest family-style face, and the entire line is more sleek than the current model. The grille surface base below is very large, and it is embellished with irregular dot-matrix decoration, which may be the official poster is also the relationship of the red car, which reminds xiaobian of ferrari ROMA and 812 models, but also because the front of the car is not so flat, it still looks like some "running taste".

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

Side view, in fact, even if the wheelbase is lengthened, the entire shape is still very smooth, the wheel hub style used this time is also very moving, and this time The lingdu can be regarded as a very clever way to create a positioning differentiation, 4 doors have adopted borderless doors, and the tail has also become a hatchback tail box that is more common for coupes, and the space will naturally be upgraded to a great extent. The tail has also been greatly changed, the LOGO is centered, the through-type taillights, and the black guard plate, which is somewhat of the taste of the volkswagen ID. family.

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

In terms of the interior, there is no doubt that a great improvement has been made for the old model, using a digital layout, but the entire layout is completely in line with everyone's expectations, almost exactly consistent with the Golf, good looking is good-looking, but as a personalized model, this seems to be something that everyone is looking forward to, if it can bring some unique elements, like the Beetle with an exclusive interior, I believe it will be more attractive to the potential consumer group of Lingdu L.

Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

So speaking of this, Xiaobian will feel that the entire replacement strategy of Lingdu L is actually a little similar to the second generation of CC, similar to the use of the family-style appearance and interior, but also brought some changes, especially the time node of the front face replacement, there is no doubt that this set of appearances is still fresh for many people, and indeed there are personalized attributes, and the popularity of the current Lingdu L has long been much worse than before, such a bold replacement, It is estimated that SAIC Volkswagen has also made the last big bet on the Lingdu car series.


Is the road to the second generation CC going again? Lingdu L what do you think

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