
Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

2024-06-29 16:13

Recently, Li Xueqin said that she couldn't swim, but she had a second-level swimming athlete evaluation certificate, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Does Li Xueqin know how to swim, and does she enjoy swimming bonus points when she goes to Peking University?

Could it be that if you are as good as Li Xueqin, there is also a fraud in academic qualifications?

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?


Recently, Li Xueqin said in an interview that she couldn't swim.

Only 5 words caused an uproar, for no other reason, a person with a second-level swimming athlete certificate, said that he can't swim, no matter how you look at it, it is not normal.

It can be seen from the valid information of the certificate that the renamed student is named Li Xueyang, and he participated in the 100-meter breaststroke in the children's swimming championship, and the certificate was awarded in February 2013.    

In the same year, Li Xueqin took the college entrance examination.

After joining the work, Li Xueqin also said that she had changed her name, and her previous real name was Li Xueyang.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

Speaking of Li Xueqin's college entrance examination, when Li Xueqin took the college entrance examination, Liaoning had a policy, and national second-level athletes could enjoy the policy of adding 10 points.

We all know that the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge, and the difference of one point is thousands of troops, let alone 10 points.

With such a policy, it is natural that people will rush to it.

Therefore, in 2014, Li Xueqin's alma mater, Liaoning Benxi Senior High School, was on CCTV news because of the suspicion of fraudulent bonus points for excellent students, of which 87 students were suspected.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

These 87 students are all rated as second-level athletes, and they can all enjoy extra points.    

Checking step by step, some students revealed that such second-level athlete evaluations are clearly priced, such as 40,000 yuan for football and 7~80,000 yuan for swimming.

Among these 87 people, 25 are second-level swimming athletes, of course, the time and place of participation and subjects are the same as Li Xueqin.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

As soon as this news came out, the parents of Benxi Senior High School couldn't sit still, and they asked one after another, is this Benxi School? Aren't there no swimming pools in schools? What's more, in order to improve learning, I usually don't take physical education classes.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

This incident was still a bit big at the time, but because there were students who set up the incident, and they were still minors.

Therefore, the investigation team gave a relatively gentle way of dealing with the situation, asking the students to self-examine, and if they think that they have the strength and fully meet the standards, they will sign a letter of commitment to integrity, and on the contrary, they will give up.

Shockingly, only 21 of the 87 students dared to sign the pledge, and none of the 21 were swimming.

Li Xueqin's second-level swimming athlete assessment is also the same event competition, if Li Xueqin is also a college entrance examination student in 2014, does she dare to sign this letter of commitment?    


It was precisely because of her questioning of Li Xueqin that she was "crusaded" when she said that she "can't swim".

In the face of netizens' doubts, Li Xueqin's support team gave a different voice, they said that Li Xueqin's real gold is not afraid of fire.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

According to the released platform news, Li Xueqin has no sports bonus points at all, and she was admitted through independent admissions.

Li Xueqin's results can be found out from the independent enrollment results, and they have passed the assessment of the Education Bureau.

In fact, the meaning of the support team is that Li Xueqin can go to Peking University without physical merit scores through independent enrollment.

But is this statement really trustworthy?

As we all know, independent enrollment is divided into a written test part and an interview part.

In the written part, Li Xueqin did not add points, but what about the interview part? Did she really not mention her sports expertise? After all, independent enrollment will still give more opportunities to students with special talents.   

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

Some attentive netizens found that the first batch of Liaoning's grades in 2013 was 636 points, and Li Xueqin was 633 points, which was 3 points short.

However, this thinking is biased, as in 2009, Chongqing's top liberal arts student was given an extra bonus because of his status as an ethnic minority.

But it was later confirmed that his minority identity was fake, and fraud became a label for him.

In fact, this champion of liberal arts does not rely on the status of an ethnic minority to add points, he is also a champion of liberal arts.

His strength is undoubted, but it can't erase his fake behavior.

Li Xueqin is the same, does she have the strength? There must be, she can be admitted to Peking University even if she doesn't have a physical gift.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

But she really can't swim but enjoys this extra point, this is cheating, and it has nothing to do with whether she can get into Peking University or not.

In this life, people are pursuing a certainty, even if they know that their strength is very strong, but they always hope to be foolproof.

But such a foolproof step is about to make a mistake, which is a stain for a lifetime.


Li Xueqin was born with a talk show, and quickly became popular with her witty and connotative words.

In Li Xueqin's jokes, what she ridicules is herself, her mother, her boss and other people, even if she is a group CP, she is a person who chooses to be very compatible with herself.

Her jokes are approachable, and people can see that it seems to be the sister next door who is chattering, and anyone who sees it likes it.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

Li Xueqin has never accepted Xiaoguo's olive branch, and her high sensitivity also lets her know what to say and not to say.

So, after getting out of the circle with a talk show, she went to participate in variety shows, and while increasing her exposure, she was very free and easy.

Li Xueqin stood on the stage, slightly chubby, round-faced, a very ordinary girl, but as long as she spoke, she would begin to shine, especially when she learned her identity as a Peking University student, that respect arose spontaneously.

learned that her parents were divorced, her father ran away due to debts, leaving her and her mother to depend on each other, and she even suffered from depression.    

The changes in the family made Li Xueqin take responsibility at a very young age, and she joked that she was her mother's spiritual support.

may sound exaggerated, but this is a fact in Li Xueqin's upbringing, she desperately took the first place and desperately digested her mother's negative emotions.

She is always in self-doubt, self-depreciation, and has a low self-esteem to the point of having a pleasing personality.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

On the stage of talk shows, she always shows people with a mournful image, and she seems to be unable to express herself everywhere.

But she is on fire, her kind of mourning makes the audience think it is a joke, but only she knows that she is unhappy, she is healing herself.

It is said that the core of comedy is tragedy, and Li Xueqin is such a person.

Her heart is very sad, even inferior, but what she shows is wit and fearlessness.

From talk shows to variety shows, to hosting, to acting, Li Xueqin seems to have stepped on the point every step she takes, and there seems to be no mistakes.

Before the physical advantage incident broke out, when it came to Li Xueqin, what did you think of, she must be an "ordinary" girl who is motivated, shy, witty, and has high emotional intelligence.    

Such a "perfect" ordinary girl who is close to the imagination, no one wants her image to collapse, this time the same.

Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

At present, Li Xueqin's studio has not given a positive response to the bonus point incident of physical excellence.

Whether it's true or not, the fact that this incident can ferment so much is mainly due to everyone's attention to the fairness of the college entrance examination!

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  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?
  • Li Xueqin was stripped away, why hasn't the house collapsed yet? Could it be that the main attack is in the wrong direction?

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