
Congratulations to Chen Shuyuan! The 23-year-old genius left South Korea to enter China, and wants to repay the motherland + revitalize the national football team, and South Korea is worried

Guangzhou team officials announced the termination of the contract with Luo Guofu, Axon and others, which means that non-blood naturalization in China is already a dead end, which also makes the Football Association more determined to find players who are related to China in the world, and the special provisions can only be related to the national football team for three generations of ancestors, Chen Shuyuan also stressed at the internal meeting of the Football Association that this is to allow these players to have a sense of honor in the motherland.

Congratulations to Chen Shuyuan! The 23-year-old genius left South Korea to enter China, and wants to repay the motherland + revitalize the national football team, and South Korea is worried

Just like jiang guangtai, the only blood naturalized jiang guangtai in the national football team, it is a masterpiece of the successful use of the naturalization policy by the football association. And like Li Ke and Hou Yongyong of Beijing Guoan and Xiao Taotao of the Guangzhou team, they are the reserve force of the national football team, and they are the best in blood naturalization. Just recently, another overseas Chinese got Chinese nationality, he is Xu Hui from the Korean team, according to the exclusive information of Weibo celebrities, Xu Hui has successfully completed the conversion of nationality in recent days, he officially broke away from Korean nationality and became a legal citizen of China.

Born in 1999 and currently only 23 years old, Seo Hui plays as a full-back on the pitch, with strong running ability, exquisite skills under his feet, and excellent physical confrontation ability, which is his three major advantages in the Korean league. He was previously signed by The K-League's traditional giants Seoul FC and then loaned to Incheon University, where he is currently a full-back and captain of the field. Now that Beijing Guoan Club is in contact with Xu Hui, he is likely to embark on a journey in the Chinese Super League in the new season.

Congratulations to Chen Shuyuan! The 23-year-old genius left South Korea to enter China, and wants to repay the motherland + revitalize the national football team, and South Korea is worried

It is worth mentioning that during his stay in South Korea, Xu Hui was selected for the National Olympic Team in South Korea and had the experience of starting a game. You must know that South Korea's youth training has always been very good, and it is a very honorable thing to be selected for the national Olympic team. Fame aside, if the national football team and the South Korean Olympic team real knife real gun to play a game, I am afraid that the national football team really can not take advantage of anything, and Xu Hui can represent the team to start the game, enough to see his potential. Now that Xu Hui has officially acquired Chinese citizenship, he has also abandoned South Korea, the land that has nurtured him for 23 years, and this decision is also touching.

For the national football team, Xu Hui's joining is undoubtedly a great news, in the current position of full-back, the national football team is also in urgent need of young talents such as Xu Hui, like Wang Shenchao, who played extremely poorly in the previous 12, after the arrival of Xu Hui, he can really quit the national team, in addition, players of this level like Wang Gang should really seem to learn from Xu Hui, after all, he has received the education of the Korean national team since he was a child, and Xu Hui's football philosophy and technical and tactical level are certainly incomprehensible to the national footballers for a while and a half. Therefore, it is necessary for the humble consultation of the national football team generals.

Congratulations to Chen Shuyuan! The 23-year-old genius left South Korea to enter China, and wants to repay the motherland + revitalize the national football team, and South Korea is worried

It has to be said that with the strength of the motherland, the attractiveness of talents in all walks of life is also increasing. Young talents like Xu Hui, is the national football team continues to be a high-quality youth, I believe That Xu Hui must also have a love for the motherland and the dream of reviving the national football team, so he resolutely chose to give up the opportunity to play for the Korean national team in the future, but returned to China, with his joining, the horn of the revival of the Chinese men's football team has been officially blown, and there are two round of 12 matches in a month later, looking forward to Li Xiaopeng being able to lead the team to subdue Saudi Arabia and win oman.

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