
April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Hello friends! It's Monday again, a week to have a new atmosphere, next, it is not far from the "May Day" Labor Day, you can think about the holiday life! However, before this, we must first look at our weekly sports events according to the rules!

Liaoning team Zhejiang team competes for the CBA championship

Last week, this season's CBA playoffs gradually reached a climax, and the winners of the two semi-finals were decided at the same time: Liaoning team laughed at the "Liaoyue War", beating the old rival Guangzhou team by a score of 3-0; Zhejiang team also beat Shanghai team 3-0 to advance. At this point, Liaoning and Zhejiang will face each other in the next seven 4-win finals to compete for this season's CBA championship.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Liaoning defeated Guangdong 3-0 to advance to the finals. Image source: Xinhua News Agency

The most concerned in the semi-finals is undoubtedly the "Liao-Cantonese War". However, this time there was no pin-point against Mai Mang, all 3 games, Liaoning only won the last game by 1 point in overtime, and the other two games won the opponent by 13 points. Judging from the process of the game, the younger and more energetic Liaoning team also has an overall advantage. Yi Jianlian, Zhou Peng, Weems and other veteran heroes who once "killed four parties" in the league were late, so that the Guangdong team could no longer stop the impact of the Liaoning team.

Although the Guangdong team lost, their hard work on the field was still recognized by fans and opponents, especially in the third game, they fought hard and dragged the game into extra time. Liaoning team general Fu Hao posted after the game: "Wonderful semi-finals, thank you Guangdong team, the journey is not over, everyone continue to cheer!" ”

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Zhejiang also beat Shanghai 3-0 to advance. Image source: Xinhua News Agency

In the other semi-finals, the promotion of Zhejiang team is also not suspenseful. However, St. Co's regular season most valuable player Hu Jinqiu was injured in the second game and caused a rupture of his spleen, which definitely missed the final, leaving the balance of the championship in the hands of Liaoning.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced a new big list

On April 14, the Chinese women's volleyball team announced a new big list, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning two big generals absent due to injury, Ding Xia, Yuan Xinyue, Li Yingying and so on will provoke the beam.

Cai Bin, head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, said in an exclusive interview that this list is a combination of old, middle and young people, and the door of the Chinese women's volleyball team has always been open to the athletes who were not selected this time.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Previously, the Chinese women's volleyball team trained at the Ningbo Beilun Training Base. Image source: Chinese Volleyball Association

The freshly baked roster consists of 20 people, including Rio Olympic champions Yuan Xinyue, Ding Xia, Gong Xiangyu and the "regulars" of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Tokyo Olympic cycle, such as Li Yingying, Wang Yuanyuan, Zheng Yixin, etc., as well as young and up-and-comings such as Wu Mengjie and Wang Yizhu. Because of injuries and other reasons, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Yao Di, Wang Mengjie and other famous players are not on the list.

Cai Bin said that the list this time was selected through the previous Chinese women's volleyball training camp. Therefore, the first thing is to volunteer to register, and then in the selection of athletes' physical fitness test results, training attitudes, stadium experience, development potential, dare to challenge the strong hand of the bright sword spirit and other factors as the basis, of which the physical fitness test score accounts for the largest proportion.

After the list was released, the Chinese women's volleyball team went to Zhangzhou for training, and then began to compete in the World Women's Volleyball League, the Hangzhou Asian Games and the World Championships. Cai Bin stressed that it is necessary to strive for the championship at the Asian Games, and to try to achieve good results at the World Championships.

Strong reinforcements arrived The national security officials announced that four foreign aides joined

For Beijing football fans, last week was happy - Beijing Guoan Club has twice officially announced the news of reinforcements, samuel Adebenro, Jiang Xiangyou, Marco Dabro, Memisevic 4 foreign aides officially joined the team.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Nigerian striker Adebenro, a 26-year-old native of the Norwegian pro league system, joined Swedish Premier League side Norrköping in 2021, winning the League Golden Boot with 17 goals this season. In the new season, he will wear the number 11 shirt.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

Born in the Korean school football system, the 28-year-old has been playing in the K-League and has made two appearances for the Korean team. It is worth mentioning that Jiang Xiangyou has both attack and defense, can be competent in multiple positions, and will wear the No. 17 shirt in the new season.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

The 25-year-old Croatian striker D'Abro, who debuted in Croatia's top professional league at the age of 16, is a superb shooter who will be third on the list of top scorers in the squad this season, and will wear the number 30 shirt after joining Guoan.

April 11 to April 17 A week of sports events are here

The 28-year-old Bosnian centre-back Memišević is an "old acquaintance" of Beijing Guoan coach Xie Feng, and the two have worked together with another Chinese Super League team, Hebei. It is worth noting that Memisevic will wear the Beijing Guoan No. 5 shirt for the club in the new season, which is also the number of Guoan's main midfielder and Brazilian foreign aid Augusto.

After the 4 foreign aides officially joined, the new season lineup of Beijing Guoan team has been basically determined, and next, it depends on how far Xie Feng can lead the "Royal Forest Army" in the upcoming Chinese Super League.

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