
Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"


The world's most difficult debate is whether there is a chicken or an egg first, but the new things in the consumer circle always attract the attention of capital more than the difficult logic.

Recently, the egg brand Huang Swan completed a new round of financing, with the participation of Fengshang Capital, Huaying Capital, Yinggang Capital, C&D Emerging Investment, and Yiyuan Capital.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Huang Swan is a subsidiary of Fengji Food Group Co., Ltd., which mainly focuses on the production and sales of high-quality eggs. The so-called "high-quality eggs" here mainly refer to raw eggs, and it has to be said that this financing is not common in the egg track, and this seemingly traditional track is meeting new opportunities.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Image source: official website


The product of consumption upgrading

As we all know, as a high-frequency ingredient, eggs occupy an important place in people's daily life.

China is the world's largest egg producer, of which, the main production of eggs, market demand has been very positive, public data show that the meat, egg and poultry industry market size is expected to exceed 2 trillion yuan in 2025.

However, the concentration of this industry is not high, the trend of decentralization is obvious, and it has not gone out of any head target, and is in a typical embarrassing situation, that is, "there are categories, no brands". However, with the upgrading of consumption, people's consumption of eggs has also changed, and the subdivision of raw eggs is expected to bring new commercial potential.

Edible eggs in the mainland belongs to the new category that is rapidly penetrating, but in Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries have occupied a certain consumer mentality, the degree of deep processing is higher, public data show that in 2020, Mexico per capita consumption of 372 eggs, ranking first, Followed by Japan, Russia.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Whether it is the essential companion of Sukiyaki, the boiled heart egg of ramen, or the eggs of Benedict, the consumption scene of raw eggs is constantly being expanded, and domestic consumers are no longer satisfied with traditional eating methods such as omelette and boiled eggs.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Image source: Network

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

According to the "White Paper on Edible Eggs in China", nearly 80% of consumers have purchased high-end eggs in the price band of 1.5 yuan / piece and above in 2020. Among them, raw eggs account for nearly half of the market share.

Seeing the potential of high-end egg consumer groups, Yellow Swan realized the "gold attribute" contained in eggs, a primary agricultural product, and began to enter the game, establishing the first domestic raw egg industry chain from chicken seedlings, feed, research and development, production to sales. With the help of popular social platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other popular social platforms to interact with consumers, joint online and offline channels to launch grass marketing, further enhance the brand voice, conducive to consumer conversion, during the 2020 Double Eleven period, Yellow Swan in Tmall, Jingdong sales exceeded 109,000 pieces, occupying the first place in the sales of raw eggs.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Riding on this hot wind, it has also received a lot of olive branches of capital before, including CICC Capital, People's Venture Capital, Kunyan Capital, Purui Fund and so on.


Is it an outlet or a gimmick?

However, although the high-end eggs such as raw eggs have stood on the consumption outlet, due to the traditional eating habits deeply rooted in the heart, there are still a considerable number of people who are still in the cognitive stage, and the overall penetration rate needs to be improved.

People's concerns about raw eggs mainly come from the safety of eating, especially during the epidemic period, raw and cold foods often encounter closed doors.

The main risk of eating raw eggs is food poisoning caused by Salmonella, after all, it can only be eliminated in the high temperature heating state, and based on this concern, people would rather eat cooked than try raw food, for fear of accidentally getting caught.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Image source: Curiosity Lab

This means that in addition to meeting the relevant standards in terms of contaminants, microorganisms, and veterinary drug residues, edible egg products on the market must be salmonella-free to ensure quality.

In fact, compared with the countries led by Japan, the mainland has no clear national subdivision standards in the production standards of edible eggs, and to a certain extent, there is a lack of standardization and standardization, and in October last year, the first domestic "edible eggs" group standard jointly formulated by production, learning, research and commerce was officially released, which can be said to be guiding the edible egg industry to a benign development.

At the end of last year, the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Committee of Shanghai Pudong New Area carried out a survey on the consumption of edible eggs, and selected 10 edible eggs and 2 ordinary eggs on the market for a number of physical, chemical and health tests. The test results show that the 12 products tested meet the provisions of national food safety standards and have a high safety factor.

It can be seen that at present, most egg companies still strictly adhere to the lifeline of food safety, after all, they cannot slacken off in quality control, and once they cross the red line, it will have a major negative impact on the operation.

In addition, looking back at January, egg prices were relatively stable, affected by the epidemic, the cost of superimposed feed (soybean meal) rose, etc., the stock of laying hens was at a low level in recent years, both the spot supply and consumer demand were in a weak position, the prosperity was not high, and the upward momentum of egg prices was not strong.

Although the overall egg price is in a weak position, but the price of raw eggs is still higher than that of ordinary eggs, the above-mentioned sampling of ten raw egg samples, the lowest unit price of 1.66 yuan / piece, the highest is 3.80 yuan / piece, the average price of 2.39 yuan / piece; the remaining two ordinary egg products, the unit price is 0.74 yuan / only, the highest is 1.32 yuan / piece, the average price is 1.03 yuan / piece.

Rob crazy! Capital frenzied 600 million, throwing out the "LV of the egg world"

Whether this is the so-called "IQ tax" is still unknown, but it is obvious that the halo of "raw food" on the head, there is no lack of some chaos that uses marketing gimmicks to raise prices, which needs to be vigilant.



Nowadays, consumer demand is ever-changing and colorful, among which raw eggs as a consumption preference, with the rise of a new generation of consumer groups of the main group of people and the rise of a certain gold mining market.

This kind of basic ingredient category is not easy to meet the wind, there are few high-quality egg brands on the market, for the yellow swan led by the brand, it is necessary to seize the opportunity to take the lead, after all, the market is obviously decentralized, how to further cultivate consumers to deepen awareness, and then broaden the diversified consumption scene, the establishment of a moat is very critical at this stage of development.