
The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Qianjiang Evening News Hour news trainee reporter Liu Yuhan correspondent Li Wenqing

On February 20, Zhejiang Art Museum's two major New Year's Eve exhibitions, "Embracing Everything – He Shaojit Exhibition" and "Quiet Gaze: Italian Contemporary Sculpture Art Exhibition", closed, and the museum announced a notice of temporary closure from February 21 to 28.

Due to the need for the installation of the "Prosperous Cultivation Ceremony - 'Special Exhibition of Pre-Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Yuan Paintings of the 'Great Series of Chinese Paintings'", the Zhejiang Art Museum will resume opening on March 1.

Eight days, this is the longest temporary closure of the Zhejiang Art Museum, on February 21, the first day of closure, I walked around the museum.

There are no spectators coming and going, but it is still lively, the sound of carts and electric drills is rising and falling, and the dismantling work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation
The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The exhibition halls that have been withdrawn one after another also have a unique taste under the light and shadow

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Many people rushed to the art museum the day before the closing of the two major exhibitions to enjoy these two artistic feasts that integrate Chinese and Western ancient and modern:

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Due to restrictions on the number of people entering the museum, many people wait outside the door

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation


He Shaoji from Hunan "met" with everyone on December 1, 2021, which was the "eighth time" that the late Qing calligrapher came to Hangzhou. The exhibition focuses on More than 150 pieces of He Shaoji's calligraphy works and ancient books, so that the audience can feel the calligraphy achievements of this "first person with more than 200 years of qing dynasty".

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The exhibition has been withdrawn the night before, and when I walked into the exhibition hall, the exhibits in the second and third exhibition halls had all been transferred to the first exhibition hall for unified verification and sorting.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The exhibits are removed from the display cabinets and placed on a makeshift table, both to put away the exhibits and to examine the properties of the exhibits. Many of the exhibits in this exhibition are from the Hunan Provincial Museum, and the cultural relics must be intact before the exhibition is withdrawn and delivered.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

An inspector flashlight carefully inspects the exhibits from start to finish, picking out small pieces of debris. After ensuring that it is correct, the professional dismantler wears protective gloves and carefully removes the calligraphy work from the display board, and then gently rolls it up and tethers. At the same time, several masters cooperated to remove the exhibition board of the work off the table and stacked it neatly.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The collected calligraphy scrolls were taken to the inner hall, and I was about to follow them, but I was stopped by the security master: "You can't enter, there are precious cultural relics in the back." He had not yet received the notice, suspected of being "idle people, etc." Such as me, they were not allowed to enter.

When he received my notification, he smiled and let go.

In the back hall, there are several display cabinet doors that are open, waiting for the staff to take out the exhibits. There is a long table in the middle, on which are placed the ancient books exhibited, and each book has a label on it. At one end of the long table, the dismantlers were working on the scrolls they had just put away.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Of course, it is not enough to roll up the calligraphy, they also need to be wrapped in a layer of paper and then covered with a cloth bag. On the floor of the exhibition hall, there are many foam boards, on which are placed cloth bags with serial numbers on them. Some of the works, which have been better packaged, are placed in order, waiting to be put in a safe.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation
The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

He Shaoji's "downstairs" "temporarily stayed" with guests who had crossed the sea from Italy. From January 7, 2022, eight artists bring us a silent of ideas.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The exhibition was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, but due to the epidemic and transportation reasons, the final exhibition period was only for more than 40 days. Ying Jinfei, director of Zhejiang Art Museum, expressed his deep regret when talking about this matter, and he hoped that more audiences could go to the scene to appreciate the charm of sculpture and feel the beauty of the fusion of traditional art craftsman spirit and contemporary art philosophy.

It is gratifying that these exhibits will not go home, but will continue to visit the Wuhan Art Museum and the Guangdong Museum of Art, so that more people have the opportunity to "talk" with them.

Ready to embark on a new journey, these exhibits, like calligraphy works, are first "assembled": they are uniformly transported to a hall, and then boxed and loaded. To carry some of the heavier sculptures, forklifts, cranes and other tools are used.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation
The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

The sculptures were covered with foam pads at their feet, and the retractors told me it was to prevent the artwork from getting dirty.

This Hermann Joseph Lungardi work was placed behind a foam pad, and a staff member was not at ease, repeatedly confirming that the slope was appropriate and that the wall would not rub into the sculpture before leaving.

Some works are relatively large and difficult to transport, hey, in fact, can be split, such as this one:

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Tired, rest "feet"

After the staff counts and confirms the exhibit information, it can be packed. Boxes are wooden boxes that "breathe" and are covered with foam boards and related parts.

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Staff check information

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

"Gradual awakening" in the box

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Menelau in a wooden box

There are also many sculptures waiting in line to board the car, I don't know what their "mood" is at this time, will they be reluctant to do it?

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Didn't want to go × 1

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Don't want to go × 2

The two exhibitions "left" at the same time, paying attention to the storage kung fu! Approaching the Zhejiang Art Museum, which is under renovation

Didn't want to go × 3

Let's look forward to the new exhibition.

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