
DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

According to the news announced by the planner on the official website, the experience suit will begin to test the 110 level in March, 8 million warriors are waiting for a long time to finally survive, and "Yin Mingzhen" determined as early as the press conference that the creation of the 100 level SS can be inherited from the 105 equipment, so what civilians can do during this time is to move bricks, and touching gold Ozma is the first choice, but how to reach the threshold? Let's talk about the enchanted orb, before introducing the orb of the output class, this article is the turn of the "milk class".

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

First, the enchantment of tops and bottoms and weapons, civilians set off from the white prostitute!

Free Level Enchantment: 65 intelligence of the Norspis Orb, 400 artifact equipment materials can be exchanged, and the enchantment level of the Blazing Angel and the Little Witch cannot be lower than this. If you are a meditator, the "Night of Revelation" area can be exchanged for 20 physical or spiritual orbs.

Common enchantments for civilians (3 bulls are enough): 70 to 75 orbs with varying intelligence, corresponding to different gold coins. 70 Intelligence is the "Sword Lambano" card, the embryo is 10W gold coins, and the 75 intelligence is the "Chaos Resident Clear Night" card, 30W gold coins.

Key reminder: The powder card orb mentioned in this article is to buy embryos to upgrade, compared to the full attribute of the finished orb, the cost will be 50% or even more, the price comes from across 3B.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Current top enchantments for tops and arms: 100 Intelligence's "Hijack without Me" card, which requires 2400W gold if it is full. In general, the wild group rarely sees the "Blazing Angel" and "Little Witch" who enchant this orb, most of them are 75 intelligence cards, so civilians can do what they can.

The mind is 50 physical strength (spirit), such as the "Floating Gollum Rice" card more than 400 W, mainly planned to send 3 50 physical strength orbs in vain.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Second, the head and shoulders and waist are more special, and the skill orb is very important!

The special point is that the base enchantment equals the Hanbok Top Orb: 50 intelligence support soldier orbs! The 35 anti-matter of the Time Vortex can be exchanged, the Blazing Angel and the Little Witch start to enchant, and the Thinker can choose "Assassin in the Mist", with a full attribute of 100 stamina! More than 400 W gold coins, if you think it is too expensive, 75 stam "Terya Serum" is also OK, and the town of Chester free 65 stamina, in short, the skill orbs are all water-injected enchantments.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Most Conscientious Scratch Enchantment: 1~50 Skill +1. Although there is no four-dimensional bonus, the fame value is as high as 168, which is the same as the "Skill Orb" in the Spring Festival set, which comes from the previous navigation activities, and the civilians can only wait for the plan to send it again.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

The top enchantment of the head and shoulders waist is also a necessary orb for the Bacal Group of 110 levels. Take advantage of the Spring Festival set to return to the shelves, I want to change it tightly! Especially the "belt and shoes" of these 2 parts, wait until the Golden Autumn Skill Orb becomes a three-attack plus, instead of 45 points four-dimensional improvement, for the milk, the three attacks are useless, then it is not to change the skill orb 2 times, too much loss.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Third, there are not many options for jewelry enchantment of "milk profession"

The most basic level of jewelry enchantment: free orbs of soul destruction crystals, 38 intelligence and 34 physical strength. However, the "Soul Otherworld" store can exchange for four-dimensional 50 jewelry co-orbs, but unfortunately only 3 can be exchanged.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Further jewelry enchantment: 55 four-dimensional "Druid Miya" cards, the embryo is 100W gold coins. But note that this card can be used to white prostitutes by crusade against the "Exile Mountains", and the odds are not bad. If you still want to improve, it is the 70 four-dimensional "Mad Demon Sauron" orb, auction house 2700W gold coins.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Fourth, special equipment is a bit complicated

The starting enchantment of the white prostitute: Chester Town three-piece set, left slot 55 four-dimensional, right slot 40 four-dimensional, earrings 100 four-dimensional, fame is also 86 points, can not be lower than this attribute.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Civilian Best Enchantment: Coinciding with the "Soul Activity" event, 3 orbs can be prostituted, and the reputation is still quite high. Left slot 90 four-dimensional, right slot 70 four-dimensional, earrings 125 four-dimensional, note that you can choose 3 identical orbs to use for 3 characters, very suitable for players with 3 "milk class" account, it is recommended to choose 3 earrings, because the remaining 2 orbs are cheaper in the auction house.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

If 3 orbs are not enough, then the auction house is needed! But the price is not high. Alternatives with the same attributes, such as the right slot is the "Imminent Despair Taimat" card, the left slot is the "God of Destruction Kazan", both cards are 380W, note that the civilians recommend using the embryo attribute, because the full attribute is more than 800W.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Graduation Enchantment: The left slot is the "God of Destruction Card" orb with full attributes, 100 four-dimensional. The right slot is recommended in one step! Ozma produced a "100 point four-dimensional" special auction orb, the price varies, if no one grabs, the end of the version 400W may be auctioned. As for the earrings and output, the 150 four-dimensional "Pure-Blood" orb hovers around 2000W gold coins.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

Note: All of the tradable legendary enchantments mentioned above have a chance to refresh in the weekly rewards of Tuanben, and if the price is very low, it is generally about half of the auction house, such as the right slot 80 points four dimensions this week.

DNF: "Milk Class" Enchantment Explained! Civilians start from the white prostitute and choose 3 grades of orbs

【Summary】:The above is the Enchantment Guide of the Spring Festival version of "Milk Profession", which is basically divided into three grades of orbs, free orbs at the beginning, scratch music enchantments planned and sent, and top graduation enchantments, the next article will bring the smallest way to save gold coins at the end of the version.

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