
DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

With the explosion of Ozma 3 Bull, the threshold has become a difficult point in the eyes of civilian players, if it is C, it is better to say, try to improve the reputation! Even if you inject water, you must be above the 10,000 fame, otherwise the regimental commander will not open your equipment at all, and you will be "solid" in vain. But for the "milk profession", many civilian players have a question, why do I have enough fame, but it is difficult to apply for a wild group, or even no one wants it?

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

Civilian milk equipment detailed explanation! Myths are fundamental but not determining

The starting point of level 100 is "mythical equipment", but "milk class" is not without the strongest myth can not play, for example, the strongest myth of selecting white characters is "big ghost bracelet" and "crazy bracelet", but you bring "trance bracelet" and "scream bracelet" as the second into the group, or even take a step back, even with the "fate rebel" and "CEO top" This T1 myth can also hit 3 cows, because the leader of the wild group generally can't understand the "milk equipment", and there is no time to watch, when applying, generally only look at 2 points, The value of the fame and buff interface. You may also glance at the Title and Skill Orbs.

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

The first point is the fame of the dairy profession, which most likely reflects the level of building, such as there are 2 Blazing Angel applications at the same time, one is 18,000 fame, the other is 16,000, do you think the leader will choose to see whose equipment? Fame doesn't necessarily equal "milk," but it does make it a good stepping stone.

The second point is the value of the buff registration column, and the wild group is especially important! For example, in the "Courage Blessing" skill panel shown in the following figure, the leader of the regiment really does not look at your level, only looks at the specific values of "three attacks" and "strength intelligence".

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

Many civilian players complained, obviously my reputation is more than 17,000, and it is good to build, why can't I get into 3 cows? The problem is in the "buff value", generally rejected are "high is not low is not enough", follow the selection method of the big guy, but the creation is not perfect, there will be a "strength intelligence" value of less than 2000, three attack values are not less than 200, how to put you.

For example, the 17,300 famous blazing angels in the following figure, all selected white characters, the final three attack values are 184, and the strength intelligence is 1672, without the data that makes the regiment leader shine, the 3 bull regiments are naturally difficult to enter.

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

On the other hand, another witty blazing angel, the equipment is poorly built, the reputation is 16,900, but the selection of "explosive injuries", the buff panel piles the "power intelligence" to more than 2300, although the three attacks are very low only 151, who do you think the regiment leader will choose?

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

Civilian selection should pay attention to the creation of general selection "explosive injuries"

In fact, the answer can be obtained from the selection entry, and the explosion value is higher! "5% strength intelligence" is obviously better than "4% three attacks" to improve the value, in fact, the selection of blasts is more biased towards the "resident milk amount", and the selection of white words is "burst milk amount", because the awakening and release of the sun will have a high "power intelligence" bonus, and the dilution will be more.

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

Why do so many "civilian milk" follow the trend and choose white characters? Because the big guy is a double selection! Grade white, sun final. There is no mistake in the selection of white words, but the wrong thing is to overestimate their kryptonite level.

In short, to create a general selection of "explosive entries", 2 years have been very popular! If you want to choose white characters, first see if you can pile the three attacks to 190 or even more than 200.

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

As for the choice of Sherlock and Ozma of civilian milk? Shearock can do any suit! Because the "milk amount" gap is extremely small, slightly stronger is the Nix, and the best choice for Ozma is "Taimat", but the rest of the Ozma SS can also be fused, all have improved, but Berias is a bit of a pit, do not increase the value of the registration buff, add the skill passive intelligence and so on.

Finally, there is 1 important point, which is for the regimental leaders to see... The thinker has a great advantage and does not have to sing, so the buff value is high! The Blazing Angel generally multiplies by 1.15 times, the Little Witch is 1.25 times, and the preference is 1.4 times.

DNF: Civilian Milk Equipment Explained! Fame enough to go into 3 cows? The mistake is in following the trend

【Personal opinion】 If the civilian is just to mix 3 cattle, to create a general selection of explosives, the big ghost bracelet can be selected white, in the final analysis, as long as the value of the buff registration column is very high, and even can be combined with "explosion + white word". The little witch player is actually the most uncomfortable, because the skill mode is different, obviously the red team milk, but every time it is put into the green team, even the group can not enter.

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