
There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

I remember the tomb robbery stream that had been on fire for a while in the early years, especially the tomb robber notes and ghost blowing lights, these two works revealed the mysterious underground world to us, and let us go deep into the terrible tomb culture with the works.

One of the reasons why works like this kind of work can attract people is that the mystery of the underground world is heartwarming, and the gold and silver jewelry inside the tomb is heartwarming. Every time I saw the tomb robbers enter the tomb and then frantically rob the gold and silver jewelry, the scene was simply too exciting.

But then again, there is always a gap between fiction and reality, in the novel the tomb robber can unscrupulously reap the benefits, but in the real world, the tomb robber has one thing that cannot be touched. So what's going on here?

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

In film and television works, tomb robbery is a very dangerous thing, because although there are many gold and silver jewels in the tomb, the owner of the tomb will arrange various organs before he dies. And because the underworld is related to dead people, there are often supernatural events that happen there.

Taking tomb robber notes and ghost blowing lights as an example, corpse turtles often appear in the underground world, which are extremely aggressive and can often kill people invisibly. Of course, the corpse turtle is only an appetizer, because there will be a variety of corpses in the tomb, including but not limited to special existences such as rice dumplings, as well as the terrible forbidden woman.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

Therefore, according to the depiction in the novel, after coming to the underground world and passing through the heavy mechanisms, things such as gold and silver jewelry can be taken away, but they cannot touch the body of the tomb owner. Like in the Tomb Robber's Notes, Wang Zanghai's body will cause an explosion, while the body of the Seven Star Lu Palace will mutate.

In the real world, tomb robbery and novels have a lot of similarities, for example, everyone will have a rule, after entering the tomb, some things can be touched, some things can not be touched. But the difference is that what cannot be touched in the novel is the corpse, while in reality, what the tomb robbers cannot touch is a funerary product. So what is this funerary product?

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

The answer is actually very ordinary, that is, jade. To tell the truth, I believe that many tomb robber fans will be disappointed to see the answer, because in the novel taboo often represents danger and terror, so the body of the tomb owner brings great depression. However, something like jade seems very common in the real world, and even an 80-year-old woman in the countryside may have a jade bracelet on her hand. So why don't grave robbers dare to touch this kind of thing? This has to say about the jade culture and tomb culture of Chinese.

In the past, although people did not know that zombies would appear in the underground world, most tomb robbers also had a certain materialist view, but they had a reverence for tomb culture. Because, although people die like lights, but people have souls, so when robbing the tomb, they can go to rob gold and silver jewelry, but they must not hurt each other's souls, otherwise they are not afraid of ghosts, but they are also afraid of damaging their own yin and harming their own descendants.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

But then again, destroying other people's graves is already disturbing the rest of the deceased, and those gold and silver jewels are the private property of the other party, and it is reasonable to say that these funerary products have the same attributes, so why are jades different?

It turns out that in ancient Chinese culture, jade has a very special role. According to traditional thinking, jade can nourish people, but also can nourish the soul. In this concept, the jade pendant worn by the living can nourish the body, but also nourish the soul, and even bring good luck.

And when a person dies, because in ancient times people believed that the soul could ascend to heaven, but it was necessary to keep the soul before ascending to heaven. But the human body has holes, so the soul can easily slip away from the holes. So how do you lock the hole? The answer came out, using the jade that nourished the soul to lock the hole of the person.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

This is really not nonsense, because after the Han Dynasty, there were many tombs, and the hole in the body of the tomb owner was blocked by jade, which undoubtedly did not show the ancients' attachment to this aspect.

Therefore, in this case, the jade on the owner of the tomb becomes particularly important, and the jade that accompanies the burial is also different. Because the jade pendant represents the last luck of the owner of the tomb, and even drags his descendants in feng shui, the tomb robbers cannot destroy this at will, otherwise they will damage YinDe.

Moreover, the owner of the tomb wants to keep his soul and ascend to heaven in the future, although it seems ridiculous in modern times, but in the feudal era everyone is convinced of this, so the tomb robbers will not destroy the behavior of the tomb owner, otherwise the cause and effect are too large, and it will also damage their descendants.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

Therefore, like the taboo of tomb robbers in the TV series, it is not to touch the corpse, this statement is not reliable at all, in the real record, the tomb robber should not take the jade the most.

Of course, we must also realize that whether or not we go to get the jade pendant, in the end these tomb robbers still disturb the rest of others, and steal other people's private property, which is a mistake in itself.

So the question is, since they are all making mistakes, why do these people have to leave a face for themselves after making mistakes? This may have to be said that the ancient Chinese mentioned that there are gods who raise their heads three feet.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

This move is like a ghost blowing a lamp inside, before robbing the tomb to order the lamp, if the lamp is extinguished, you can no longer rob the tomb. Although there is no scientific basis for this, there will be no so-called ghosts to blow lights to express attitudes. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of self-psychological comfort, knowing that they are doing wrong things, but in addition to doing wrong things, they leave some self-comfort, so that they can make themselves more bold to complete the crime.

Therefore, these tomb robbers comforted themselves that we did not destroy the tomb owner's goal of ascending to heaven, let alone destroy the fate of his descendants, so that there was no more psychological burden, and we could better loot gold and silver jewelry.

There is an "unwritten rule" in the tomb robbery world: gold and silver jewelry can be stolen, but only one thing cannot be touched

However, this is only the last fig leaf of the tomb robber, and this fig leaf has not even formed a strict rule. For example, when Cao Cao organized a large number of troops to rob tombs, Cao Cao was poor every day because he had to feed 300,000 gold troops. Under this desperate desire to make money, Cao Cao was snatched up for anything in the tomb, and where would he care about any scruples.

From this we can see that tomb robbery is tomb robbery, which is a crime in itself, the only difference is that some people still have a trace of awe and hope to leave some comfort for themselves. Some people are purely simple and rude, and everything is aimed at robbery. Therefore, we should not be brainwashed by novels, but have a friendly feeling for tomb robbers.

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