
In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

We have seen the cars that sold well at the beginning of this year, and today Man Brother came to care a little, take care of the brands that sold poorly, show a face to increase exposure, otherwise one day suddenly delisted will not be seen. Let's take a few out of brands that sell less than 1,000 units.

The ARCFOX Polar Fox, which is invincible in the world and has no heart to do, sold 827 vehicles in January. Don't look at this less than 1,000 units, compared with last year's results of more than 300 or 500 vehicles, it is already Amitabha. The small target set by the pole fox this year is 4w station, this 800+, emmm, not to mention, I believe that the pole fox please buckle a 1.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

Co-creation, without saying anything, it is estimated that everyone has forgotten this brand. This brand that GAC and Weilai have worked together, known as the collision between traditional car companies and new power car companies, both sides have high hopes. However, the two cars launched had a dismal record, with hechuang selling only 658 units in January. I wonder if Avita, which Weilai cooperates with another traditional car company Chang'an, will be better?

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

Yundu, another brand of new power that is about to be forgotten, sold only 264 cars in January. Brother Man even thought that Yundu was already as short-lived as Sai Lin, Byton, and the future. Oh no, the future is about to be resurrected. In fact, Yundu has always been there, and even changed Yundu π3 in December last year. The price of early 100,000 yuan, 400 km endurance, rich configuration, cost performance is very good. But it can't be sold, which may be related to its cottage thunder face.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

For a period of time, domestic brands are popular to cooperate with the joint venture brands in hand, which is called independent joint venture brands. In fact, most of them are repaired and repaired by old cars eliminated by joint ventures, and the replacement parts are new cars, which are doomed to be sold dismal. At present, it is mainly engaged in oil to electricity, and put it in the market to test the water. Like the concept of GAC and Hiromoto, it sold 490 vehicles in January; The Siming engaged by Dongfeng and Dongben sold 482 vehicles in January.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

There is also Denza, an independent joint venture brand cooperated by BYD and Mercedes-Benz, and only one denza X car is currently on sale, with sales of 175 units in January. Denza's fate is also bumpy, although it is born with a golden key, but the "parents" are not in love, and others say that Bi and Ben are each planning to be together. Later, Bi and Ben both had plans to abandon Tengshi. Until now, it is said that BYD kicked away the Mercedes, won the custody of this mixed-race son, and planned to help him do another big business.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

China's undead bird, the Guizhou Skylark, continues to struggle on the survival line, selling 100 cars in January. At present, only one small car in the whole world Q1 is on sale, and in September last year, it even launched a remodeled model, which was slightly updated with a little configuration. This car did not record sales in the second half of last year, and Man Ge thought that the undead birds were going to die, and he did not expect to chirp again.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

However, Skylark does not have to be ashamed, because the sales volume of GAC Acura in January is only 101 units, and Skylark can be said to be only one car away from internationally renowned luxury brands. Acura can be dissatisfied with no one in the Us market, but as soon as it comes to the Chinese market, it will be dissatisfied. Although it was later localized, it was not favored by the market. Not even a fraction of Infiniti's, let alone Lexus. Such a dismal sales volume is also on the verge of delisting.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

In order to avoid acura loneliness, another luxury brand, DS, also joined the dismal sales queue, recording 277 units in January. There is nothing to say about DS, as the legal system is already the original sin, and was sold to Baoneng, the real estate guy, the image is a little worse. The worse the sales, the more no one buys, falling into a dead loop. Oh, and recently DS released a concept sports car, the DS E-Tense Performance, which is designed to be very French.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting

Finally look at the bottom, there are two, Fuqi Qiteng and Xilis, sales figures are 2. Qi Teng does not enter the current will not blow, Xilis was originally speculated that hot ah, and the parent company's stock price soared, but the result of the car was sold out. Now the Cyrus SF5 in the Huawei Mall has been removed, making way for the new car AITU to ask for the M5. To know that the Cyrus SF5 has not been on the market for a long time, say stop stop, poor a wave of leeks.

In January, car brands with bleak sales, Acura and DS were on the verge of delisting


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