
The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind

author:A thoughtful reader

Many people have heard of the word "subconscious," but most people don't know what it means, and the enormous energy it contains, let alone how to communicate with him to change our destiny.

The theory of the subconscious mind was proposed primarily by Freud, the master of the psychoanalytic school, and developed by Jung. If we want to understand the subconscious, we need to understand our brains.

The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind
Roger Spenny, winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Medical Physiology, categorized the functional differences between the left and right brains as follows

Left brain (conscious brain) Its working nature:

1. Knowledge, intellectuality, reason, thinking, judgment, reasoning, language, inhibition

2. Our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste

The nature of the work of the right brain (subconscious),

1. Graphic function: enterprise power, creativity, imagination

2. Functions that resonate with the universe: the sixth sense, the power of mind, the power of perspective, the power of intuition, the power of inspiration, the dream

3. Ultra-high-speed automatic calculus function: mental arithmetic, mathematics

4. Ultra-high speed large amount of memory: speed reading, memory

The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind

However, the average person will only use the left brain to memorize.

The left brain controls our conscious mind, and the right brain controls our subconscious. The left brain is in charge of the explicit consciousness like the "gatekeeper" of our brain, protecting our subconscious. But people tend to believe what they see after observing the appearances of the world, and form intuitive impressions in their own brains that affect your subconscious mind.

So, what are some ways to protect and change our subconscious? Two methods are shared with you.

First: Thinking

The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind

Through thinking, we can recognize the essence of things and not be affected by the appearance of things. By thinking, you can build a bridge between the brain and the subconscious mind, so how to think?

What are we free to choose to think about? All of our thoughts, as long as they are repeated many times, are imprinted in the subconscious mind, forming a habit of analyzing our own thinking and seeing if your ideas are beneficial. If the answer is yes, keep it and cherish it.

Second: meditation

The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind

Communicate with your right brain through meditation and stimulate your subconscious. Because meditation puts your objective mind into a state of equilibrium, and this allows you to consciously direct your spirit toward a precise cognitive purpose.

Maintain an optimistic mindset, eliminate distractions, construct your beautiful picture in your mind, build the positive, optimistic, and beautiful in your spiritual ocean, and eliminate negative and negative thoughts.

In fact, there is a very interesting phenomenon in the subconscious.

Sometimes when we are sad and sad, we always say to ourselves in our hearts: "Don't be sad", "Don't be sad", "Don't cry", etc., but in fact, it always backfires. Why is it that the more you say it, the more sad it is? Because our subconscious can only identify key words, it will not recognize, "no", "don't", like we say "don't be sad", often only recognize "sad", so why do you say more and more sad.

When we are mentally suggestive, use positive keywords, which will bring you different effects. For example, the previous example "I don't want to be sad" can be replaced by "I want to be happy", or "I don't want to be poor", which can be replaced by "I want to be rich", two different words, resulting in two different results.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a question for everyone to think about:

The same life, which one would you like to be? A worm, a cocoon, or a butterfly that flies up the branches, you can do it if you want to!

The subconscious mind controls our lives. Two methods teach you to change the subconscious mind