
The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! So, where is she now? Please look for Li Ying together...

author:Snowy feelings
The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! So, where is she now? Please look for Li Ying together...

As Tibetan veterans, the daughter of a comrade-in-arms is our own daughter!

Before the jiangsu provincial party committee investigation team issued the fifth circular, we hoped that the "chain girl" in Feng County was Li Ying, and we were afraid that she was Li Ying!

At the same time that the "Chain Girl" incident in Feng County entered the field of vision of the people of the whole country, Li Ying, the only daughter of The missing Tibetan veteran Li Dazhong, was involved. Many people say that Li Ying is very much like the "Chain Girl"! Many Tibetan comrades-in-arms asked us to speak out on the "Snow Veterans" platform (we also posted an article, but it was quickly deleted), and in a rigorous manner, let the bullets fly a little longer, and we have been waiting for the final convincing briefing.

On the 23rd, the investigation team of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee finally issued the fifth circular. Xiaobian can't describe the mood after seeing the briefing, only on the "chain woman", which is a stage victory. Unlike the previous four circulars, Li Ying was explicitly mentioned in the circular, which was an explanation to the Tibetan comrades-in-arms who had been paying attention to the incident.

There may be many comrades-in-arms who are still unwilling to believe that the "chain girl" is not Li Ying. However, we should remain sane and believe in science. For the investigation team appointed by Jiangsu Province, we should believe in their authority. Judging from the fifth investigation report, the information and evidence it gave were very specific, and the appraisal units were also very clear. Question about "whether the 'chain girl' is Li Ying". The circular says:

The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! So, where is she now? Please look for Li Ying together...

In addition, the circular also ordered the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Xuzhou Municipal Government to make an in-depth review, 17 people, including the secretary of the Fengxian County PARTY Committee and the county chief, were dismissed from their posts and ordered to resign from their posts to varying degrees, and 5 people, including the head of the police station, were expelled from the party. For Feng County's top-down handling of phrases such as "serious irresponsibility of work" and "there is formalism and bureaucracy", etc. appear many times. It can be said to be very harsh and painful. Xiaobian believes that since we can all clean up from the level of the county party secretary, will we still be afraid to admit that Yang Mouxia is Li Ying?

The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! This should be a real thing!

So, where is Li Ying, the only daughter of our Tibetan comrade-in-arms Li Dazhong? Is her situation like the "Chain Woman"? Or was he really "pronounced dead"? So, where are her bones? ......

One evening 26 years ago, Li Ying, who was only twelve years old, the only daughter of Li Dazhong, a former soldier who had recently returned from the Tibetan army to Nanchong, Sichuan Province, suddenly disappeared while walking past the long-distance bus station next to the school on her way home from school.

After more than twenty years of fruitless searching, Li Ying's family almost had a nervous breakdown, and our Tibetan comrade-in-arms Li Dazhong became depressed and died five years ago with hatred.

Li Dazhong enlisted in the Army of an Armed Police Force in Tibet in 1979 and changed careers in 1990. The bloody man created by 12 years of military service may not have thought in his life that he had used his youth and blood to guard the tranquility of the snowy plateau, but he could not guard the safety of his only daughter, and his heart would be bloody and painful! When he died with hatred, he thought it would be a dead end!

When such an incident occurred, as comrades-in-arms who had shared weal and woe with Li Dazhong, every One of us Tibetan veterans was extremely heartbroken!

A "civil judgment declaring Li Ying's death" circulated on the Internet, as follows:

The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! So, where is she now? Please look for Li Ying together...

We do not deny the authenticity of this civil judgment! However, this does not mean that Li Ying is really dead! There is an old Chinese saying that "to live is to see people, to die is to see corpses"! The "Chain Girl" incident also makes us have greater hopes for Li Ying to be alive now (even if she is alive like the "Chain Girl"!

Looking for Li Ying, this is an even more difficult task! We must not give up! Nor should we give up! There is no reason to give up! Even if Li Ying has "died", she must find enough basis! Be sure to help Li Dazhong's comrades find their daughter! To comfort his spirit in heaven!

The Chain Woman said, "The world doesn't want her anymore!" Li Ying is not a "chain woman"! She has us, her father's Tibetan comrades-in-arms, and if she were alive, we would give her a "world" and give her warmth! Guard her! Give her love!

At the same time, we hope that the whole country will take the "chained woman" incident as a starting point and investigate step by step in counties, townships, and village committees throughout the country, and strictly prohibit the criminal acts of abducting and trafficking in women and children! Maybe you can find Li Ying from it!

2022, let Li Ying go home! Let Li Ying go home!

The "Chain Girl" is not Li Ying! So, where is she now? Please look for Li Ying together...

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