
Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

A tomb robbery case accidentally led to the loss of ancient weapons

Lü Bu has always had a regret, that is, he has spent his whole life looking for a black technology, which was created by the Han Dynasty, and this is why Lü Bu searched around for Han tombs.

Lü Bu did not find this black technology until his death, but what is surprising is that today, more than two thousand years later, this black technology has reappeared in the human world, and experts have said: Modern technology cannot be done!

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

So what exactly is Lü Bu looking for? What kind of black technology has not been able to make it so far?

Lü Bu's iconic weapon in many film and television images is the Fang Tian Painting Blade, but according to the study of history by later scholars, it is believed that the Fang Tian Painting Blade is generally placed in the hall.

According to the historical records, Lü Bu's weapon was a spear, and the spear was also very heavy, but Lü Bu was very easy to wield in his hand, not only against the enemy but also defensively.

However, for Lü Bu, the spear was not a perfect artifact in his heart, he was looking for a "short sword" that was more advanced than the spear, and this "short sword" was finally born because of a tomb robbery case!

In early 2009, a villager spotted a car by a river when the scene in front of him almost drove him crazy.

The car was parked motionless by the river, and strangely enough, the entire body was covered with mud, as if it had been fished out of the mud.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

The villager passed by here many times, and the car was always parked here, and after a few days he found that something was wrong, so he had the courage to come forward and see.

He took the flashlight and looked through the glass, but he was suddenly paralyzed on the ground, only to see two people in the passenger seat and in the back seat, both of whom were in strange postures, not like living people at all.

The villagers immediately reported to the police, the police arrived and broke the car door to check, and finally determined that the two people in the car had long been dead, the specific cause of death was unknown, and the green paste mud and white paste mud were found on the soles of their shoes.

These two kinds of mud paste are very special, generally appear in closed, humid environments, and after many years to form, most of them appear in some burial chambers, so the police speculated, these two people are not related to tomb robbery?

With this idea, the police quickly found relevant experts to assist in the investigation, and finally had a general direction: most of the green paste mud appeared in the Chu tombs and Han tombs in the Warring States period, and after identification, the soil on the soles of the feet of these two people was likely to come from the tomb.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

After confirming the direction, the police immediately launched an investigation, fortunately, after the identity investigation of the two deceased, it was confirmed that they had indeed died in a tomb robbery, and the other two surviving accomplices were also found.

After the trial, the police quickly understood the ins and outs of the matter, it turned out that these tomb robbers accidentally found an ancient tomb under the longtang of Dayun Mountain, so several people planned to rob the tomb.

But because they are some half-hanging tomb robbers, there is no experience, a thousand years of ancient tomb will inevitably have insufficient oxygen, a large amount of carbon monoxide and other toxic substances, so the two people in the advanced tomb fell to the ground in a few minutes.

The people in the back felt that something was wrong and rushed in to rescue them, but it was too late, the two did not breathe, and the rest fled with their bodies out of fear.

Eventually they found a random river, threw the car away, and that was what happened.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

Amazing discoveries under collapsing corners!

The police successfully found the tomb of Dayun Mountain with the cooperation of experts, and finally archaeologists determined after excavation that it was a Han tomb dating back more than 2,000 years!

Although this Han tomb was discovered by chance, the situation at the scene is not optimistic, because above the mausoleum is a dragon pond, this dragon pond is not naturally formed.

At first, it was just a robbery cave, but after many tomb robberies, the terrain gradually changed, and finally this dragon pond was formed.

That is to say, this tomb has been stolen more than once, and no one dares to say how many cultural relics are left in it.

After everything was ready, the experts began to carry out rescue excavations here, this Han tomb was excavated for a year, the entire burial chamber was very badly damaged, and the cultural relics had been looted.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

After several months of excavation, in the end, only some scattered jade pieces were excavated, and after the restoration of these jade pieces, experts found that this was a golden jade coat.

In addition, there are only jade coffins and yellow intestine inscriptions, the so-called yellow intestine inscriptions are a kind of frame wall structure made of precious wood, and the remaining entire burial chamber is a mess, and there are no precious cultural relics anymore.

Through the current situation of the entire Han tomb, experts have analyzed the following conclusions:

This Han tomb was stolen several times, and the tomb robbers could not be transported out because the jade coffin and other objects were too large, and finally they could only destroy all the gas here, so this tomb presented a dilapidated image.

In fact, as archaeologists, such a situation makes them very sad in the eyes, and what they can do at present is to find and restore the remaining cultural relics as much as possible, and find the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

Fortunately, just as they were cleaning up the burial chamber, a discovery made them ecstatic.

It is impossible to know when it collapsed on one corner of the tomb, so experts speculated whether it is possible that there are still cultural relics in this area that have survived.

Experts with such questions immediately excavated and cleaned up here, and the final result made the experts can't help but cheer, and a large number of cultural relics were found below!

After overnight rescue, experts finally unearthed many funerary items, including chimes, bronzes, weapons, jade, pottery, etc., all daily necessities, musical instruments, weapons are readily available.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

In some excavated pottery pieces, archaeologists found the word "Jiangdu", and according to the study of relevant materials, it was finally determined that this was the tomb of Liu Fei, the fifth son of the Han Jing Emperor, the King of Jiangdu.

Liu Fei was one of the few princes in the Western Han Dynasty who survived a good death, and when he was 15 years old, the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms" occurred, and Liu Fei, who was not yet an adult, asked for war and made great achievements in the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms".

However, his life expectancy was not long, and he died of illness at the age of 41, because he was loyal to the country and the king, and his brother Liu Che allowed him to enjoy the highest level of burial treatment.

Throughout the burial chamber, countless funerary objects had been found in just one corner of the collapse, and it was hard to imagine how beautiful he was when he was buried.

Among these funerary items unearthed, one object attracted the attention of archaeologists, and the discovery of this item made them even more excited.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

Black technology is in the world, shocking future generations!

This is a black technology that Lü Bu has searched for all his life, and experts have marveled after seeing it.

This is a weapon called copper beryllium, it is a kind of spear, but it is not the same as the spear, but the method of use is similar.

The first is that its shape is different from the spear:

The copper beryllium has a sharp and sharp head, a blade at both ends, and a handle on the tail, and the shape of the copper beryllium is like a short sword, but it is not used directly in the hand.

It is a long-rod weapon that is inserted into a "long stick" with holes in the handle of the tail of the copper beryllium for easy peg fixation.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

This copper beryllium appeared in the Warring States period, the Qin Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty was widely used, and later with the progress of technology, the previous copper beryllium slowly appeared iron.

After the Western Han Dynasty, copper beryllium gradually disappeared, and this weapon was gradually reduced, and even no trace could be found again.

In the Qin figurine pit, a copper beryllium has been excavated, this copper beryllium is exquisite, and the sword handle is engraved with an inscription, but the copper beryllium excavated in Liu Fei's tomb is even more amazing.

There is a delicate dark pattern on the whole copper beryllium, which is more precious than the hook sword.

There are also some diamond-shaped dark lattice patterns on the Gou Jian sword, which is the highest level of weapons manufactured in the Spring and Autumn Period at that time, but in the Western Han Dynasty, the casting level was improved again, so this copper beryllium appeared.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

The dark pattern on the copper beryllium body is the most scientific and technological content, originally on the current data, the historians unanimously believe that this dark pattern technology has been lost since the Qin Dynasty, who can think of the excavation of this copper beryllium, completely subverting the cognition of the academic community.

This dark pattern is more mature and more complex than the dark pattern technique on the sword, and experts have not found any inscriptions on it after careful identification of this copper beryllium.

The reason why people attach so much importance to this copper beryllium is that this dark pattern technology has long been lost, and even today, it cannot be copied with high technology.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

At present, this copper beryllium has been rated as a national first-class cultural relic and is collected in the museum.

The excavation of this copper beryllium is undoubtedly a huge gain from this excavation of the Han tomb, and many people lamented: Is this the black technology that Lü Bu has been looking for all his life?

It is no wonder that Lü Bu at that time had formed several teams to rob tombs, and also specifically searched for Han tombs, because the Western Han Dynasty was generally the highest level of copper beryllium dark pattern technology.

This ancient weapon, which dates back more than 2,000 years, is undoubtedly a kind of interweaving of time and space, and we are fortunate to witness these cultural relics, and we all feel shocked.

Lü Bu searched for a lifetime of black technology, buried two thousand years of the present world, experts: modern technology can not do

So far, people's research on these mysterious smelting technologies in ancient times has not stopped, and perhaps one day, people will be able to crack some ancient lost technologies, which will be of great significance to our study of Chinese history.

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