
Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

author:Barcelona Films

According to the us "Variety" magazine, the only winner of the history of 3 Oscars, the British actor Daniel Day Lewis, has disappeared.

His last release was 2012's "Lincoln", and now that he has just turned 60, he has not even given the reason for the film, but announced it through a few speakers:

"Daniel Day Lewis will no longer be working as an acting artist. He sincerely thanked all the filmmakers and audiences who have worked with him over the years for their support. This is a personal decision, and neither he nor his agent will comment further on the matter in the future. ”

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Daniel Day Lewis's new film, "The End of the Underworld," is currently in post-production and ready to be released this Christmas, and his last film was 2012's Lincoln.

In the fiercely competitive showbiz industry, dare not make a new film for five years, but get more Oscars than anyone (little plum crying in the toilet), except for Daniel Day Lewis, there is really no one.

He is the upper class gentleman in The Age of Innocence (1993), who hovers between the show and the goddess of enchantment;

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

The white boy who led the rise of The Last of the Mohicans (1992);

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

The nerdy gentleman in "The Room with the View" (1985) who plays with soy sauce but is charming enough to be fried;

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

The local gangster in "New York Gangsters" (2002);

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

In "Nine" (2009), the big director who thinks about life among 7 women...

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Daniel Day Lewis grew up in an acting family, his father was a poet and writer with the title of British Poet Laureate, his mother was an actor, and his maternal grandfather, Sir Michael Bowen, was the founder of the famous Ealing Film Studio in Britain.

In 1997, after the promotion of the movie "In the Name of Love",

Daniel Day Lewis announced a temporary moratorium.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

DDL learned boxing for the role of In the Name of Love

At the age of 40 for actors (Uncle Depp played Pirates of the Caribbean at 40 and Little Plum won an Oscar at 41), he opted for "semi-reclusiveness" — even rejecting roles like Aragon (Played by Vigo Mortensen) in the Lord of the Rings series.

He had a remote farm in Ireland, where he worked carpentry.

He then moved to Florence, Italy, where he studied carpentry and, by the way, became obsessed with making shoes.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Shoemaker DDL photographed by paparazzi

After a few years like this, if it weren't for the old guy Martin Scorsese pulling hard, there might really be one more craftsman in the world.

In 2002, Martin Sr. directed "New York Gangster" was released, and Daniel Day Lewis's "Butcher" won him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

The so-called not crazy devil can not live, Daniel Day Lewis is not only a real actor, others want money when acting, he is eager to take his own life when acting.

On the set of "Gangsters in New York," he froze to the point of catching a cold and fever and refusing to wear a down jacket because "there was no such material in the 19th century." ”

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

In order to play a disabled person in "My Left Foot" (1989), he was paralyzed in a wheelchair for several months outside the play, and even let others feed him - and finally he also practiced the "left foot writing" skill, which is said to be no worse than the original character;

The work earned him his first Oscar for a little golden man.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

The prototype is the writer and painter Christie Brown, who was born with cerebellar palsy

Before making The Last of the Mohicans, he went out into the wild to "survive in the wilderness" for several months, making a living by fishing and hunting— carrying the photographer and the "Beiye" of the logistics team, when he was a hairy child.

He wasn't necessarily a genius, but he put in unimaginable efforts behind people.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

For him, acting has long since surpassed his profession and is given the opportunity to live another life.

Spielberg invited Daniel Day Lewis to star in Lincoln, who initially refused and wrote a letter to Spielberg sincerely. The letter says:

"I can only play at a very special time when I feel that I have no choice and cannot resist, when this character makes me personally feel inexplicable recognition and performance needs." 」

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Lewis and Spielberg clearly don't think there are many such life opportunities in his opinion— in the 15 years since the release of "New York Gangster," Daniel Day Lewis has only made four films.

But two of them won Oscars ("Blood Is Coming" and "Lincoln").

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Blood Is Coming (2007)

In 2012, as a foreigner, after reading a large number of documents, records and memoirs, he restored President Abraham Lincoln, who had never had video or sound materials, to the flesh-and-blood founding father of the United States.

The American people, who have always been improper, tearfully swallowed the "founding cause" of "Lincoln".

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

At this time he announced that he would rest for another five years.

Maybe you just found out that so many great characters are from the same person, maybe you have long fallen in love with him, the "chameleon" who changed the history of film, maybe you are happy that you have hurt the hearts of several beautiful women in the world, maybe you worship him to add a new skill point every time you play a role...

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

In any case, Daniel Day Lewis has long been on top of Hollywood, and with his undistracted arrogance, he has trampled hollywood's business rules into the dirt of country farms.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Released this year, "The End of the Underworld" is likely to be his last film. In the film, he plays a tailor who lives in the 50s who is harsh on craftsmanship to the point of perversion – except for the "tailor" part, it seems to be himself.

Of course, "tailoring" is another popular skill point for daniel day lewis, a heavy craft enthusiast.

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

"The End of the Underworld" has now been filmed

In 2014, Daniel Day Lewis was officially knighted by Prince William of the United Kingdom for his contributions to theatre and performance, and today his official full name is "Sir Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis".

Daniel Day Lewis announced his retirement, the only winner in history to win 3 Oscars

Now that he is 60 years old and retired, he is bound to start a more free life.

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