
Broken dreams! The naturalization of the national football team failed to make Oscar, and the Chinese Super League team was unwilling to pay and tightened their belts to live

author:Usually three things to know

Broken dreams! The naturalization of the national football team failed to make Oscar, and the Chinese Super League team was unwilling to pay and tightened their belts to live

The naturalization plan of the national football team has come to an end, and as soon as the lottery is drawn, it is on the so-called "group of death". The outside world is clamoring for reinforcement, but who knows, the Football Association can also play such a little "promoting" role, mainly relying on the major clubs. But who doesn't know, now the money bags of the Chinese Super League clubs are tighter than the freshly washed pants!

Broken dreams! The naturalization of the national football team failed to make Oscar, and the Chinese Super League team was unwilling to pay and tightened their belts to live

Naturalization? We have to ask our Super League clubs if they are willing to pay for it. Take the case of Oscar, for example, if you change your nationality, it will be a big expense. But the question is, who wants to become the "wronged leader" for the sake of a player who may help the national football team? The current Chinese Super League clubs, how can they still have the kind of arrogant posture back then. are busy tightening their belts to get by, how can they have the spare energy to spend a lot of money to naturalize a foreign aid that may not be cost-effective, it's like you want to buy a train ticket before the holiday, knowing that you are going home, but the ticket price is frighteningly high.

Broken dreams! The naturalization of the national football team failed to make Oscar, and the Chinese Super League team was unwilling to pay and tightened their belts to live

As a result, the naturalization plan of the national football team this year can be said to have come to a complete end. A few years ago, Li Ke and Hou Yongyong, who were naturalized by the national football team, there is also the so-called "green channel", the channel is green, but time waits for no one, and the flowers are gone! Now I want Oscar and them to change their nationality to play football, it's not as simple as saying it, it's like you want to squeeze a subway without an appointment, the threshold is low, but there are too many people, and you can't squeeze in.

Broken dreams! The naturalization of the national football team failed to make Oscar, and the Chinese Super League team was unwilling to pay and tightened their belts to live

Don't look at this time now, everyone is shouting for naturalization, but when it comes to money, the Football Association is also sharing both hands, and the club is holding its wallet tighter than anything else. This is the portrayal of the current national ball, I want to rely on naturalization to improve my strength, but in practice, it is very difficult!

When it comes to naturalized players, you may think of the scene of Jin Yuan flying all over the sky, but in fact, the Chinese Super League club is not having a good time now, how can you still think of any high-cost investment? Take foreign aid like Oscar as an example, although the skills are good, but when it comes to changing nationality, the price is like a rocket skyrocketing, who is willing to act as the "wronged leader" now?

In Chinese football, naturalized players were once regarded as a shortboard patch, a magic weapon that can quickly improve their strength. But now it seems that this magic weapon is more like a hard bone that cannot be swallowed. A few years ago, the national football team naturalized Hou Yongyong and Li Ke through the green channel, but now, even big names like Oscar can't step through the threshold of naturalization. Why? Because the approval process is as slow as a turtle, and the current economic tension, the matter of naturalized players has naturally entered a freezing period.

In the past, Chinese football strengthened itself by naturalizing players, a move that looked beautiful. But it's more of a luxury now. The clubs' purse bags are no longer bulging as they used to be, and everyone is counting where every penny goes. In this case, who would dare to spend money to naturalize a player who may not bring immediate results? The high cost of naturalizing players and the uncertain returns make this policy seem more like a delicate burden, which can only be admired from afar, but not easily touched.

With the decline in the commercial value of the Chinese Super League, naturalizing players, which was originally a shortcut to quickly improve competitiveness, has now become a stumbling block. The Football Association could have played a bigger role in naturalisation and promoted the implementation of this policy, but now it is weakened by financial difficulties. In this case, the role of the Football Association is more of a "promoter" than an "executor", which makes the whole naturalization process extremely difficult and slow.

In the past, money could make ghosts grind, but now even ghosts don't bother to pay attention to you. It is undoubtedly a good idea for the national football team to use naturalization to improve its strength, but the reality is monolithic and hard. The expectations of the outside world are high, and looking at the naturalized players can come to join in the fun, in fact, few clubs can afford the expenses and risks behind this. Moreover, the current football market is not so easy to mix, foreign aid is reduced, funds are tight, how can there be spare money to naturalize a player who may not be able to play a few games?

Looking back on the Jin Yuan era of the Chinese Super League, at that time, no one was spending money, even a player who was halfway out of the house could get a sky-high contract. But now that the gold has passed, the attractiveness of naturalized players has also plummeted. Now Chinese football is experiencing the pain of "austerity", and even the giant Evergrande can only sigh. In this environment, the significance of naturalized players to the national football team has changed from a "savior" to a "luxury". Who would dare to make such a high-risk bet? Especially today, naturalized players are no longer a sweet spot for the national football team, but a luxury to stay away from the hustle and bustle.

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