
The esports club's network-wide influence list is freshly released, with AG at the top of the list, followed by RNG

Since the Internet into thousands of households, e-sports has also developed rapidly, until today, not only more and more audiences, the entire e-sports industry is becoming more and more professional, the competition between e-clubs is becoming more and more cruel, it can be said that the industry is becoming more and more mature, I believe that in the near future, China's e-sports industry, will also be like other boxing or wrestling competitions, become the mainstream of the competition. This vision is not far away, in the last year, the industry gave birth to the first authoritative e-sports club impact ranking, first launched by e-sports magazine in 2021, referred to as the iClub list.

The esports club's network-wide influence list is freshly released, with AG at the top of the list, followed by RNG

This list is a deep cooperation between the editorial department and the Tencent Data Public Opinion Department, after the data, algorithm model and other aspects have been upgraded, a comprehensive evaluation of the influence of the major e-sports clubs in the market in the Internet, as one of the club's comprehensive capabilities as a reference indicator, the authority is very high in the industry. The second year of the iClub list has been freshly released and has attracted the attention of all parties in the industry.

The esports club's network-wide influence list is freshly released, with AG at the top of the list, followed by RNG

AG with a high score of 96 points to the top of the list, this is still more in line with everyone's expectations, in the past year, AG in the Internet exposure is indeed a lot, in the major competitions back and forth, just cross the line of fire, I don't know how many championships, the glory of the king also won four consecutive championships a runner-up, other such as peace elite, counter-war, QQ flying car and other projects also performed well, there are some e-sports programs are also following up, the team can not catch up with the announcement of the whole year.

The esports club's network-wide influence list is freshly released, with AG at the top of the list, followed by RNG

AG can also maintain a high level of output in the busy itinerary, which is an important reason for the team's influence to reach the top, and now AG is the dream of many young esports players, and I hope that they can continue to maintain and move forward. Closely behind AG is RNG, which is second with 90 points, and the momentum of RNG in the past year is also quite amazing, with unlimited potential, but it is still a little short of AG, or in terms of popularity.

The esports club's network-wide influence list is freshly released, with AG at the top of the list, followed by RNG

Other EDG, TT, WB, etc. are among the best, comprehensively, the ranking of the entire list is fair and objective, I don't know if there is a discrepancy between you and the list in your heart?

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