
Famous essay: a small grass

Famous essay: a small grass

I wrote about magnolias, and my friends thought I loved magnolias. I wrote about pine cypress, and my friends thought I loved pine. I wrote about the plum, and my friends thought I loved the plum. After I wrote about Nanzhu again, my friends thought I loved bamboo... In fact, these are not true; I love nature and all kinds of plants. If I were to say which plant I loved alone, I really didn't have a particular preference, because they were all life and equal to the earth, and there should be no distinction between high and low because of human preference.

Can it be eaten by humans, or is its posture beautiful to human aesthetics, or is it noble if it is not easy to cultivate?

Its population is flourishing, or is it inedible to humans, or is its posture inferior to human aesthetics?

If so, human beings, as the masters of the earth, are too selfish and arbitrary.

Friends who come to my house like to nestle in my living room and study rather than stay in my garden. I asked my friend why didn't they go to the garden to have a tea chat? Friends said that my garden is too unrestrained and sloppy, which means that my garden is not taken care of, it is not like a garden at all, the grass is too messy like sitting in a grass pile, not "pleasing to the eye". There are also friends who do not see outside joke that I am not like a literati, the literati standard "Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum" four gentlemen, a jun is not seen, a garden is "A fork fork" grass, as well as grape vines and that big iron tree have grown indoors, this feng shui pattern is really "high mountains to look up".

Yes, I am willing to "cut" the hair of trees rather than "amputate" them, and I am willing to "move the nest" for flowers and grasses instead of "cutting them down and rooting". The grass and trees have a proper space to grow, and they have my shelter, and as they grow, they grow indoors. But even if it grows indoors, eats under the vines, and talks under the needles of the iron tree, why is this bad? Man and nature are one, and their happiness is also harmonious.

Famous essay: a small grass

Everything is spiritual, and with a spiritual master like me, a little grass grew for no apparent reason by the window of my second-floor study. This is an ordinary grass that can no longer be ordinary, Gong Xiang Aunt did not notice it, Xiao'er En came to the study to rummage through the boxes and cabinets for fun and did not notice it, and I also watched the rain one night, inadvertently glanced at the corner of the window, and saw a handful of emerald green. It was in the rain, with raindrops hanging from its five slender needles, and the outdoor lights shone on it, and occasionally the wind blew, and it shook the blades to look energetic. Ah, a little grass! I don't know how long it has been.

Although the grass does not have the fragrance of roses, the tallness of bamboo, the vigor of pine cypresses, the "out of the mud without staining" of water lilies, the "fragrance of plum blossoms from the bitter cold", the romance of the sycamore when the leaves fall, and the poignancy of the pear blossoms after the rain, this ordinary grass, in the plant world, just like each of us ordinary people in the crowd, is also an equal life. It was destined to appear in front of my window on a stormy night. I don't get rid of it, it doesn't bother me, just quietly accompany me, watch me write, listen to me read, accompany me to listen to songs in a daze...

Since then, my soul has had one more home in the corner of the window.

In the summer heat, the grass occasionally softened, I sprinkled a few drops of water, and the next day it stood there vigorously, like a sentry; in the autumn, it began to wither and yellow, and watering did not help, I followed the laws of nature, silently and carefully sent this friend to re-melt into nature; in the middle of winter, it was gone, and I was left alone, looking at a small pile of grass in the corner of the window in a daze: Is the grass dead?

Without the company of the grass, I spent the long winter alone, and gradually got used to the days without the grass, and no longer went to the window corner to find the figure of this old friend. It wasn't until spring that the weather began to warm up and the garden began to come alive. I went back to my study and looked again at the grass in the corner of the window—life! The grass grew a pointed bud, emerald green, and there were some tiny red leaves like pinpoints bubbling up next to it. The grass is not dead! Seeing my old friend who has been away for many days again, I see the tenacity and hope of life. So I was like it, reading, writing, listening to songs, in a daze...

Famous essay: a small grass

The days passed like this, and the grass accompanied me for four spring, summer, autumn and winter.

After watching the dragon boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival last year, I returned home and found that the garden had become "neat", and the flowers and trees in the garden had fresh fractures. I was taken aback and caught my stupid wife Yujie and asked, "What happened?" ”

"The roots and roots of the trees are on the walls, and the flower beds are cracked, and they are going to be soaked in water." She triumphantly pointed to the "murder weapon" on the table, the brand-new tree shear, "I said that the garden should be taken care of, you see, how beautiful it is now!" ”

"Pretty fart, you executioner!" I pointed at her nose and scolded.

She didn't think so: "Your study has also been cleaned up for you, and the books are piled up, making life unable to take care of itself." ”

den! I was stunned, and suddenly had an ominous premonition, and rushed to the second floor.

Sure enough, the window was wiped clean, and the corner was as empty as a shooting range.

"What about him?!" I roared.

"Went to play the piano," Yu Jie said with a stammer and trepidation, "and drew your book again?" ”

"I'm not saying Grace, I'm talking about the grass?" I pointed to the corner of the window.

"Oh, shoveled. You said that your study has grown grass, and you are not afraid of other people's jokes when it goes out..."

Shovel?! I fell on the couch, my mind blank, looking at the empty window corner, leaving a scar on my heart.

Xiaocao, you and I have exhausted our fate, farewell forever! It is undeniable that all things have their final and only destination, and the program of the great machine of the universe has long been set. But you are still worth it, at least I have cared about you, recorded you, and more people will know that there was once such a small grass that meant a lot to me.

However, when spring turns to winter, the stars shift, and the other grasses on the vast earth, who will notice? Even a hundred years or a thousand years from now, who cares if each of us once lived on this earth?

Grass, be content! Rest in peace!

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