
Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"
Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

During the new year,

Li Bai, who was still a hairy boy, had a dream.

The spring afternoon was warm and melting, and the young man in the narrow-sleeved robe leaned on the branches of the tree with blades of grass, and the bed under the tree was scattered with paper and pencils, and scattered petals. A gentle wind blew, and he squinted, only to see the hairy tip of the pen bloom into a flower like a spell, and the paper rose in the air and spread out a long roll in front of him. Li Bai stroked his palm and laughed, grabbed the magic pen that had blossomed and waved it, and the ink fell on the paper, suddenly turning into a group of flowers, flowing out of the spring color as thick as wine...

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

"When Li Taibai was young, the pen used in the dream was full of flowers, and the day after tomorrow was not enough to become famous all over the world."

——Wudai Wang Renyu, "Kaiyuan Tianbao Relics: Dream Pen Head Flowers"

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

In the story of "Dream Pen Raw Flower", there is a "wooden pen" that can produce flowers, and there is a kind of flower, because it has a hairy flower bud, and it blooms without leaves, just like the magic pen of raw flowers, and it is called "wooden pen" - this is the magnolia flower.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

Since ancient times, magnolia has been favored by the literati and inkers, in addition to the "wooden pen", the ancients also gave magnolia a lot of elegant names, magnolia is proposed to be "jade tree", "Xinyi" mostly refers to purple magnolia.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

There is no jade tree in the world, please take advantage of this flower

The Ming Dynasty King Xiangjin's "Qunfang Spectrum" states: "The flower has nine petals, the color is white and slightly blue, and the fragrance is like an orchid, hence the name." Bushes, dried flowers, all woody, no soft strips. Buds are formed in the middle of winter and bloom in March. ”

Magnolia is a representative plant of the magnolia genus of the magnolia family, with a flowering period of March to April, a fruit ripening period of August to September, and the flowers open before the leaves, which has high ornamental value.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

The ancients viewed the white magnolia as high and immaculate, giving it the name of the pride of a gentleman, Li Yu in the "Idle Love", compared the white magnolia to the fairy tree in myths and legends, saying "there is no jade tree in the world, please take this flower as it.". The literati entered the painting with spring wind magnolia, which symbolizes the wind of a gentleman, such as Shen Zhou's "Painting the Axis of Zhilan Yushu" in the Ming Dynasty, which is titled: "Magnolia is a fragrant branch, and Youlan is out of a deep valley." Although the growth is different, the smell is different. ”

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

△ Ming Shen Zhou "Painting Zhilan Yushu" axis (partial)

Collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei

Folk like to juxtapose white magnolias with flowers and trees such as begonias, peonies, and osmanthus flowers, taking the Ruixiang meaning of "yutang rich". For example, hu mei's "Yutang Rich and Noble Map" in the Garden Culture Hall of the China Garden Museum.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

△ Qing Hu Mei, "Yutang FuguiTu" (partial)

The original is in the tianjin museum

Today, people still admire the style of magnolia. Suzhou Museum borrows the ancient painting intentions into the ingenuity of modern people, combined with metalworking technology, with Su embroidery as the expression technique, the magnolia flowers attached to the paper in Shen Zhou's "Flower and Bird Album" are made into lustrous jewelry, between the pitches, it seems that there is a dark incense floating, and spring is coming.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"
Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

△ "Huai Magnolia" series jewelry cultural creation

Exhibited at the China Garden Museum

"Lin Ying - Collection of Cultural and Creative Products of National Cultural and Cultural Institutions" exhibition

I don't know if I can wear magnolia flowers on my body, and I can also dream of blossoming brilliant pens.


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During the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, please abide by the national epidemic prevention regulations such as appointments, staggered peaks, flow restrictions, code inspections, and temperature measurements, obey the guidance of the staff, and thank you for your cooperation.

Please pay attention to the protection and safety, wear masks scientifically, maintain a distance of one meter, and enjoy the flowers in a civilized and safe manner.

Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"
Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"
Social education | the distance between you and the poetry immortals, a "wooden pen"

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