
Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

Planets and Moon, February 27 (and 28) morning

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

Readers who are interested may pay attention to the planets and moons on February 27, 2022. Near dawn, the Moon, Mars, and Venus will form a line and appear in the direction of the sunrise. The chart above is a view of the Northern Hemisphere, and readers in the Northern Hemisphere will most likely not see the Moon on February 28, unless they have extensive observation experience and excellent sky-based, supplemented by observation assistance equipment. Compared to the northern hemisphere, the view of the southern hemisphere is clearer, and the reader can browse another chart at the bottom of the article. Image credit: John Jardine Goss.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

Planets and Moon

At the end of February, those who are accustomed to getting up early will have the advantage of observing the planets, and there will be a lot of beautiful scenery before sunrise in the east. On February 27, the shining Venus, the blurry Mars, and the new moon will line up in an almost vertical line in the direction of sunrise. Two other planets, Saturn and Mercury, will also be there, hidden from the dazzling sunrise for observers of the Northern Hemisphere. But they are likely to be seen in the southern hemisphere, especially on the morning of February 28, when the moon becomes a very thin crescent moon, located near the sunrise.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

The Moon's closest time to Mars is 11:00 UTC or 5:00 AM China Standard Time on February 27. At that time the Moon would be 3.5 degrees southeast of Mars. Mars will flicker faintly at 1.3. The magnitude of Venus is -4.6.

If you look early enough before sunrise and the sky is relatively dark, you'll see stars surrounding the newly rising planets. The trio of Venus, Mars and Moon is all in front of sagittarius. The constellation teapot in Sagittarius is just to the right of the planetary line. The location of this trio is close to the starry belt we see in the Milky Way, through the dark sky. In fact, the specific angle in the direction of the Sagittarius sign is toward the center of the Milky Way.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

On the morning of February 27, 2022, Venus, Mars and the Moon were in front of Sagittarius. The striking motif of the teapot is near the planet and the moon. Image credit: Stellarium.

On February 28, the Moon and the two planets will meet together

On February 27, will you still see Mercury and Saturn in the Northern Hemisphere? They are located on the eastern side of the Venus, Mars, Lunar, and Lunar Samsung group, rising after the Samsung group has completely left the horizon (pictured below), a phenomenon that is more pronounced from the Western Hemisphere. Shortly after all four stars had risen, the sun rose on the eastern horizon, emitting an incomparably dazzling light that eclipsed the other stars.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

On the morning of February 28, the moon will also appear in the east and will be closer to Mercury and Saturn, but for the northern hemisphere, the three-star group will be difficult (almost impossible) to observe, because the later it rises, the closer it is to dawn. The moon on February 28, silver-edged, with only 6 percent brightness, is equally difficult to observe. A new round of the moon will appear in about two days.

The Moon's most recent Mercury time is at 23:00 p.m. Utc on February 28, 2022, or 5 p.m. Central Time (though, planets don't rise above the horizon at 5 p.m. Central American time!). Well, it just means that when you go and see them, they're not that close. Mercury has a brightness of -0.1, and the Moon is located 3.6 degrees southeast of it. Saturn is a little darker, with a brightness scale of 0.8.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

The picture shows the southern hemisphere view. If you're in Australia, try to see the sky in the early mornings of February 27 and 28, and there may be 4 planets near the horizon instead of 2, and the Northern Hemisphere won't be seen (at least not so easily). This is due to the fact that in the early autumn of the Southern Hemisphere (corresponding to our early spring in the Northern Hemisphere), the orbits of the eclipse or Sun and Moon planets are more likely to form favorable observational narrow angles with the pre-dawn horizon from the southern hemisphere angle. Drafted by John Jardine Goss

The most important thing to save until the end: 2022.2. The bottom crescent moon has two threesomes with the planets, one is 2.27.The morning moon golden fire companion, and the other is 2.28. The Northern Hemisphere has little or difficulty with the second Saturn and Mercury moons, but observers of the Southern Hemisphere can see it.

Related knowledge

Venus is the second farthest planet from the Sun, and it is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus, the brightest natural object in Earth's night sky beyond the Moon, casts shadows and is visible to the naked eye during the day. Venus is in Earth's orbit, so it never looks like it's ever far from the sun. In most cases, Venus is either a rising morning star or an evening star, rising in the east shortly before dawn and setting in the west shortly before dusk. Venus orbits the Sun for 224.7 Earth days at regular intervals. It has a daily distance of 117 Earth days and a star rotation period of 243 Earth days. As a result, it takes longer than any planet in the solar system to rotate around the axis, and it rotates in the opposite direction to Uranus. This means that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. The only feature of Venus is that there are no moons.

Please set the alarm clock, on weekends, the night sky can see the astronomical landscape of double stars with the moon

Venus is an Earth-like planet because of its size, mass proximity to that of the Sun, and similar composition, so it is sometimes referred to as Earth's "sister planet." Venus is very different from Earth in other ways. It has the densest atmosphere of the four Terrestrial planets and is composed of more than 96% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure on the planet's surface is about 92 times that of Earth's sea level, or about 900 times (3,000 feet) below Earth's water. Although Mercury is closer to the Sun, The surface of Venus is the hottest in the Solar System, with an average temperature of 737 k (464 °C; 867°F)。 Venus is covered by an opaque cloud of concentrated sulfuric acid that is highly reflective, making it impossible to see its surface from space. In the past it may have had oceans, but under the runaway greenhouse effect, this water will evaporate as the temperature rises. Water may have been dissociated by light, and free hydrogen was washed into interplanetary space by the solar wind due to the lack of planetary magnetic fields.

BY:Kelly Kizer Whitt

FY:Astronomical volunteer team

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