
The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

I believe that the biggest pleasure of many Yimeng Jianghu (former Chu Liuxiang mobile game) players in recent times is to go to Saibei to participate in a "bumping lantern" after doing daily tasks. As a holiday time-limited play, the bumper lights are not only fun, but also have a lot of rewards. There are titles, treasure chests. As well as obtaining Lamp Points and Lantern Pass Treasures in exchange for various items.

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

The gameplay of "bumping the lantern" is actually very similar to curling, and the player must accurately stop at the bullseye position by the force of throwing the lantern. You can even hit your opponent's flower lantern so that your opponent won't get a higher score. At the same time as playing, some players began to worry, what should I do if I can't play after the holiday event?

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

In fact, there is no need to be afraid, because every time there is an event, Yimeng Jianghu will launch some special mini-games. The last time the Jinling Magic Club opened, players can also play a variety of ways to play such as cutting in line, grabbing seats, guessing lantern riddles and so on. Let's take stock of the most interesting mini-games in the dream world!

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

Spend a hundred million

Spending a hundred million can still participate now, our broken master brother has a distant relative, leaving a large inheritance to the broken move. If you want to inherit this inheritance, you have to complete the task of spending a hundred million. This can break the trick. I believe that everyone is also very interested in this game, after all, it is not okay to earn a small goal, and it is not easy to spend a small goal?

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

Step on ice cubes

Stepping on ice is the Lantern Festival gameplay in 2020, which is a small game that players like very much, there are many ice cubes that look exactly the same on the water, but some ice cubes are not very strong. Walking up may fall into the water, and the player needs to listen to the sound of stepping on the ice cube to determine whether the ice is strong or not. Finally, the lanterns on the ice are collected.

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god


Peek-a-boo believes that many people have played since childhood. It is a limited-time event in a dream, and the number of times you can participate per week is limited. Unlike when we were children, our peek-a-boo cats not only need to be hidden, but can also be turned into various furniture. How to integrate with the scene has become a problem that players think about every day. Peekaboo can accommodate up to 7 people, and 5 people hide for 2 people to hunt.

The funniest mini-game in a dream? Player: Suggest a title mini-game god

Of course, the little games in a dream are far more than that. It's just too much to list, and there are snares, catching murderers, garbage sorting, food delivery..... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dream amusement park. Many players have called for the title of a small game god to make themselves powerful. So do you want to experience such a fun way to play? Then hurry up and join the dream!

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