
[Korean Media] Shin Zhenchen: Specially prepared for Ke Jie's separate battle, he prejudged the opponent's moves, so he took it lightly

[Korean Media] Shin Zhenchen: Specially prepared for Ke Jie's separate battle, he prejudged the opponent's moves, so he took it lightly

In the 13th round of the 23rd Nongshim Cup Ring, Shen Zhenchen defeated Ke Jie in 228 hands to win three consecutive victories, one step closer to completing the big reversal. Tomorrow there will be a championship battle with Japan's Ichigo.

[Korean Media] Shin Zhenchen: Specially prepared for Ke Jie's separate battle, he prejudged the opponent's moves, so he took it lightly

After 2 hours and 40 minutes of the game, Ke Jie clicked the "Concede" button, issued a greeting of "It's good to be down" and then exited the room.

The following is a post-match interview:

Korean media: What is the victory impression?

Shen Zhenchen: The Nongshim Cup started, and the layout was prepared separately for Ke Jie, and I don't know what will happen (laughs). The layout started well, then proceeded as expected and ended up winning easily.

Korean media: From the layout to start down quickly, is there any research?

Shin: The game went according to what I thought, I successfully predicted the opponent's moves, and the preparation came in handy, so the victory was easy.

Korean media: Looking forward to tomorrow's game, what are you going to do?

Shen Zhenchen: Judging from the content, this game of chess was won very easily and the mood was very good. Tomorrow will do my best because it is the last innings.

Korean media: What kind of opponent is it to evaluate tomorrow's opponent?

Shin Shin: Like Yuta Iyama, she is the strongest player in Japan. I think as long as you don't fall behind when you fight, you will win.

Korean media: What is the mood of facing the final battle?

Shin: If you want to play chess with good content like this, you will try to become the winner of the end.

[Korean Media] Shin Zhenchen: Specially prepared for Ke Jie's separate battle, he prejudged the opponent's moves, so he took it lightly

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