
It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

author:Eggplant on the past and the present

The cold wind howls in Beijing. 39-year-old Chen Lin stood on the balcony of her friend Zhang Qiang's house, her eyes gloomy, and her heart was hiding unspeakable pain. She has given warmth and comfort to countless people, but now she can't heal the wounds in her heart.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and leaped forward.

On this day, it happens to be her ex-husband Shen Yongge's birthday, and she herself will celebrate her 40th birthday in just ten days. However, this autumn, a former radiant life came to an abrupt end.

This former queen of the music world has drawn an end to her legendary life of becoming popular at the age of 23 and appearing on the stage of the Bird's Nest at the age of 37 in such a decisive way.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

In 2007, the 37-year-old Chen Lin stood at the peak of her career and became the first singer to hold a solo concert at the Bird's Nest. That night, the stage lights were bright, the singing was loud, and Chen Lin stood in the center of the stage, shining brightly.

However, only she knows what a heavy price has come to be paid behind this glory.

Chen Lin began her musical career at the age of 23. As soon as her debut album "I Will Never Understand Your Tenderness" was released, it was like a dazzling meteor, instantly lighting up the entire Chinese music scene.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

This song not only made her famous overnight, but also became the youth memory of countless people in that era, and then, Chen Lin pursued the victory and launched a series of best-selling albums such as "Please Don't Say You Love Me Again" and "Love is Love", each album has achieved good results, allowing her to win countless awards and applause, and firmly occupy the throne of the queen of the music world.

However, behind this glamorous beauty, only she can understand the bitterness that Chen Lin has paid, and she has paid unimaginable bitterness and physical overdraft in order to maintain her status in the music world.

She has almost no time to rest, running between the recording studio and the stage day after daySometimes, she even coughs up blood while recording, but she still insists on getting the job done In the eyes of outsiders, she is a dazzling star; But in the eyes of some people, she is more like a "cash cow" that is constantly being exploited.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Standing on the stage of the Bird's Nest, Chen Lin's heart was full of contradictions. On the one hand, I am proud of my achievements, and on the other hand, I am lonely and tired like never before. This concert is not only the pinnacle of her career, but also a turning point in her life.

Since that incident, Chen Lin has begun to think deeply: what is really important? Is it a rising music career, or peace of mind and happiness? She began to question whether the years of work she had put in were worth it, and at the same time began to wonder if this musical path was really what she wanted.

However, the gears of fate have begun to turn. Just as she was standing at the pinnacle of her career, the haze of life was quietly enveloping her. High-intensity work, emotional frustration and inner loneliness are intertwined, like an invisible net, slowly entwining her.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin's experience allows us to see the little-known side behind success, and tells us that while pursuing our dreams, we must also know how to love ourselves and listen to our inner voice. Because sometimes, what seems like a brilliant life may be just a gorgeous one-man show.

Chen Lin's story begins in the vibrant city of Chongqing. From an early age, she demonstrated exceptional artistic talent, especially in dance. At the age of 15, with her persistent love for art, she chose to study at the Sichuan Provincial Dance Academy, which laid a solid foundation for her future music career.

In the colorful life of the academy, Chen Lin not only improved her dancing skills, but also cultivated a love for the stage. After graduating, she successfully entered a quyi troupe and began a seemingly smooth career.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

However, the flame deep inside her heart is always burning, and she longs for a bigger stage and longs to convey emotions with her voice.

Just when everyone thought she had found a place to live, Chen Lin made a surprising decision: quit her stable job and sing in a bar in Chengdu.

This decision seemed risky and even a little crazy at the time, but it was this decision that completely changed the trajectory of Chen Lin's life.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin played freely on the small stage of the bar and sang her inner story. She threw herself into every night, and this stage gave her the opportunity to be herself and also allowed her to find her own musical style.

Fate always favors those who are prepared. On an ordinary night, a man named Wang Xiaojing walked into a bar. As the agent of former rock singer Cui Jian, Wang Xiaojing has a keen sense of music.

When he heard Chen Lin's singing, he was immediately attracted by her talent, and he saw the huge potential in Chen Lin at a glance and immediately decided to introduce her into his company.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

With the assistance of Wang Xiaojing, 23-year-old Chen Lin launched her debut novel "I Will Never Understand Your Tenderness". The album sold far more than anyone expected, surpassing 1.5 million copies, making Chen Lin a household name overnight.

Chen Lin's life is like taking a direct train to success, she has jumped from an unknown bar singer to a pop diva who attracts everyone's attention. Her singing voice warms the hearts of countless people, and her story inspires countless young people with dreams.

However, standing at the pinnacle of success, Chen Lin may not have imagined that this was just the beginning of her life journey. In the years to come, she will experience more ups and downs, facing more challenges and trials.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

However, Chen Lin, who came out of a small town, has used her own efforts and talents to carve her own mark on the Chinese music scene.

Chen Lin's music career has reached its peak, but her love life is full of twists and turns like her songs. Her first husband was Shen Yongge, who played a crucial role in Chen Lin's music career.

Shen Yongge is Chen Lin's husband and the promoter of her career. The two met at the beginning of Chen Lin's career, had a good impression of each other, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

After getting married, Shen Yongge gave full play to his musical talent and wrote and produced one popular song after another for Chen Lin, pushing her to the throne of the queen of the music world. However, as time passed, the marriage began to see the essence of its business cooperation. Chen Lin in Shen Yongge's eyes is more like a carrier of musical works, a cash cow that can continue to bear money fruits.

He constantly arranged jobs for Chen Lin and squeezed her talent, but ignored her feelings as a wife and as an individual.

Chen Lin's physical and mental health deteriorated due to high-intensity work. Sometimes, she coughs up blood in the studio, but she grits her teeth and persists in her commitment to her fans more than herself.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

However, her efforts did not win her husband's pity, on the contrary, Shen Yongge began to be ambiguous with other female singers, and even openly cheated, which undoubtedly gave Chen Lin a heavy blow.

Chen Lin's marriage finally broke down completely, and this traumatic marriage brought deep scars to her heart and made her deeply doubt love. She chose to devote all her energy to music creation, hoping to numb her pain and escape her inner pain through work.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. When Chen Lin planned to move forward independently, love once again knocked on the door of her heart. In 2009, she flashed married Zhang Chaofeng, who was an assistant and guitarist, which surprised everyone.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

What is embarrassing is that this marriage did not bring Chen Lin the happiness she expected. Instead, it became the last straw that overwhelmed her. Unlike Shen Yongge's situation, Zhang Chaofeng failed to give Chen Lin the slightest help in her career, but instead plunged her into deeper pain.

It is rumored that Zhang Chaofeng's married life is bohemian and extravagant, and he is not good to Chen Lin, and there are even rumors of domestic violence.

The damage caused by this marriage, which lasted only three months, far exceeded Chen Lin's imagination. Once sunny and cheerful, she became silent, and the brilliance in her eyes gradually disappeared.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin, who used to warm others with her singing, is now unable to warm herself.

After two marriages and two heart-wrenching injuries, Chen Lin's life finally fell into the abyss. She used her life to practice the lyrics in her famous work "I Will Never Understand Your Tenderness", and the sadness hidden in the song finally became a reality.

The tragedy of Chen Lin's marriage is not a personal misfortune, but a reflection of the problems that existed in the society at that time. While pursuing career success, it is worth pondering issues such as balancing one's emotional life and maintaining an independent personality in marriage.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin's story shows us that no matter how successful a person is in their career, if they are not emotionally satisfied, life will lose its luster. Love should be a journey for both parties to support each other and progress together, rather than one party taking advantage of the other's relationship.

Everyone should be respected and valued, not used as a tool to achieve a certain end.

In Chen Lin's colorful music career, there is a little-known but meaningful episode, that is, the intersection between her and Yang Kun, a powerful singer in the current Chinese music scene. This experience not only showcased Chen's generosity and generosity, but also reflected her pure love for music.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

That year, Yang Kun was still an ordinary and difficult bar singer, who suffered many blows in his life and encountered many setbacks. But at this moment, his life took a huge turn.

Once, Chen Lin heard Yang Kun's singing voice by chance and was deeply attracted by his voice and musical talent.

Yang Kun's musical talent made Chen Lin immediately notice him and realize his potential. Although she herself was at the peak of her career, she did not hesitate to introduce this strange junior to her husband Shen Yongge. Not only that, but she also personally took Yang Kun to perform everywhere and went all out to promote this newcomer.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin's support and help have gradually made Yang Kun recognized by the industry. In the end, he became famous because of the song "It Doesn't Matter" and quickly became popular across the country. Today, Yang Kun has become a resident tutor of music programs and has occupied a place in the Chinese music scene.

However, life is impermanent. Chen Lin, who was discerning back then, has passed away, leaving endless sighs. This experience shows Chen Lin's love for music and her tolerant and open-minded mind.

Even in her prime, she is still willing to selflessly support and help a strange junior.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin made Yang Kun, but he was not saved in the end. It's an ironic contrast that makes one feel the impermanence of fate. At the same time, it also tells us that in the process of pursuing career success, we must not ignore the care for ourselves and listen to our inner voice.

Because sometimes, the person who achieves others may be the one who needs the most help.

Sadly, on October 31, 2009, Chen Lin's life came to an abrupt end, and the news shocked the entire Chinese music scene. Her funeral was held in Babaoshan, Beijing, and many friends in the circle came to say goodbye, and the atmosphere was sad and solemn.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Han Hong, Na Ying and other former colleagues were even more saddened, saddened by the early death of this talented musician.

However, at this solemn and solemn moment, a chilling scene occurred. Chen Lin's two ex-husbands, Shen Yongge and Zhang Chaofeng, did not attend her funeral. This move has aroused strong doubts and criticism from the public, and people can't help but sigh at the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

What is embarrassing is that after Chen Lin passed away, the disputes that should have been settled intensified. Her two ex-husbands took Chen Lin's mother to court for an inheritance, a farce that not only deepened Chen's mother's grief, but also gave the public a deeper understanding of the dark side of human nature.

It turns out that she is long gone! At the age of 23, he became popular and held a concert in the Bird's Nest, but at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping off a building

Chen Lin's life is full of drama, she has warmed the hearts of countless people with music, but in the end she cannot heal the pain in her heart. "Love is love, why bother asking if it's a robbery or a mistake", this lyric before her death seems to be a portrayal of her life.

She was born for love, and she died for love, leaving the world with eternal singing and endless regrets Chen Lin's story has become a microcosm of an era, allowing us to see the shadow behind success, and also making us rethink the meaning of life.

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