
Cultural heritage of Qingyang (I and a city)

Cultural heritage of Qingyang (I and a city)

The picture shows the scenery of Qingyang in Gansu. Photographed by Wang Shijun

Where is Qingyang? Qingyang is in Gansu, but close to Shaanxi. In the narrow strip of Gansu stretching from the Huangsha Desert to the Loess Plateau for three thousand miles, Qingyang lives in a corner of the east, like a pass connecting east and west, and like a jade ruyi delivered to the land of Sanqin for thousands of miles. Qingyang is only about 200 kilometers away from Xi'an and Xianyang, but more than 400 kilometers away from the provincial capital Lanzhou. It is far from the hinterland of Gansu, and in terms of language, diet, and customs, it is different from other parts of Gansu, but it has many similarities with Guanzhong in Shaanxi.

There is a white deer plain in the Qinchuan River in Guanzhong, and there is also Dong Zhiyuan in longdong. I think that in those days, how many heroic stories that had happened on this reckless And cangdong Zhiyuan had now become like smoke and past events, floating in the sky of history. From Xi'an and Xianyang to Qingyang, it is bound to cross the heavy ravine beams, especially the Yongshou beams that stretch across them, which makes people look at it as if they are afraid. However, I am talking about the past, and now it is much more convenient to go to Qingyang. In addition to the continuous expansion and quality of the original airport and highway, highways and high-speed railways have also been opened in recent years, making the connection between Xixian and Longdong more convenient.

In the 1980s, on the eve of the college entrance examination, I watched the movie "Life" based on Lu Yao's novel, which was an inspirational movie special organized by the county cultural and educational bureau, and the purpose was to cheer for the college entrance examination. There is a line in the film that speaks of Tianjin. At that time, I was in my hometown, imagining the unknown Tianjin in the distance, it was as if I were in the sky. Later, when I was admitted to college and really arrived in Tianjin, a classmate asked me if I rode a camel to school every day in Gansu, and I replied that it was actually far from the desert, and I had never seen a camel or the like, and my classmates did not quite believe it. It seems that whether it is looking at Tianjin in Qingyang or looking at Qingyang in Tianjin, in the consciousness of the people of the two places at that time, it was far away, which was really an interesting observation perspective.

At that time, I had not yet taken a half step out of my homeland, and I was extremely yearning for the outside world, and I did not really understand my hometown. With the increase of age and experience, my understanding of Qingyang has also deepened. Qingyang has a long history, and the ancestors of Zhou Qin once left footprints here. This place is also quite related to the medical scientist Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, and the Chinese medicine culture and Chinese farming culture are deeply rooted in this land. Among the more than three hundred poems in the Book of Poetry, it has been found that many of them are written about the customs of Qingyang, which is rare. The Great Wall is like a bow, and the straight road is like an arrow. The "Qin Straight Road", which is comparable to the Great Wall of Qin, has important military and strategic value in history, and can be described as a highway at that time, starting from Xianyang, passing through the territory of Qingyang, and stretching all the way to Shuofang.

From the pre-Qin Dynasty, through the Han and Tang Dynasties, as for the Northern Song Dynasty, Qingyang, which was in the long river of history, was not far from the political center of the time for a long time. In the subsequent historical process, Qingyang continued to contribute ideas and wisdom, and celebrity anecdotes were endlessly stranded in the rivers of history.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Qingyang was called Gyeongju. Fan Zhongyan, a famous minister of the generation who was worried about the world, made many achievements in his tenure in Gyeongju Zhiju, and fully demonstrated his extraordinary political and military talents. As a literary master, the famous poem "Fisherman's Pride QiuSi" written during the Shubian period has famous sentences such as "The scenery of the autumn is different, and the geese in Hengyang go without paying attention" have been passed down from generation to generation, and the artistic conception is ancient. According to one of my high school classmates, when he was studying for a doctorate with Mr. Qigong, when he learned that he was from Qingyang, he casually recited Fan Zhongyan's words several times, and the most was these two sentences. What is particularly amazing is that Fan Zhongyan and his two sons, Fan Chunren and Fan Chunchun, did not shy away from the north at all, and the two generations of father and son and two brothers actually served as Gyeongju Zhizhou four times. They continued to struggle in the same place, leaving behind the good name and good story of good governance.

Since ancient times and today, Qingyang has a pure Zhou Qin dialect, a pure Qin traditional opera, and a pure Guanlong cuisine with noodles. In recent years, the deeper I know about my hometown, the more deeply I feel that Qingyang people are quite ancient, and it is really an ancient road hot sausage.

Of course, the connotation of Qingyang is far more than that. Qingyang's oil, gas and coal resources are amazing. Just as everyone used to know Daqing Oilfield, Changqing Oilfield is now becoming familiar to people as an extremely important super-large oil and gas field in China. However, people may not know that many wells and refineries in Changqing Oilfield are in Qingyang, and its headquarters have long been located in Qingyang. Changqing Oilfield has been developed since the 1970s, and its output has continued to reach new highs. In particular, the natural gas from Changqing Oilfield is continuously transported to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei every day, to Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, supplying gas to many large and medium-sized cities. In 2020, the builders of Changqing Oilfield also gathered in Qingyang to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the development and construction of Changqing Oilfield. I still vividly remember that more than forty years ago, in my hometown of Qingyang, a group of young people who flipped their feet on their fur shoes and spoke in a southern and northern tone came from afar for the sake of the motherland's oil cause, built camps in the open space outside the village, set up tents, ate and slept in the wind, and launched a fiery oil battle in an all-round way.

For a long time, Qingyang has sunk into the depths of history. With the footsteps of national development, the ancient Qingyang has once again rejuvenated. In recent years, the expressway and high-speed railway that run through the Longdong Plateau have been opened successively, which has become a major event that has changed the lives of thousands of people. When people ride by car and high-speed rail, who can think of the thick history recorded in the land under their feet, and it is even more difficult to think that in this deep layer of loess, there are still more ancient secrets buried - here, there was once a river pterodactyl that lived "water, land and air", and the giant yellow river ancient elephant. Their fossils are buried here as evidence of their existence.

When I was a child, in the fields of my hometown, I could occasionally pick up ancient objects that were exposed to the ground, as well as fossils of ancient creatures called "keels". The local residents, young and old, held a simple but firm belief that the ancient objects may have come from their ancestors and should be shared by all, and should not be appropriately owned. This is exactly the kind of reverence for history that the simple villagers have. The people living in this ancient land, no matter how the world changes, have always talked about etiquette, rules, honesty, feelings, and most importantly, the local dialect of "reason", and have a spirit of respecting ancestors, respecting tradition and history.

It is said that a professor from Qingyang gave a lecture in the Qingyang dialect one day when he was teaching a course on Tang poetry in the university, and the students found that there was much compatibility with the pronunciation of ancient words. The authenticity of this anecdote has yet to be examined, but in the daily life of the people of Longdong today, some remnants of the ancient language can still be felt. One of the ancient characters with the highest appearance rate in the Guanlong dialect is a "咥" character. There are many meanings, mainly the meaning of eating, but it is not exactly equivalent to eating, or it can be close to eating a lot, and the extreme of eating is called eating. The old bowl is full of food, and the rice bowl should be large, the amount of rice should be large, and the momentum should be large.

In Qingyang, both urban and rural areas revere literature and the Tao, and it has become a common practice to respect teachers and re-teach. The residents of this place, many of whom write well and read well, have a strong atmosphere of "depressed and literary". The local villagers sometimes speak half-written and half-white, and so do they. Some local people are very familiar with the Qin dialect and Taoist drama mixed with wenbai, and are familiar with many literary and historical records. Locals call telling historical stories "talking about ancient and modern", which refers to history, but connects with the present. Every experienced elder, as well as a small partner who loves to read, is a good hand at "talking about ancient and modern", and is a storyteller of the "Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" stories.

Over the years, whenever I talk about Qingyang, think of Qingyang, or even return to Qingyang and set foot on the land of Qingyang, I will feel its thick culture and extraordinary vitality more deeply.

People's Daily ( 2022-02-26 08 edition)

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